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  • 时差N小时 牧羊犬和狼

    If you ever see a sheepdog at work, you might be amazed at how well suited its actions are to the very human concern of keeping a flock of sheep together. What's more amazing, much of a sheepdog's behavior doesn't have to be trained, but is already p...

  • 时差N小时 治愈色盲的新希望

    Don: I feel bad for male squirrel monkeys. 唐:我觉得雄性松鼠猴很可怜。 Yale: What? Why? 雅艾尔:什么?为什么? Don: Because they can't detect the colors red and greenthey're red-green colorblind. 唐:因为他们分不清红...

  • 时差N小时 如何要求加薪

    Woman: Good afternoon, Mr Carlson. Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me. 女士:早上好,卡尔松先生。感谢您百忙中抽空与我交谈。 Man: I always make time for my best workers, Clorial. Please have a seat. What...

  • 时差N小时 聊聊寒假

    Mike: I just finished taking my last test! Now I don't have to use my brain at all for the next two weeks. I'm going to play video games and watch TV all vacation. 迈克:我刚考完最后一场考试!接下来两周我不必再用脑子了。我要...

  • 时差N小时 平流层细菌

    Don: Nice telescope, Yael, what are you looking at? 唐:不错的望远镜,雅艾尔,你在看什么? Yale: Bacteria. 雅艾尔:细菌。 Don: In space? 唐:在太空吗? Yale: Not that far out, Don. Scientists recently collected three...

  • 时差N小时 啤酒能源

    There's nothing like a cold beer on a hot, sunny day. And in our energy conscious world, that brew is even better if it were made using fuel recycled from brewery waste. That's exactly what a team of German scientists is up to. 再没有什么比在炎...

  • 时差N小时 有用的阑尾

    Dear a moment of science: I used to think that the appendix is useless, but now I'm hearing that the appendix actually does serve a purpose. So, which is it? 亲爱的科学时刻:以前我觉得阑尾是无用的,但最近我听说阑尾实际上也...

  • 时差N小时 头发的生长

    Whether you have a full head of curly blond hair or a nearly bald head with dark hair, the growth of your hair begins in the skin on your scalp. On the surface of your head, the outer layer of cellscalled the epidermisis between ten and twenty layers...

  • 时差N小时 雨滴的多种形状

    When it's raining, it may seem that every raindrop is the samesame size, same basic shape, same wetness. But if you could compare and measure raindrops, you'd find that they're not all the same size or shape. In fact, raindrops vary from one to six m...

  • 时差N小时 扫描有风险?

    Dear Yael and Don: I know that imaging tests like CT scans and MRI and nuclear imaging are great tools because they allow doctors to see inside the body. But don't they also expose people to radiation? And if so, isn't this a bad thing? 亲爱的雅艾...

  • 时差N小时 芳香和毒药

    Yale: What's that smell? 雅艾尔:那是什么味道? Don: We'll talking about a study on smell? 唐:我们将谈论气味的研究吗? Yale: No,I smell something like perfume or airfresher. 雅艾尔:不,我闻到一股香水或是空气清...

  • 时差N小时 农夫和树

    Dear Don and Yale: For a long time now, decades probably, I've been hearing about deforestation. But who, exactly, is cutting down all the trees? 亲爱的唐和雅艾尔:长久以来,或许几十年以来,关于滥砍滥伐的事情我听得太多...

  • 时差N小时 食物与情绪

    When we think about a pill that helps an overweight person take off the pounds, we usually think of an appetite suppressant. But suppressing your appetite will only help you lose weight if the reason you eat is because you are hungry. Some people eat...

  • 时差N小时 聊聊改变

    Mike: I'm bored. Everything's the same every day. I want to make a change. 迈克:我好无聊。每一天都是一样。我想做些改变。 Amanda: What kind of change? 阿曼达:怎么改变? Mike: I think I'll shave my head bald. 迈克:我...

  • 时差N小时 蜂蜜为什么变硬?

    If a little honey drizzled on a piece of homemade toast or into a cup of tea is how you like to start the day, you're not alone. One drawback to honey, though, is that after sitting too long on the shelf, it crystallizes and that soft, amber liquid t...
