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Supplement: Some Useful Sentences On Orders

时间:2010-05-28 07:06来源:互联网 提供网友:whl03020728   字体: [ ]

Supplement: Some Useful Sentences On Orders
     (1) We thank you for your quotation1 of February 20 and enclose herewith our Order No. 456 for the captioned2 goods. As the goods are urgently required by our customers, we hope you will deliver them promptly3. 感谢你方2月20日的报价,随函附上关于标题项下货物的456号订单。因为我方客户急需该货,希望能尽快装运。
     (2) We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory and are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the understanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the prices named. 我们对你方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品,要求按指定价格以现货供应。
     (3) Your samples of … received favourable4 reaction from our customers, and we are pleased to enclose our order for…. 我客户对你方……样品反映良好,现高兴地附上……定单。
     (4) This is a trial order. Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the market. If successful, we will give you larger orders in the future. 此系试销定单,请先发来35台,以便开发市场,如成功,随后必有较大数量的订单。
     (5) Please supply in assorted5 colours: preferably 6 dozen each of red, yellow, green, blue and brown. 请按下列颜色搭配供货,最好红、黄、绿、蓝及棕色各6打。
     (6) If you can accept $2.75, send us a proforma invoice6 and we will open a letter of credit for 1,000 sets. The quality of the merchandise must be as high as that of your sample. 如可接受2.75美元的价格,请寄形式发票来,我们当即开立1000套的信用证。商品质量须与你们的样品一样好。
     (7) We leave it to your discretion7 to supply a suitable substitute, should you not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $0.35 per yard. 如无我方所需货物,可由你方选供合适的代用品,但价格不得超过每码0.35美元。
     (8) Since your order covers so big a quantity, we are unable to meet your requirements for the moment, but we will do our utmost to secure supply for you, and whenever the position improves we will not fail to let you know. 因为你方订单数量很大,我们目前不能满足需求,但是我们将尽最大努力为你方获取货源,一旦情况好转,一定告知。
     (9) Because we are already heavily burdened with outstanding orders, it is impossible for us to accept new orders for delivery within this year. 由于我方目前已承担过多的订单,因此无法接受今年之内交货的新订单。
     (10) Unfortunately, the recent rush of orders for our goods have made it impossible to promise shipment earlier than May 15. 不巧,由于大批定单涌到,我们不能答应在5月15日前装运。
     (11) Our stock of A315 is exhausted8 and we have no idea when the material will be restocked. A315库存告罄,不知何时才能补进。
     (12) In view of your urgent need of the goods and the good relationship between our two parties, we have decided9 to accept your order in spite of the current tight supply position, but we can do so only by putting off our supply to another customer. 鉴于你方急需此货以及你我双方的友好关系,尽管目前供货很紧,我方决定接受你方订单。然而我方能这样做是因为推迟了另一客户的交货期。
     (13) As some items under your order are beyond our business scope, we can only accept your order partially10. We hope this will not cause you inconvenience. 由于你方订单项下的货物超出了我方的经营范围,我方只能部分接受你方订单。希望这样做不致给你方带来不便。


1. Put in the missing words:

     (1) We rely ____ you to ____ this order ____ the entire satisfaction ____ our customers and ____ the least possible delay.
     (2) We hope to come ____ terms ____ you ____ this trial order.
     (3) As a result ____ our recent exchange of faxes, we confirm having purchased ____ you 1000 long tons (tons of 2240 lbs) ____ the captioned goods ____ the following ____ and conditions.
     (4) We regret our inability to comply ____ your request ____ shipping11 the goods ____ early November, because the direct steamer sailing ____ your port calls at our port only ____ the 20th ____ November.
     (5) We take pleasure ____ sending you our Order No. 123 ____ 4,000 sets ____ Panosonic 2188 Color TV.

2. Choose the best choice:

(1) Following your order ____ 400 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No. 456 ____ the same quantity.
     a. for, of
     b. of, of
     c. of, for
     d. with, for
     (2) We ____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of the generator12.
     a. find
     b. believe
     c. think
     d. trust
     (3) We place an order provided your goods can be supplied ____ stock.
     a. out
     b. out of
     c. think
     d. in
     (4) The goods are urgently needed. We ____ hope you will deliver them at once.
     a. therefore
     b. so
     c. that
     d. should
     (5) We place this order ____ the understanding that the discount is 10%.
     a. based on
     b. with
     c. on
     d. through
     (6) In this case, the buyer ____ cancel the contract.
     a. could
     b. may have to
     c. has the right to
     d. reserve the right to
     (7) As agreed upon in our negotiations13, payment ____ L/C.
     a. by
     b. will
     c. is to be made by
     d. is by
     (8) We regret to report that a consignment14 of silk piecegoods ____ Order No. 567 has not been delivered.
     a. with
     b. for
     c. on
     d. under
     (9) We feel sorry to say that the rugs supplied ____ Order No. 456 have not yet reached us.
     a. by
     b. for
     c. with
     d. to
     (10) ____ the present market trend, we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote.
     a. With
     b. On
     c. Because
     d. For

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

     (1) 如果你方能给我方5%的佣金,我方将试购500台。
     (2) 我们正在执行你方678号订单。请相信我们定将在你方所规定的期限内安排装运。
     (3) 由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我们目前只能接受10月船期的订单。
     (4) 因为存货售罄,我们不能接受新订单。但是一俟新货源到来,我们即去电与你方联系。
     (5) 该货须分三批装出,每月100吨,从8月份开始。

4. Write an order covering the following contents:

     (1) 有意订购对方公司的某牌号录像机、录像带、微型收录两用机
     (2) 数量:录像机 1000台
     录像带 1000盒
     微型收录两用机 5000台
     (3) 价格:FOB新港,包括我方5%佣金
     (4) 付款方式:90天期信用证装船前30天开立
     (5) 包装:适合于海运的出口包装
     (6) 交货日期:一批或分二批8月底前交完

5. Write a counter offer to the above order.

     (1) 录像机、录像带价格偏低
     (2) 90天期信用证不予接受
     (3) 8月底前交货时间太紧,无法办理

6. Translate the following message into English:



1 quotation 7S6xV     
  • He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录。
  • The quotation is omitted here.此处引文从略。
2 captioned 923397b226bd6b0cebec65c75df23f09     
a.标题项下的; 标题所说的
  • This paper reviews the production, development and nationalization of the captioned materials. 本文就铜系合金引线框架材料的生产、发展和国产化进程作一论述。
  • Please advise other considerable hotels for this captioned group. 请推荐其它一些高级的旅馆给这一群打标语的人。
3 promptly LRMxm     
  • He paid the money back promptly.他立即还了钱。
  • She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her.她立即抓住了因他不在场给她创造的机会。
4 favourable favourable     
  • The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.这家公司将以非常优惠的条件借钱给你。
  • We found that most people are favourable to the idea.我们发现大多数人同意这个意见。
5 assorted TyGzop     
  • There's a bag of assorted sweets on the table.桌子上有一袋什锦糖果。
  • He has always assorted with men of his age.他总是与和他年令相仿的人交往。
6 invoice m4exB     
  • The seller has to issue a tax invoice.销售者必须开具税务发票。
  • We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees.然后我们会把全部课程费用的发票寄给你。
7 discretion FZQzm     
  • You must show discretion in choosing your friend.你择友时必须慎重。
  • Please use your best discretion to handle the matter.请慎重处理此事。
8 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
9 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
10 partially yL7xm     
  • The door was partially concealed by the drapes.门有一部分被门帘遮住了。
  • The police managed to restore calm and the curfew was partially lifted.警方设法恢复了平静,宵禁部分解除。
11 shipping WESyg     
  • We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm.我们和一家美国船运公司谈成了一笔生意。
  • There's a shipping charge of £5 added to the price.价格之外另加五英镑运输费。
12 generator Kg4xs     
  • All the while the giant generator poured out its power.巨大的发电机一刻不停地发出电力。
  • This is an alternating current generator.这是一台交流发电机。
13 negotiations af4b5f3e98e178dd3c4bac64b625ecd0     
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
14 consignment 9aDyo     
  • This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。
  • We have to ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately.我们得要求你立即发送该批货物。
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