A Desperate Village
The students in Shan's fourth grade class rose in unison1 as the teacher, Du Nengwei, tapped his pointer against his desk to start the lesson.
"Hello, teacher!" the children shouted dutifully in early December as Mr. Du, his eyes magnified through thick glasses, signaled for everyone to sit down. The children began shouting out memorization drills, and the sounds of rote2 drilling rose out of other classrooms, as noisy as squawking birds.
The village school, the focus of so much hope, is little changed from a century ago. The dirty, whitewashed3 building is made of mud brick and concrete. Shan's classroom has no heat or electricity. Light comes from two small windows.
Mr. Du said 8 of his 14 students had at least one parent who is a migrant worker. He knows that parents leave in order to pay tuition, about $50 a year for families that often live on less than $300 a year. School, even this school, is their only chance, he said.
"Some say they want to be a driver, a scientist or a teacher," Mr. Du said. "But nobody wants to go on being a farmer." Of Shan, he said, "she studies very hard and does well."
She usually ranks second or third in the class. At home, she studies as much as three hours a day. She said she wanted to advance to middle school, then high school, even college.
"The more schooling4 I have, the more knowledge I have," she said.
Her home is a mud-walled communal5 house built more than a century ago during the Qing Dynasty. Her grandparents sleep in one section, her aunt and younger cousin in another. Shan sleeps alone in two unheated rooms converted from a small barn. Her room is above the pen with the family's three pigs. Her parent's empty room is over the open pit that is the communal toilet.
"I'm not scared," she said. She has painted her colorless wooden shutter6 with the Chinese characters for "wealth" and "prosperity."
Her grandfather, Yang Xianglin, 72, said his three sons each contributed $150 a year to support the family. Two of the three are migrant workers; the third just returned home from a migrant job. But the money is not enough, so the grandfather must borrow from other relatives.
Shan knows she is poor, but does not seem to feel poverty's sharp sting. Asked if she has any toys, she brightened and showed off two tiny plastic figurines and a single silk flower. Her parents cannot afford more, though her mother stitched her a pink sweater.
"She misses them always," her grandfather said. "She keeps asking, when will her parents come home?"
Nearly every family in Shuanghu has had someone leave. Local wages are as low as $1 a day; a migrant can make $5 or more. A few fortunate families have built concrete homes with migrant money.
"We have more freedom now than when we had a communal life," said Lei Jinchen, 53, a neighbor whose two sons work at the same factory as Shan's mother. "We can now go out and find work. But we only have enough to feed ourselves. That's it."
Central government leaders often boast of new programs to benefit China's poorest villages. One national program called for farmers to hand over land for reforestation in exchange for annual payments. In 2002, Shan's grandfather surrendered two-thirds of an acre for promised payments of $65 a year. As yet, he and other farmers have received nothing.
Shuanghu was also designated for special antipoverty assistance, and about 50 families - including the Yangs - were named poverty households eligible7 to divide a $2,500 annual fund, or about $50 per family. But again, the Yangs and others have gotten nothing.
"Not many benefits get down to us," Mr. Lei said. "Local governments skim most of the money off."
So what remains8 is migrant work for the young and farming for the old. The mountainous landscape is impressive, but only narrow strips of land can be used for farming. In early December, Shan left for school one morning, and her grandparents walked up a rocky hillside toward their small plot.
The frost had lifted, and the grandmother, Hu Yangui, 65, squatted9 in the dirt and pulled turnips10. She takes medicine for stomach ailments11 and arthritis12, and the work tires her. She would let the turnips dry in the sun until afternoon, then feed them to the pigs beneath Shan's bedroom.
The grandfather grabbed a large bale of corn stalks to use as bedding for the pigs and loaded it onto his back. His arthritis sometimes keeps him from sleeping, but he said the corn was not heavy. In a lower field, a child's voice echoed against the hillsides. It was Shan's cousin, Yang Qinlin, 4. Her own father works several hours away, and she goes months without seeing him.
She was singing a melancholy13 poem about missing home that is memorized by schoolchildren across China:
Looking up, I find the moon bright;
Bowing down, in homesickness I'm drowned.

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n.步调一致,行动一致 | |
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n.死记硬背,生搬硬套 | |
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粉饰,美化,掩饰( whitewash的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.教育;正规学校教育 | |
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adj.公有的,公共的,公社的,公社制的 | |
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n.百叶窗;(照相机)快门;关闭装置 | |
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adj.有条件被选中的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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v.像动物一样蹲下( squat的过去式和过去分词 );非法擅自占用(土地或房屋);为获得其所有权;而占用某片公共用地。 | |
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芜青( turnip的名词复数 ); 芜菁块根; 芜菁甘蓝块根; 怀表 | |
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疾病(尤指慢性病),不适( ailment的名词复数 ) | |
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n.关节炎 | |
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n.忧郁,愁思;adj.令人感伤(沮丧)的,忧郁的 | |
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