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  • 愉悦口语:第467期 坐立不安英文怎么说 讲解文本: have ants in one's pants 坐立不安,紧张,焦虑 I have ants in my pants for the coming exam. 即将到来的考试让我坐立不安。 Our boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have the report ready for him tonight. 我们
  • 愉悦口语:第468期 第六感英文怎么说 讲解文本: gut feeling 直觉,第六感,预感 I have a gut feeling. Mike isn't coming tomorrow. 我的第六感告诉我,麦克明天不会过来。 Sometimes it's hard to explain why you get a gut feeling about something. 有时候你很难
  • 愉悦口语:第469期 鲁莽英文怎么说 reckless 轻率的,不计后果的,鲁莽的,无所顾忌的 Mike is young and reckless. 麦克年轻而鲁莽。 He apologized for his reckless behavior. 他对他的鲁莽行为道了歉。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第470期 坦诚英文怎么说 讲解文本: upfront 诚实的,坦诚的 Mike is always upfront with friends. Mike对朋友总是很坦诚的。 I think it's important to be upfront with people. 我认为待人坦诚很重要。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第471期 专心致志英文怎么说 讲解文本: glued to one's seat 非常专注于某件事情,集中注意力,一动不动 Mike's always glued to his seat during the class. Mike上课的时候总是专心致志。 She is always glued to her seat when she reads books! 她看书的
  • 愉悦口语:第472期 心态英文怎么说 讲解文本: mindset 心态,观念,思维模式 You have to change your mindset. It's a different world now. 你必须改变一下思维模式了,世界不一样了。 Keep that mindset and you will be OK. 保持那种心态,你会OK的。
  • 愉悦口语:第473期 昙花一现英文怎么说 讲解文本: a flash in the pan 昙花一现 I hope he's not just a flash in the pan. 我希望他不只是昙花一现。 His first book was great, but he turned out to be a flash in the pan because his other books were terrible. 他写的第一本
  • 愉悦口语:第474期 吸取教训英文怎么说 讲解文本: learn a lesson/learn one's lesson 吸取教训 I hope you can learn a lesson from this accident. 我希望你可以从这次的意外中吸取教训。 It looks like Mike didn't learn his lesson. 看起来Mike好像没有吸取教训。
  • 愉悦口语:第475期 与生俱来英文怎么说 讲解文本: in one's blood 天生就有的、骨子里存在的(能力) I think singing is in my blood. 我感觉我天生就会唱歌。 Math is so hard for me. It's just not in my blood. 数学对我来说太难了,我天生就不是学数学
  • 愉悦口语:第476期 发呆英文怎么说 讲解文本: zone out 走神,发呆,开小差,分心 How can you zone out when your exam is tomorrow? 明天就要考试啦,你怎么还在发呆? Stop zoning out! We still have a lot of studying to do. 别发呆啦,我们还有很多学
  • 愉悦口语:第477期 重新开始英文怎么说 讲解文本: turn a new leaf 重新开始,痛改前非,翻开新的一页 I decide to turn a new leaf and start working hard. 我决定痛改前非,努力工作。 You can't turn a new leaf at once 你无法一瞬间就完全改变。 疯狂练
  • 愉悦口语:第478期 有心计英文怎么说 calculating 工于心计的,精于计算的 Mike is a cold, calculating person. 麦克是个冷酷的、有心计的人。 He is a good guy, but he is also calculating. 他人不错,但也特别精明。
  • 愉悦口语:第479期 以自我为中心英文怎么说 讲解文本: self-centered 以自我为中心的,自私自利的 Why are you always so self-centered? 你为什么总是以自我为中心呢? Mike is a self-centered person. We don't like him. 麦克是个以自我为中心的人。我们都不
  • 愉悦口语:第480期 自恋英文怎么说 讲解文本: narcissist 自我陶醉者,自恋者 I really don't like Mike. He is a narcissist. 我超级不喜欢Mike的,他是个自恋狂。 Do you think I am a narcissistic person? 你觉得我自恋吗?
  • 愉悦口语:第481期 面无表情英文怎么说 讲解文本: poker face 扑克脸,面无表情的脸;一本正经的人 My boss is a poker face. I never know whether he is happy or not. 我老板总是面无表情的,我从来都不知道他是否高兴。 I don't like your poker face. 我不