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  • 囧研究 毛爷爷在手不再发愁?

    Studies have proven that money cant make you happy but there havent been many studies into the link between money and sorrow until now. 已有研究证明,钱不能让你快乐,但是之前并没有很多研究专注于钱和悲伤之间的联系,...

  • 防“失联”焦虑 空难预估app诞生

    Nervous about flying? There's an app for that. 乘飞机感到焦虑?现在有帮你克服焦虑的手机应用诞生啦。 A new app, called 'Am I Going Down?', calculates a plane's chances of crashing in an effort to put apprehensive passengers a...

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  • “另类”蟒蛇按摩 够胆你就来

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  • 最新“燃脂针”让你告别双下巴

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  • 火箭队发布春节特别款球衣

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  • 超实用穿搭app 帮你轻松hold住时尚

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  • 网络红犬晋升轻奢品牌代言人

    A stylish Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a large social media following has landed her first major fashion campaign. 近日,那头在社交媒体上粉丝无数的查理士王小猎犬完成了她的时尚大片首拍。 Toast, a toothless dog...

  • 英国古稀老人打造逼真玩偶屋

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  • 拯救日本“隐蔽青年”

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  • 7种情况:你应该先去找爸爸帮忙

    Mom is great and all, but there were just some situations when you wanted to go to Dad first. It didnt mean one parent was better than the other, it just meant that for that particular moment in time, Dad was more equipped to assist -- as in he was m...

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