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听播客学英语 217 关于你的一切

时间:2013-10-16 07:50来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   In this podcast I use words which are useful when we talk about numbers, especially when we want to talk about the information that numbers give us. The podcast is also about you, my listeners, because I know quite a lot about you.

  How do I know about you? Well, to start with, my podcast software tells me how many times you download each podcast. You download most episodes1 over 7000 times. The great majority (about 90%) of you download podcasts using iTunes or another podcatcher programme.
  On the podcast website (http://www.listen-to-english.com/) there is a little button marked Site Meter. If you click it, you can find all sorts of interesting information about people who visit the site. For example, you will see that on average about 250 people visit the website each day, and that on average you spend over 6 minutes looking at the site. You will also see that on average visitors to the site view more than 1,000 pages each day, and that each visitor views an average of 4.3 pages.
  If you click on “countries” at the bottom of the Site Meter screen, you will see a pie-chart, which shows the countries from which visitors come. You come from all over the world! On most days, there are more visitors from France than from any other country. If you click on “continents” you will see how many visitors are from Asia, how many from Europe and so on. On most days, slightly more than half of all visitors are from Europe. Click on “browser2 share” to see which web browser programmes you use. The majority of you use Internet Explorer. About 25% of you use Firefox, and a small number of you (fewer than 10%) use other browsers3 such as Safari4 and Opera.
  If you click on “daily visit depth” you will see a bar chart. It shows the average number of page views per visitor for each day in the last month. The number of page views varies between 3 and 5 page views per visitor.
  Finally, if you click on “daily durations”, you will see a graph which shows how long on average visitors spend on the site, and how long on each page, for each day in the last month. The average visit length varies a lot, between 250 seconds and over 500 seconds. The average time spent looking at each page does not vary very much – it is about 90 seconds.
  There is a grammar and vocabulary note, and a short exercise with answers, for this podcast. You won’t be able to see them on iTunes – you will need to go to the website to find them.


1 episodes 1db57fa55fb5d3266c7c3e1655670db6     
插曲,片断( episode的名词复数 ); 一集
  • The novel deals with the romantic episodes of her early life. 小说叙述了她早期生活的浪漫插曲。
  • Three episodes have been telescoped into a single programme. 把叁集的内容压缩成了一个节目。
2 browser gx7z2M     
  • View edits in a web browser.在浏览器中看编辑的效果。
  • I think my browser has a list of shareware links.我想在浏览器中会有一系列的共享软件链接。
3 browsers b559db93c279b7e4886705cb45f7ca9c     
  • Three-layer architecture is a model made up of browser, web server and background database server. 这种体系结构是由Browser、Web Server、Database Server组成的浏览器/Web服务器/后台数据库服务器三层模型。 来自互联网
  • Another excellent approach is to abandon the browser entirely and, instead, create a non-browser-based, Internet-enabled application. 另一个非常好的方法是干脆放弃浏览器,取而代之,创建一个不基于浏览器,但却是基于互联网的应用。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
4 safari TCnz5     
  • When we go on safari we like to cook on an open fire.我们远行狩猎时,喜欢露天生火做饭。
  • They went on safari searching for the rare black rhinoceros.他们进行探险旅行,搜寻那稀有的黑犀牛。
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