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时间:2016-07-02 08:27来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Students may think it's not worth their time to get involved in the community because it doesn't pay like a normal job would. However, there are several benefits of volunteering can give you that no other job can.

  Read on to find out about all the benefits of community service for you, your personal fulfillment, and practical purposes like college applications!
  What Is Community Service?
  Community service can have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping1 them to develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others.
  You probably know some students in your school who choose to volunteer their free time through community service. There are many ways that you can do this, such as joining a non-profit organization, working with a church group, or you can choose a cause and create your own service project.
  Volunteer work can range from the relatively2 simple, like helping coach the lacrosse team at your old junior high, to the much more complex, like starting a non-profit that helps settle new refugees in your area.
  School Benefits
  It allows students to learn more about their personal motivations, practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing, develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems, and to think about problems and social issues in new ways.
  This kind of experiential learning, or applying what you have learned in the classroom to the real world, has a lot of positive benefits for students apart from meeting a requirement to graduate. These include a better understanding of the value of teamwork, decision-making skills, development of leadership abilities, and the gain of practical skills.
  For example, let's imagine that as part of your school-required community service or service learning, you have decided3 to use the writing skills you developed in AP English to volunteer at a local non-profit that raises awareness4 of Alzheimer's disease. As a strong writer, you may start out writing press releases for the charity. Immediately you would be developing a new skill: the ability to write for a targeted, non-academic audience. Working with a team, you would gain a better understanding of the importance of sharing information in a usable way. You might eventually expand your duties into other areas, such as managing the organization's social media accounts, which would further develop your writing skills.
  Additionally, you would be gaining a new perspective on your community and on what life is like for a group of people that is often overlooked: the terminally ill. This could change how you see the world and your role in it.
  In fact, many students report that this kind of personal development is the most valuable part of a service learning projects.
  Personal Development Benefits
  First of all, many students learn about their personal strengths and weaknesses. When you are working on campaigns and projects and getting to see real-life results, you will get to know how your personal attributes and actions can make a difference. Many of these qualities are things that students can't get good feedback on in the classroom. For example, students may learn that they have excellent skills in coping with a crisis or other stressful situation, or may learn that they find taking charge of a team to be a struggle. This kind of exposure to different situations can then teach students how to further develop skills that they have, and how to work on areas they struggle in.
  In particular, students find that they are able to develop skills in leadership, communication, working well with a team, and finding solutions for problems.
  Many students also find that community service makes them more aware of and interested in issues of social justice.
  For example, if you spend your days going to school, playing sports, and doing homework, you will likely not spend a lot of time thinking about the problems that homeless people encounter.
  On the other hand, if you are working every day at a homeless shelter, you will have a chance to dispel5 stereotypes6 about why people become homeless while also learning about the unique challenges that homeless people face in getting off the streets. Many homeless people face prejudice that makes returning to work and earning a self-supporting living more difficult than it is for non-homeless people.
  Once people learn more about struggles and injustices7 that other groups of people face, they are statistically8 more likely to want to actively9 take part in making a change in the policies and social structures that keep certain groups from succeeding. This change can take many forms, such as active campaigning, voting in elections, and continuing to volunteer time to important causes.
  Health Benefits
  Numerous studies over the past several years have shown that volunteering isn't just good for your mind and conscience; it's also good for your body. By focusing on others' problems instead of their own, students have reported reduced stress, and overall improvement in mood and health.
  Researchers at the London School of Economics and Political Science found a link between self-reported levels of good health and happiness and formal volunteer work. Furthermore, a study by United Health Group says that 76% of people who have volunteered in the past twelve months say that volunteering has made them feel happier, and 94% of people report that it improves their mood. 78% of volunteers say that it has lowered their stress levels.
  Volunteering can also help protect people from depression during challenging times, as it tends to help create a strong support system for participants. Volunteering also keeps people physically10 healthy by keeping them active. Certain activities, such as working to clean up a park or a beach, can be good exercise. Studies have shown that especially as people get older, volunteering in these kinds of projects can keep people healthy and can even lessen11 the symptoms of certain diseases.
  Community Benefits
  Volunteers are responsible for many things that we take for granted. When hurricanes hit the south coast or wildfires burn up California, volunteers are critical in helping victims get re-settled, fed, and back to their "normal" lives as quickly as possible. Without volunteers, many of our country's elderly would not be able to get food. Our parks and beaches would be much dirtier. Our children would struggle more without the help of volunteer tutors and mentors12.
  The top activities performed included raising money for important causes; collecting, preparing, and giving out food to people who need it; providing labor13 and transportation; tutoring and mentoring14 youth; and lending professional expertise15.
  The knowledge that they are making a real difference also affects student volunteers on a more personal level. When students know their work is helping someone, they show increased rates of self-esteem. Furthermore, students who volunteer are more likely to become actively involved citizens who take a strong interest in current events and local affairs, and are much more likely to vote.
  Apart from helping out your community here and now, you'll also be helping out your future self.
  College Benefits
  The truth is that it's one of the most popular extracurricular activities that students list on their college applications. And while colleges don't necessarily expect students to have spent all their free time volunteering, schools (especially the more competitive ones) will usually notice a total lack of community service.
  Colleges like seeing that students have done community service. Keep in mind that most universities want to admit students who are actively involved in activities that better themselves, and eventually, will better the world. Students who have been actively involved in community service in high school show colleges that they will be the type of student who will be actively involved in making the college community a better place to be. Eventually, that they will be the kind of people who care about changing the world.
  On a more practical level, the personal benefits and development that you will get from volunteering can be great topic matter for a college application essay.
  The people you work with on community service projects will be good people to turn to when the time comes for letters of recommendation. They'll be able to speak to your leadership abilities, passion, and character. Finally, doing this kind of work shows prospective16 schools that you can balance activities with your schoolwork and that you have good time management.
  Professional Benefits
  Did you know that employers love volunteers?
  TimeBank, a UK-based volunteering charity, and Reed, a recruitment company, partnered to create a study on how employers think about volunteer work.
  The study also showed that half of the employees surveyed thought that their volunteer experience had helped them land their job, and up to 20% of employees thought that their volunteer experience helped them gain key skills in communication, leadership, and time management that were important to their jobs.
  As you can see, there are a lot of ways that your community service work will help you down the road once you start work, beginning with what you choose to do.
  Volunteering is a great way to explore different interests.  High school students who do community service can try different kinds of work and work environments that they otherwise would likely not be exposed to at such a young age. Most paying jobs that high school students are eligible17 for - such as working in fast food - are not the most interesting. But volunteering can give you a chance to try things that you will be interested in as a career, such as working in social media, organizing events, or working in a specific type of institution such as a hospital.
  The experiences that you gain will also look great on your resume. Future employers will likely be much more interested in hearing about a fundraiser that you ran than they will be in hearing about your burger flipping18 skills. Why? A lot of the personal development benefits discussed above, such as leadership skills and the ability to collaborate19 with a team, are things that translate well to many jobs and workplaces.
  Networking is another major benefit of volunteering. As a volunteer, you will be very likely to meet like-minded individuals who share your interests. In the future, these people can be important contacts for writing letters of recommendation and for putting you in touch with the right people for scholarships and jobs.
  Now that you know that community service is an extracurricular that will help you out in your personal life, as well as in high school, college, and your professional life, what are you waiting for?
  get involved in the community: 融入社区
  your personal fulfillment, and practical purposes :个人成就、务实的目的
  helping them to develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others:帮助他们培养技能、建立联系、提高别人的生活质量
  joining a non-profit organization, working with a church group, or you can choose a cause and create your own service project:
  helping coach the football team at your old junior high:帮助训练你初中母校的橄榄球队
  starting a non-profit that helps settle new refugees :
  personal motivations, practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing, develop critical thinking skills :
  solving real-world problems:解决现实问题
  think about problems and social issues in new ways:用新的方式考虑这些问题和社会问题
  experiential learning:实验的方式学习
  understanding of the value of teamwork, decision-making skills, development of leadership abilities, and the gain of practical skills:
  raises awareness of Alzheimer's disease:提高对老年痴呆的意识
  writing press releases :写新闻稿
  write for a targeted, non-academic audience:
  gain a better understanding of the importance of sharing information :
  expand your duties into :把责任拓展到
  managing the organization's social media accounts:
  gaining a new perspective on your community :
  terminally ill:身患绝症
  personal development :个人发展
  most valuable part of :最有价值的部分
  personal strengths and weaknesses:个人优缺点
  working on campaigns and projects and getting to see real-life results:
  personal attributes:个人特点
  make a difference:改变
  get good feedback :获得反馈
  coping with a crisis or other stressful situation:应对危机或其他的有压力的情况
  taking charge of a team:管理一个团队
  leadership, communication, working well with a team, and finding solutions for problems:
  makes them more aware of :让他们意识到
  issues of social justice:社会公平问题
  working every day at a homeless shelter:每天在收容所工作
  have a chance to dispel stereotypes about :机会去除对xxx刻板印象
  face prejudice :面对偏见
  earning a self-supporting living :获得自给自足的生活
  learn more about struggles and injustices that other groups of people face:
  take many forms:有很多方式
  active campaigning, voting in elections, and continuing to volunteer time to important causes:积极的运动、在选举中投票、为了重要事业贡献自己的时间
  volunteering isn't just good for your mind and conscience; it's also good for your body:
  found a link between self-reported levels of good health and happiness and formal volunteer work:
  made them feel happier:让他们更加开心
  lowered their stress levels:降低压力
  protect people from depression :防止人抑郁
  create a strong support system for participants:
  keeping them active:让他们保持活跃
  clean up a park or a beach:打扫公园和海滩
  keep people healthy and can even lessen the symptoms of certain diseases:
  hurricanes hit :龙卷风袭击
  wildfires burn up California:野火烧尽了加州
  helping victims get re-settled, fed, and back to their "normal" lives as quickly as possible:帮助受害者重新得到安置,进食,尽快回到他们正常的生活
  raising money for important causes; collecting, preparing, and giving out food to people who need it; providing labor and transportation; tutoring and mentoring youth; and lending professional expertise:
  increased rates of self-esteem:增加自信
  become actively involved citizens:成为积极的公民
  take a strong interest in current events and local affairs:提高对时事和地方事务的兴趣
  helping out your future self:帮助未来的自己
  one of the most popular extracurricular activities that students list on their college applications:学生申请大学的时候列出的最受欢迎的课外活动,
  Keep in mind :请记住
  better the world:让世界更好
  making the college community a better place to be:使大学成为一个更好的地方
  care about changing the world:关心改变世界
  great topic matter for a college application essay:很好的大学申请论文主题
  letters of recommendation:推荐信
  balance activities with your schoolwork :平衡你作业和活动
  good time management:良好的时间管理
  thought that their volunteer experience had helped them land their job
  their volunteer experience helped them gain key skills in communication, leadership, and time management:
  explore different interests:探索不同的兴趣
  working in social media, organizing events, or working in a specific type of institution such as a hospital:
  look great on your resume:
  A lot of the personal development benefits discussed above, such as leadership skills and the ability to collaborate with a team, are things that translate well to many jobs and workplaces.
  meet like-minded individuals :结识志趣相投的人
  extracurricular :课外活动
  personal life, high school, college, and your professional life:
  Which one of the following would you like to choose as your new year resolution or goal:
  1)To help with the community; 2) To do more exercise and have more
  nutritious21 food; 3)To have better time management
  Which is the best way for students to make friends:
  1). Participating in sport team
  2). Volunteering for community service
  3). Travelling


1 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
2 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
3 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
4 awareness 4yWzdW     
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康。
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years.这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。
5 dispel XtQx0     
  • I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.我试图消除她的疑虑,但没有成功。
  • We hope the programme will dispel certain misconceptions about the disease.我们希望这个节目能消除对这种疾病的一些误解。
6 stereotypes 1ff39410e7d7a101c62ac42c17e0df24     
n.老套,模式化的见解,有老一套固定想法的人( stereotype的名词复数 )v.把…模式化,使成陈规( stereotype的第三人称单数 )
  • Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes. 这样的笑话容易渲染种族偏见。
  • It makes me sick to read over such stereotypes devoid of content. 这种空洞无物的八股调,我看了就讨厌。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
7 injustices 47618adc5b0dbc9166e4f2523e1d217c     
不公平( injustice的名词复数 ); 非正义; 待…不公正; 冤枉
  • One who committed many injustices is doomed to failure. 多行不义必自毙。
  • He felt confident that his injustices would be righted. 他相信他的冤屈会受到昭雪的。
8 statistically Yuxwa     
  • The sample of building permits is larger and therefore, statistically satisfying. 建筑许可数的样本比较大,所以统计数据更令人满意。
  • The results of each test would have to be statistically independent. 每次试验的结果在统计上必须是独立的。
9 actively lzezni     
  • During this period all the students were actively participating.在这节课中所有的学生都积极参加。
  • We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.我们正在积极调解争执。
10 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
11 lessen 01gx4     
  • Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain.经常运动有助于减轻痛感。
  • They've made great effort to lessen the noise of planes.他们尽力减小飞机的噪音。
12 mentors 5f11aa0dab3d5db90b5a4f26c992ec2a     
n.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的名词复数 )v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的第三人称单数 )
  • Beacham and McNamara, my two mentors, had both warned me. 我的两位忠实朋友,比彻姆和麦克纳马拉都曾经警告过我。 来自辞典例句
  • These are the kinds of contacts that could evolve into mentors. 这些人是可能会成为你导师。 来自互联网
13 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
14 mentoring 927b67a2488cee0c1ff61a0b43695f30     
n.mentoring是一种工作关系。mentor通常是处在比mentee更高工作职位上的有影响力的人。他/她有比‘mentee’更丰富的工作经验和知识,并用心支持mentee的职业(发展)。v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的现在分词 )
  • One of the most effective instruments for coaching and mentoring is the "role rehearsal" . 辅导和教学的最有效的手段之一是“角色排练。” 来自辞典例句
  • Bell Canada called their mentoring system a buddy-buddy system. 加拿大贝尔公司称他们的训导系统是伙伴—伙伴系统。 来自互联网
15 expertise fmTx0     
  • We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。
  • You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.让你真正在专业技术上有一个全新的突破。
16 prospective oR7xB     
  • The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。
  • They have all these great activities for prospective freshmen.这会举办各种各样的活动来招待未来的新人。
17 eligible Cq6xL     
  • He is an eligible young man.他是一个合格的年轻人。
  • Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。
18 flipping b69cb8e0c44ab7550c47eaf7c01557e4     
  • I hate this flipping hotel! 我讨厌这个该死的旅馆!
  • Don't go flipping your lid. 别发火。
19 collaborate SWgyC     
  • The work gets done more quickly when we collaborate.我们一旦合作,工作做起来就更快了。
  • I would ask you to collaborate with us in this work.我们愿意请你们在这项工作中和我们合作。
20 citation 1qyzo     
  • He had to sign the proposition for the citation.他只好在受奖申请书上签了字。
  • The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins.法庭可能会发传票,对罗宾斯女士处以罚款。
21 nutritious xHzxO     
  • Fresh vegetables are very nutritious.新鲜蔬菜富于营养。
  • Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutritious.蜂鸟发现花蜜和花粉是很有营养的。
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