status n.身份, 地位, 情形, 状况
解析:the status of a minor未成年人的地位
the status of affairs事态, 形势
status nascendi (nascens) 初生态
class status阶级成分
a status seeker想往上爬的人
his status as a teacher他的教师身分
social status社会地位
status symbol地位的象征(判断他人地位或夸耀自己身分的事物或习惯)
stress n.重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt.着重, 强调, 重读
解析:in the stress of the moment一时紧张
lay (place, put) stress on把重点放在...上; 在...上用力
under (driven by) the stress of为...所迫; 为...所驱使; 处境紧张
subsequent adj.后来的, 并发的
解析:the period subsequent to the war战后时期
subsequent upon作为…的结果而发生的, 接着…发生的,sequence指顺序,sub指在…之后
sum n.总数, 和, 金额, 算术题
解析:sum up简述对(材料)作扼要的总述;作概括说明:
sum up the day's news; concluded the lecture by summing up概括了当天的新闻;以扼要的重述结束了报告
an epithet1 that sums up my feelings简洁地表达了我思想感情的形容词
a tidy sum相当巨大的款项
do (work, make) sums (a sum)计算, 做算术题
in sum大体上, 一言以蔽之, 总之
the sum (and substance) of...要点, 要义, 精义
the sum of things(最高的)公共利益; 宇宙
sum total总数, 总计
sum up总计; 概括; 总结; 判断; 估
summary n.摘要, 概要
解析:summary justice简明的审判
a summary rejection立即拒绝
undertaken vbl. undertake的过去分词
academic adj.学院的, 理论的
解析:a student's academic average一个学生的学术能力
academic year学年
academic rank学衔
academic research学术研究
adjustment n.调整, 调节, 调节器
解析:make adjustment to适应
alter v.改变
解析:These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
【同】change, convert, modify, transform
解析:the status of a minor未成年人的地位
the status of affairs事态, 形势
status nascendi (nascens) 初生态
class status阶级成分
a status seeker想往上爬的人
his status as a teacher他的教师身分
social status社会地位
status symbol地位的象征(判断他人地位或夸耀自己身分的事物或习惯)
stress n.重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt.着重, 强调, 重读
解析:in the stress of the moment一时紧张
lay (place, put) stress on把重点放在...上; 在...上用力
under (driven by) the stress of为...所迫; 为...所驱使; 处境紧张
subsequent adj.后来的, 并发的
解析:the period subsequent to the war战后时期
subsequent upon作为…的结果而发生的, 接着…发生的,sequence指顺序,sub指在…之后
sum n.总数, 和, 金额, 算术题
解析:sum up简述对(材料)作扼要的总述;作概括说明:
sum up the day's news; concluded the lecture by summing up概括了当天的新闻;以扼要的重述结束了报告
an epithet1 that sums up my feelings简洁地表达了我思想感情的形容词
a tidy sum相当巨大的款项
do (work, make) sums (a sum)计算, 做算术题
in sum大体上, 一言以蔽之, 总之
the sum (and substance) of...要点, 要义, 精义
the sum of things(最高的)公共利益; 宇宙
sum total总数, 总计
sum up总计; 概括; 总结; 判断; 估
summary n.摘要, 概要
解析:summary justice简明的审判
a summary rejection立即拒绝
undertaken vbl. undertake的过去分词
academic adj.学院的, 理论的
解析:a student's academic average一个学生的学术能力
academic year学年
academic rank学衔
academic research学术研究
adjustment n.调整, 调节, 调节器
解析:make adjustment to适应
alter v.改变
解析:These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
【同】change, convert, modify, transform

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n.(用于褒贬人物等的)表述形容词,修饰语 | |
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