Key Sentences(重点句子)
578.How come you didn't go to school these days?
579.I just haven't been feeling up to par1 these days.这几天我觉得身体不太正常。
580. I keep getting these headaches when I go home at night.晚上回家时我老觉得头痛。
581.I got home,I eat and before you know it,I start feeling sick.我回家吃饭,接着不知不觉就觉得不舒服。
582.I eat three square meals a day.我一日三餐都吃得很丰盛。
583.You might be coming dowm with a virus.你可能因病毒感染而病倒。
584.You shouldn't have let this go on for so long without seeinga doctor.你不该病了这么长时间也不去看医生。
585.What seems to be the problem?
586. Why don't you quit smoking?
587.That's all very well, but…smoking means something tome.你说的对,但是……抽烟对我是重要的。
588.You could always cut down.你总能少抽点儿吧。
589.Have you ever thought about one of those tobacco substi- tutes?
590. You're not sounding very cheerful.你听起来不太高兴。
591. I'm just a bit fed up.我只是感到有些腻烦。
592.With the job?
593.It wasn't always like this,you know.你瞧,早先的日子也不这样。
594. Our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn't they?
595.We do the same sort of job for years and years.我们年复一年地干同样的工作。
596.There's no variety in our lives.生活中一点儿变化都没有。
Dialogue A(A:Jerry's mother B:Bill C:Jerry)A:Hello.B:Hello.May I speak to Jerry,please?
A:Sure,just a minute.Jerry,you're wanted on the phone.C:(Pause)Hello,this is Jerry speaking.B:Hi!This is Bill.How come you didn't go to school these days?What's wrong with you?
C:Oh,Bill.I just haven't been feeling up to par these days.I keep getting these headaches when I go home at night.I mean,I go thome,I eat and before you know it,I start feeling sick.B:Are you eating properly?
C:Sure.I don't eat junk food.I eat three square meals a day.B:You might be coming down with a virus.C:To tell you the truth,this has been going on for over a month.And my school grades are suffering because my mind is alwayson my health than on my studies.B:Have you ever gone to see a doctor?
C:No,I haven't.B:Oh,my God! You shouldn't have let this go on for so longwithout seeing a doctor.C:I should have done that much earlier.Oh,Bill,thank you forcalling,I'll set up an appointment as soon as possible.Thankyou very much.B:You're welcome.Bye.C:Bye.Dialogue B(A:Mike B:Tom)A:Hello.Is Tom there?
B:Yes,speaking.(Coughs)A:Hello.Tom. It's Mike here. What seems to be the problem?
B:Oh,I had a bad cough recently.(Coughs)A:That sounds like a really bad cough.You smoke too much,Ithink.B:Mm,I'm sure.A:W——why,why don't you quit smoking?It's bad for your health…B:Mike, that's all very well, but…smoking means something to me.It's very important.A:Listen,Tom,you could always,ah,cut down.Say to tencigaretters a day.B:Mike,that's easier said than done.But you see,smoking helpskeep me calm.A:Oh,I see what you mean.Well,have you ever thought aboutone of those,ah,tobacco substitutes2?
B:Yeah!You mean like lettuce3?
A:(Laughs)B:I hate the taste.Anyway,you don't seem to understand thatsmoking helps keep me slim.A:(Laughs) I've heard that's true, but…why don't you trychewing gum4 instead?
B:Mm.That's a good idea.But,if I chewed gum,I'd just be…aa nasty5 and irritable6 gum-chewer!
A:(Laughs)Hey,listen,I've got a great idea.Why don't you goto a hypnotist?
B:That's a great idea. Now I've heard everything!
A:(Laughs)Dialogue C(A:Drothy B:Marilyn)A:Hello.I'd like to speak to Marilyn,please.B:Speaking.A:This is Drothy.You're not sounding very cheerful.What's thematter with you?
B: Oh, nothing special.I'm just a bit fed up.A:With the job?
B:With everything,with catching7 the same train every morning,sitting in the same ofice all day, watching the same televisionprogrammes…A:You need a holiday.B:It wasn't always like this,you know.A:How do you mean?
B:Well,our great-great-grandfathers had more fun,didn't they?I mean,they hunted for their food and grew their own vegeta-bles and did things for themselves.we do the same sort of jobfor years and years. There's no variety in our lives.A:You need a holiday.That's what is the matter with you.

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n.标准,票面价值,平均数量;adj.票面的,平常的,标准的 | |
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n.代替者( substitute的名词复数 );替补(运动员);替代物;[语法学]代用词v.代替,替换,代用( substitute的第三人称单数 );做…的代理人,接替 | |
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n.莴苣;生菜 | |
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n.牙龈;口香糖;树胶 | |
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adj.令人讨厌的,困难的,恶劣的,下流的 | |
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adj.急躁的;过敏的;易怒的 | |
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adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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