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听播客学英语 234 取得联系

时间:2013-10-17 03:40来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   You know what the word “touch” means1. As I type these words, my fingers touch the computer keyboard. If I touch something hot, I will burn myself.

  But what does it mean if I say that I am “in touch” with someone? Here are some examples.
  I have a friend. We were at university together. His career and mine have taken very different paths. We now live about 300km apart. But every Christmas we send each other Christmas cards and a letter saying what we and our families have been doing during the year. Every few years I go and visit him. We are IN TOUCH with each other – we have regular contact with each other. We can also say that we STAY IN TOUCH or that we KEEP IN TOUCH with each other.
  I have another friend. We were at school together. But many years ago we stopped writing to each other I do not know what he is doing or where he lives. We have LOST TOUCH with each other. You remember that in our recent podcast, Terry and Terry also lost touch with each other.
  However, recently I saw my friend’s name on a university website. Surely2 it must be the same person. So I am going to send him an e-mail, and see if he remembers me. I am going to GET IN TOUCH with him. (I will tell you what happens in a later podcast).
  A year ago, my daughter left primary school and started secondary3 school. But many of her friends from primary school go to different secondary schools. This is how she KEEPS IN TOUCH with them.
  I telephone some of my friends and chat with them. Sometimes we arrange4 that they can come and stay overnight5 at my house, or I can go to their house.
  Her friend Amber6 KEEPS IN TOUCH with her friends like this.
  I have got a website with photos and games and music, and a shout box where my friends write messages to me. I have MSN messenger7, and 65 of my friends have MSN messenger too. And sometimes I write a letter to my Nan.
  You see. that is the difference between young people like Amber and old people like me. Young people KEEP IN TOUCH with MSN messenger. Old people send each other Christmas cards.
  (I have re-recorded the sound file8 on my wonderful new Edirol R-09 solid9 state recorder. It is much better!)


1 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
2 surely yrRwj     
  • It'should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement.想必他们可以达成协议。
  • Surely we'll profit from your work.我们肯定会从你的工作中得到益处。
3 secondary mZSxH     
  • It's a question of secondary importance.这是个次要的问题。
  • Secondary school means junior school and high school.中学是指初中和高中。
4 arrange kvxz7     
  • He began to arrange the flowers in the vase.他开始把花瓶内的花摆好。
  • We must arrange about that.这事我们得安排一下。
5 overnight uKmxv     
ad.前一天晚上,一夜间 a.前一天晚上的
  • She stayed overnight in the hotel. 她在旅馆过了一夜。
  • Our success is not won overnight. 我们的成功不是一夜之间得来的。
6 amber LzazBn     
  • Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday?你过生日想要一条琥珀项链吗?
  • This is a piece of little amber stones.这是一块小小的琥珀化石。
7 messenger DCzxM     
  • By the time the messenger reached him,the damage had been done.送信人赶到他那儿时,损失已经造成了。
  • I'll order a special messenger to deliver the document.我会派专人把文件送去。
8 file tkLxK     
  • Fran came in holding a blue file.弗兰拿着一个蓝色的文件夹进来了。
  • The door won't fit;you'll have to file it down.这门关不上,你得把它锉一锉。
9 solid QF2za     
adj.固体的,结实的,可靠的,实心的;n.固体,实心;adv. 一致地
  • Water may change from a liquid to a solid.水可以由液体变为固体。
  • I know that James is a solid type of person.我知道詹姆斯是个可信赖的人。
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