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  • 愉悦口语:第497期 戏精英文怎么说 讲解文本: drama queen 戏剧女皇,喜欢小题大做、大惊小怪的人 Don't be such a drama queen. It's not that bad. 别大惊小怪了,事情没那么糟。 Mary is a drama queen. I don't like her. Mary戏真多啊,我不喜欢她!
  • 愉悦口语:第498期 好欺负英文怎么说 讲解文本: pushover 易于征服或控制的人,容易打败的对手,好欺负,软柿子 That team is playing very well. They're not going to be a pushover. 那个队水平很好的,他们不会是软柿子。 I'm such a pushover. 我真是
  • 愉悦口语:第499期 拼命英文怎么说 讲解文本: bend over backwards 拼命,竭尽全力 I bent over backwards for her. She didn't even thank me! 我为她拼了老命,她居然连谢谢都没有。 I will bend over backwards to make it happen. 我会拼尽全力去实现它。
  • 愉悦口语:第500期 滚雪球英文怎么说 讲解文本: snowball 雪球,像滚雪球般增大 Our business really snowballed last year. 我们的生意去年真的发展了很多。 I can't believe things can snowball so fast. 事情居然发展这么快,让我无法相信。
  • 愉悦口语:第501期 明摆着英文怎么说 讲解文本: no-brainer 不用动脑子就知道的事, 明摆着的事情,容易的事情 It is a no-brainer to hire Mike. He is great. 雇佣麦克的时候根本不用考虑,他很棒。 Always staying up late is really not good. That's a
  • 愉悦口语:第502期 往好的方面想英文怎么说 讲解文本: on the bright side 往好的方面想,从光明的一面看 It's so hot , but if we look on the bright side, the park isn't crowded at all. 虽然天气很热,但是从好的方面看,正因为天热,公园里才会这么清静。
  • 愉悦口语:第503期 大开眼界英文怎么说 讲解文本: eye-opener 使人惊奇的事物,使人大开眼界的事物 This summer's tour was an eye-opener for her. 这个夏天的旅行让她大开眼界。 Mike's speech is really an eye-opener. I like it very much. 麦克的演讲真让人
  • 愉悦口语:第504期 你知我知英文怎么说 讲解文本: between you and me 只限于咱俩之间,咱们私下说,你知我知 Just between you and me, I really don't like Mike. 就我们俩说说啊,我一点也不喜欢Mike。 This is between you and me. I won't tell anyone else. 这事
  • 愉悦口语:第505期 唯一英文怎么说 讲解文本: one and only 惟一的,仅有的,独一无二的 For several years they've been each other's one and only. 这几年来,他们都是彼此的唯一。 This is my one and only chance to do something. 这是我唯一的机会。 疯
  • 愉悦口语:第506期 不懂装懂英文怎么说 讲解文本: know-it-all 自称无所不知的,自以为什么都懂的人 Nobody likes to talk to a know-it-all. 没有人喜欢和自以为无所不知的人谈话。 People think that I am a know-it-all. Do you think so? 很多人说我不懂装
  • 愉悦口语:第507期 眼皮底下球英文怎么说 讲解文本: under your nose 在你眼皮子底下,在你面前 It's happening right under your nose. 它就在你眼皮底下发生了。 They stole three paintings under the guards' noses. 他们在警卫眼皮底下把三幅画偷走了。 疯狂
  • 愉悦口语:第508期 打气英文怎么说 讲解文本: pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话,打气的、激励的话 Thanks for the pep talk. I feel a lot better. 谢谢你的鼓励,我觉得好多了。 The coach gave his team a pep talk before the game. 教练在比赛开始前给球员们打
  • 愉悦口语:第509期 布满灰尘英文怎么说 讲解文本: dusty 满是灰尘的,积了很多灰的 Look at your dusty windows. Clean them! 看看你的窗户,全是灰,快去打扫! I found some dusty books in your room. 我在你房间里找到了一些积灰的书。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第510期 我的错英文怎么说 讲解文本: my bad 我的错 She's not your sister? My bad! I'm terrible with names. 她不是你妹妹?我的错我的错!我记名字不在行。 My bad! I didn't mean to step on your foot. 不好意思我的错,我不是故意要踩你脚的
  • 愉悦口语:第511期 轻视英文怎么说 讲解文本: think less of 小看某人,轻视某人 I don't want you to think less of me. I will work very hard. 我不希望你看不起我,所以我非常努力。 Nobody will think less of you. Don't worry 没有人会看轻你,别担心。