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Scene 369 工作经验

时间:2024-05-30 00:27来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 369 工作经验

❶ 你有工作经验吗?Do you have any working experience?

❷ 你都做过什么样的工作?What kind of job have you had?

同类表达 Would you please describe your duties briefly? 可以简单介绍一下你的职责吗?

这样回答 I worked in a computer firm. 我在一家电脑公司工作过。

❸ 我在这个领域有丰富的经验。I have plenty of work experience in this area.

同类表达 I have five years' experience in staff management. 我有五年管理员工的经验。

❹ 我刚大学毕业,尚未工作过。I have just graduated from college, and I have not had an opportunity to work yet.

同类表达 I am sorry to say that I have no experience in this field. 很抱歉,我在这个领域毫无经验。

❺ 你上大学时有没有做过兼职?Did you do any part-time jobs when you studied at your university?

同类表达 Did you take any part-time jobs when you were in school? 上学的时候你有没有做过兼职?

❻ 我为一家公司做兼职推销员。I act as a part-time salesperson for a company.

同类表达 I got some part-time jobs like selling or something else. 我做过像推销员之类的兼职。

❼ 你负责什么?What are you in charge of?

同类表达 What's your responsibility at your present work unit? 你在现在的工作单位负责什么?

这样回答 It's my job to develop a production plan. 我的工作是制订生产计划。

❽ 作为秘书,我的职责是接听电话、安排工作和写报表。As a secretary, my

responsibilities include answering the phone, scheduling and writing reports.

❾ 自2009年起我一直在那儿做经理。I've been working there since 2009, as a manager.

同类表达 I have been working in an insurance company for five years as an Administrative Assistant. 我在一个保险公司待了五年,担任行政助理一职。

❿ 你目前的工作做了多长时间了?How long have you held your present position?

这样回答 I have been working for this company after graduation. 我毕业后就一直在这个公司工作。

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