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  • 时差N小时 去听声音的季节变化

    For those of us who live in the northern part of the United States, perhaps no other season transforms the environment quite as much as winter. 对于那些生活在美国北部的人来说,也许与其它季节相比,冬季的环境变化更大。...

  • 时差N小时 黄蜂和玫瑰的对话

    The conversation of wasps and roses on today's moment of science. 时差N小时:黄蜂和玫瑰的对话 Have you ever started talking to someone, only to discover you have nothing in common and, therefore, nothing to say? 你曾有过这样的经历...

  • 时差N小时 为什么彩虹是弯曲的?

    Why Rainbows Are Curved? 为什么彩虹是弯曲的? To see why rainbows are curved, it helps to understand what causes them in the first place. 要明白彩虹为什么是弯曲的,首先要知道彩虹是怎么形成的。 We see rainbows when...

  • 时差N小时 臭味更易引发消极的梦

    You know how sometimes things that happen in the real world can affect your dreams? 你知道现实生活发生的事情是怎么影响你的梦境吗? Like you might think fleetingly of someone and then have that person pop up in a dream. Or a noi...

  • 时差N小时 美国太空总署公佈最新月球探测车

    NASA unveiled a new lunar rover which aims to transform space exploration by allowing astronauts to roam large distances without cumbersome spacesuits when they return to the moon by 2020. 美国宇航局推出了一款新型月球车,旨在让宇航...

  • 时差N小时 勒紧裤带过日子

    In these days of dieting and weight watching, most people would love to be able to tighten their belt after losing a few kilograms. In times when food and jobs were scarce, however, tightening one's belt was a sign that times were getting worse, and...

  • 时差N小时 试探舆论反应

    Most of us know balloons from festivals and fun fairs, where they are colorful and amusing, but in the 19th century, before airplanes were invented, balloons were used in wartimes to spy on the enemy position. One or two men would go up with a telesc...

  • 时差N小时 恶搞改编歌曲

    Mike:Is that the Backstreet Boys you're listening to? 麦克:你听的是后街男孩的歌吗? Amanda:No way, they're so outdated now. I'm listening to a parody of them, by Weird Al Yankovic. It's called The eBay Song and it makes fun of I Want...

  • 时差N小时 普吉湾七只逆戟鲸失踪

    Seven Puget Sound killer whales are missing and presumed dead in what could be the biggest decline among the sound's orcas in nearly a decade, say scientists who carefully track the endangered animals. 七头逆戟鲸在普吉特海湾失踪。据推测...

  • 时差N小时 收集东西成瘾的丈夫真恼人

    Dear Annie: 亲爱的安妮: My husband has an office that doubles as a spare bedroom. Every holiday season, we have overnight company. To make room for them, I have to pick up papers from under the desk, the computer, the floor, etc. Last year, I...

  • 时差N小时 上万人参与日月潭泳渡活动

    Over 18,500 participants in 1,202 teams joined the 26th annual mass swim across Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County in central Taiwan. 来自1,202个队的超过18,500名游泳者参加了在台湾中部南投县举行的第26届大众游泳横渡日月潭的...

  • 时差N小时 聊电脑游戏

    Mike: I almost forgot to renew my subscription to World of Warcraft! If I hadn't mailed that monthly bill today, I'd have lost all my progress so far and I'm about to set a high score! 麦克:我几乎忘了续订魔兽世界!如果我没有在今天...

  • 时差N小时 是否合适

    Long ago, clothing was made by tailors or family members specifically for a certain person, exactly in their size to fit them. In today's world, most clothing we buy is ready-made, so we need to look for our exact size on the label. However, differen...

  • 时差N小时 眼见不一定为实

    People say that seeing is believing-really? Take for example the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. 人们总说眼见为实,真是这样吗?举例而言,北京奥运会的开幕式。 It went beyond the pale for organizers to fak...

  • 时差N小时 枉费心机

    If you want to fill a sink or bathtub with water, you need to do one thing first and that's stopper or plug up the drainpipe. Later, when you unplug the stopper, the used water will go rushing out down the drain. Hopefully, nothing valuable (such as...
