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Scene 364 面试通知

时间:2024-05-30 00:22来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 364 面试通知

❶ 我 方 收 到 了 您 应 聘 行 政 助 理 职 位 的 申 请。 We have received your application for the position of Administrative Assistant.

同 类 表 达 We have received your resume applying for the position of Administrative Assistant with our company. 我方收到了您申请行政助理职位的简历。

❷ 请于下周二上午来参加面试。Please come to have an interview next Tuesday morning.

同类表达 You will be asked to present yourself for interview. 我们要求你到场进行面试。

I'll make an appointment for an interview for you. 我会为你安排面试。

❸ 我想问下确切的面试时间。I'd like to ask the exact interview time.

同类表达 I'm calling to check the exact interview time. 我打电话来确认下具体的面试时间。

❹ 面试会持续多久?How long will the interview take?

同类表达 Individual interviews usually take thirty minutes to an hour. 单独面试一般要半个小时到一个小时。

❺ 你能来参加面试吗?Will you come to attend the interview?

同类表达 Would you like to come here for an interview? 您愿意来面谈吗?

I'm calling to schedule an interview with you. 我打电话给您是为了安排面试时间。

❻ 抱歉我恐怕不能参加明天上午的面试了。I'm sorry but I'm afraid I cannot attend the interview tomorrow morning.

同类表达 I'm sorry to say that I can't attend your interview because I'm on a business travel now. 我现在正在出差,所以很抱歉我不能参加贵公司的面试。

❼ 找一个符合我们安排的时间段吧。Let's find a time slot that meets our schedule.

同类表达 I'll call you later to inform you the new arrangement. 稍后我会给您打电话通知您新的安排。

❽ 请您携带简历前来参加面试。Please bring your resume with you for the interview.

❾ 请于下周一下午来参加复试。Please come back for a second interview next Monday afternoon.

同类表达 I'm calling to inform you that you have passed our preliminary screening and we would like to have an interview with you. 我打电话来通知您,您已经通过了初选,我方希望与您进行一次面试。

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