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  • 时差N小时 宇航员如何在太空中上厕所?(下)

    On the earliest space flights, astronauts had to tape a bag to their bodies to catch the waste, but that got pretty messy, so don't try it at home. 在最早的太空飞行中,宇航员不得不在身上系一个袋子收集排泄物,但是那样很...

  • 时差N小时 如何准确预测火山爆发时间和地点?(上)

    Its time again for the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 又到科学一刻之读者来信的时刻了。一位听众写道: Dear A Moment of Science, 亲爱的科学一刻, Ive always been fascinated by volcanoes. So I was wonderin...

  • 时差N小时 如何准确预测火山爆发时间和地点?(下)

    Using satellite images, they built computer models and found that magma chambers can exist only 0.62 miles underground. 他们利用卫星图像建造计算机模型,发现岩浆库存在于地下0.62英里处。 Thats really shallow, considering t...

  • 时差N小时 听诊器的发明是个尴尬的意外(上)

    In the early 1800s, a French physician named Rene Laennec had a dilemma. 19世纪初,法国内科医生雷纳-雷奈克陷入了两难。 He needed to listen to the heart sounds of a young woman with signs of heart disease. 一位有心脏病迹象的...

  • 时差N小时 听诊器的发明是个尴尬的意外(下)

    Laennec named his invention the stethoscope, from the Greek words for chest and to view, 雷奈克将这一发明命名为听诊器,该词取自希腊语中的胸部及观察二词, because it opened a new window into what was happening in the he...

  • 时差N小时 泰坦尼克号为何会撞上冰川?(上)

    Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, the great ocean liner that struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. 大家都知道泰坦尼克号的故事,这艘豪华巨轮因撞上冰山,最后沉入了大西洋。 Less widely known...

  • 时差N小时 泰坦尼克号为何会撞上冰川?(下)

    Pushed by wind and the Labrador Current, Greenland-produced icebergs drift southward. 受海风和拉布拉多洋流的推动,来自格陵兰岛的冰山逐渐向南漂移。 Many become stuck in shallow waters, but those that stay in the main curr...

  • 时差N小时 鲸鱼也怕被晒伤?(上)

    The ozone layer is thinner than it used to be. 如今的臭氧层比过去要稀薄很多。 This fact has motivated humans to keep themselves protected from the suns ultraviolet, or UV, rays. 这就促使人类保护自身免受来自太阳的紫外线...

  • 时差N小时 鲸鱼也怕被晒伤?(下)

    University of London researchers theorize that there may be some correlation between the severity of skin damage and the amount of time spent at the oceans surface, which varies based on whale species. 伦敦大学的研究人员推理说,鲸鱼晒伤...

  • 时差N小时 为什么肥皂水能吹泡泡?(上)

    Even as adults we still enjoy blowing bubbles, dont we? 即使我们已经成年但却仍然喜欢吹泡泡,对吧? If youve ever wondered why blowing on a thin film of soapy water creates bubbles, this is your lucky day. 如果你也曾好奇为何...

  • 时差N小时 为什么肥皂水能吹泡泡?(下)

    The addition of soap helps because these molecules have two distinct ends, one that is attracted to water, and one that is not. 将肥皂加入水中有利于产生泡泡,因为肥皂分子拥有亲水和疏水两端。 When a wand is dipped into s...

  • 时差N小时 大自然中的基因交易(上)

    Wouldnt it be great if we could trade genes with other species? 如果我们能和其他物种交换基因该有多好? For example, suppose you could trade the family cat your genes for intelligence for its genes for physical coordination! 例如,...

  • 时差N小时 大自然中的基因交易(下)

    In order to add some variety to their genetic makeup, bacteria swap genes with other bacteria. 为丰富基因结构的多样性,细菌与细菌会进行基因交易。 They trade tiny loops of DNA called plasmids. A bacterium makes a plasmid by co...

  • 时差N小时 人类语言的起源(上)

    Scientists have searched for the origins of human speech in the hoots, grunts, and other vocalizations made by primates. 科学家一直通过研究灵长类动物发出的叫声、呼噜声以及其他声音来寻找人类语言的起源。 It would...

  • 时差N小时 人类语言的起源(下)

    Like human speech, lip smacking requires quick, controlled movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, and hyoid bone, which supports the larynx and tongue. 与人类语言一样,灵长类的唇动需要控制嘴唇、舌头、下颚以及支撑喉、舌的舌...
