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  • 时差N小时 为什么男孩会变声?

    Why A Boy's Voice Changes 为什么男孩会变声 For adolescent boys, a changing voice that cracks in the middle of a sentence can be a great embarrassment. Though embarrassing, a cracking voice is a natural part of adolescent development. As a boy...

  • 时差N小时 改過自新 洗心革面

    In latitudes that have four seasons, springtime means the rebirth of nature. Flowers bloom and trees grow new leaves. So it is easy to imagine this idiom, which indicates renewal, as having a springtime association. After all, isn't trying to improve...

  • 时差N小时 起死回生?

    Bringing The Dead Back To Life? Is it possible to bring the dead back to life? Maybe not, but scientists at Penn State University have done the next best thing. They found a tiny bacterium that's been trapped miles below Greenland ice sheets for the...

  • 时差N小时 决定你薪酬的关键因素

    Dear Yael and Don: I've heard that people who are good looking make more money than people who aren't as attractive. If that's true, what's the psychology behind it? 亲爱的雅艾尔和唐:我听说长相漂亮的人比那些不太有吸引力的人...

  • 时差N小时 黑头莺为何改变迁徙模式?

    Blackcaps are small songbirds that breed in Central Europe. Fifty years ago, most blackcaps went south for the winter to Spain or Portugal. But since the 1960s more and more blackcaps have started wintering in Britain and Ireland. By 2003, blackcaps...

  • 时差N小时 毕业班倦怠症

    I've recently spoken very directly with a few of my students about a malady that afflicts a certain small percentage of students in that final run of days that lead to the big one: GRADUATION DAY. That malady is not the dreaded H1N1 virus, nor bronch...

  • 时差N小时 食物链守则

    Biologists who study nature's food chain agree about the basic links in the chain: sunlight provides fuel for plants, plants are consumed by herbivores, and herbivores are eaten by carnivores. But researchers aren't sure about all the factors that co...

  • 时差N小时 身体的移动和问题的解决

    Don: Yael,can you help me with this crossword puzzle? I need a four letters word that had something to do with good table manners. 唐:雅艾尔,你能帮我解这道填字游戏吗?我需要一个四个字母的单词,是关于保持良好的饭...

  • 时差N小时 动物受激后打哈欠

    If you've ever visited a zoo, you've probably seen animals yawn. You might have thought those yawns were a result of boredom, but research has suggested that most animals do not yawn for precisely the same reasons as humans. 如果你曾参观过动物...

  • 时差N小时 手相专家

    People curious about their fate could consult a palm reader who would tell their fortune by looking at the lines on their palm. While there's no scientific evidence linking the lines on your palm to your fate or fortune, scientists have learned that...

  • 时差N小时 中式英文令老师头痛

    Local newspapers jumped on a story this week on the topic of Chinglish. Chinglish is not a new word. I heard it for the first time 30 years ago. At times Chinglish can be charming. At the wrong moment, however, Chinglish can annoy readers, and embarr...

  • 时差N小时 鸟能识别人类吗?

    How dumb, or smart, are birds? Calling someone a birdbrain is usually meant as an insult. But many birds are quite clever. Take, for example, the mockingbird. To you and me, one mockingbird might look pretty much like any other. But from the birds' p...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么需要细菌?

    The word bacteria likely conjures up nasty images in your mind of E. coli, several strains of which are a common cause of food poisoning. You're reminded of the Black Death, a series of bacteria-inspired plagues that swept through 14th century Europe...

  • 时差N小时 永远记住面孔?

    Remembering Faces Forever? Are you good at remembering faces? How about the face of a stranger you passed in the supermarket aisle three months ago? Or the face of a waitress who served you dinner last year? That may seem unlikely, but some people ar...

  • 时差N小时 梦里的时间是怎么推移的?

    Many people believe that hours worth of events and activities can be dreamed about in a matter of seconds. Despite this common belief about how we dream, time in dreams actually is not compressed. 很多人认为长达几个小时的事件或者活动,...
