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  • 怎样挺过新工作的试用期

    In today's world of flexible work and intensive performance assessment, careers are often measured in months rather than decades。 在当今这个工作灵活多样、业绩评估又十分苛刻的世界里,职业生涯通常是以月份而不是以...

  • 研究:看3D电视有害健康

    If conventional wisdom says that watching TV is bad for your eyes, watching 3D TV may be three times worse. 如果在传统观念中,看电视伤眼睛,那么看3D 电视对眼睛的损害可能是普通电视的3 倍。 Doctors and researchers a...

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  • 皮肤老化的快的原因?

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  • "马大帅"执教生涯结束

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  • 研究:工作与娱乐结合效率更高

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  • 哲理小故事:财富之轮

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  • 有钱人的不同消费观念

    To the average Joe, the luxury-watch business might seem completely upside down. The most expensive, in-demand watches these days are solid black, ultrathin timepieces with little or no identifying brand markers. They are designed not to be noticed....

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  • 猪会根据待遇表现乐观与悲观

    Pigs can feel optimistic or pessimistic, depending on how they are treated, a study says. 一项研究表明,猪会依据对待他们的好坏,表现出乐观或者悲观的情绪。 Animals kept in luxury are more likely to respond positively to...

  • 专家智商高情商低 难当企业家

    Going from the tea boy to company head may once have been possible; but these days to start the route to the top, you have to have specialist knowledge and skills。 曾几何时,要从一个端茶倒水的服务生变成企业当家人是很有可能...
