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Scene 372 应聘者提问

时间:2024-05-30 00:33来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 372 应聘者提问

❶ 你有什么问题要问吗?Is there anything you want to know?

❷ 如果得到录用,我的具体职责是什么?What specific duties would I perform if I'm hired?

同类表达 What would my daily duties be? 我的日常工作会是什么?

Could you tell me what my job would entail? 你能说说我的工作要干些什么吗?

❸ 您介不介意我问您一个问题?Do you mind me asking a question?

对话 A: Do you mind me asking a question? 您介不介意我问您一个问题?

B: Of course not. Go ahead, please. 当然不会。请讲。

❹ 这份工作包含什么福利?What kind of benefits does this job have?

同类表达 What does the benefits package include? 福利主要包括哪些?

这样回答 This job pays for half of your medical, endowment and disability. 这份工作会支付你的医疗、养老以及伤残的一半费用。

❺ 工作时间有多长?What hours would I be working?

同类表达 What are the normal working hours? 正常的工作时间是什么时候?

这样回答 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. 周一至周五,早上九点至下午五点。

❻ 这个工作有假期吗?Does this job have vacation time?

同类表达 What kind of vacation time comes with the job? 这个工作有些什么假期?

❼ 试用期多久?How long is the probationary period?

同类表达 How long is the trial period?

这样回答 Generally, it is three months, and during this period you can get 80% paid. 一般来说是三个月,这期间你只能拿到工资的80%。

❽ 我得先试用你三个月。I'll have to put you on three months' probation first.

同类表达 We will accept you for a three months' period of probation. 我们将先接受你来试用三个月。

❾ 你们会提供何种培训?What type of training do you provide here?

同类表达 Do you have a training program for new employees? 新员工有培训项目吗?

I'd like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education. 我想知道贵公司是否给员工提供进修的机会。

❿ 贵公司的员工都是如何晋升的?How does one advance in the company?

同类表达 What are the prospects for advancement? 晋升的前景如何?

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