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时间:2017-02-07 03:56来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]


  A: Hello. Welcome to C&C Company你好。欢迎你到C&C公司来。
  B: Hello. And Good morning. I’m George Chen.你好,早上好。我是乔治·陈。
  A: Nice to meet you George. I’m glad you’ll be working for us. We’re like a big family here. We all work together as a team.乔治,很高兴见到你,我很高兴你能到我们这里来工作,我们这就像是一个大家庭,所有的人工作在一起,就像一个团队
  B: That’s great. I’m eager to start.太好了。我都等不及要开始工作了
  A: Well, let me tell you about some of our policies and practices here.好的,那我就把这里的规章制度先跟你说一下。
  B: All right. That will be a big help. I’m fresh out of college.好的。那会对我帮助很大。我刚从学校毕业。
  A: We requite1 all our employees to arrive for work on time and we insist that they keep their lunch hours to a reasonable length.我们要求员工准时到岗,而且午餐的时间不要过长
  B: I understand. That seems easy to follow.我明白,这很容易做到。
  A: Employee character is very important to us. We expect everyone here at C&C to be industrious2, cooperative3, honest and open-minded.员工性格很重要。我们希望C&C公司的的员工勤奋、协作、诚实、开明
  B: I’m very glad to hear that. I think I possess all of those qualities.
  A: We also try to do the best we can for our employees. We feel obligated to provide a safe working environment, and we make every effort to listen to our employees’ concerns.我们也努力为员工创造最好的条件。我们有责任为员工提供一个安全可靠的工作环境,我们也聆听员工们的呼声
  B: That’s very admirable. That’s also one of the reasons I wanted to work here.
  A: Now, perhaps you have some questions. Is there any additional4 information I can provide?现在你可能有些问题要问吧。你还想了解些什么呢?
  B: Yes,As a matter of fact. I have a few questions.是的,我有好几个问题要问呢!
  A: Certainly. Go ahead!尽管问吧!
  B: Will I be required to have a medical examination5 before I start work?我开始上班之前要不要进行体格检查?
  A: Yes, definitely6. But the company will cover the expense.是的,一定要体检。但是公司会出这笔钱。
  B: And would I have to go through special training or preparations for the job?
  A: Yes, you would. Our company believes in employee training and self-improvement.是的,要参加培训。我们公司秉承员工培训和个人成长的信念。
  B: And would it be necessary for me to work on weekends?我在周末有没有必要加班?
  A: No, that wouldn’t be necessary.不必。
  B: And one more question: do employees here have to go through a probation7 period?
  A: No, they don’t. Once you are hired you have the same rights and great privileges8 as other employees.没有,你一旦被录用了,就享有和其他员工一样的权利。
  B: I see. That’s great.我明白了。太好了。
  A: Do you have any other questions?你还有别的问题吗?
  B: No, I don’t think so. You’ve been so helpful.我想没有了,你帮我解决了很多疑问
  A:All right. I’m glad to hear that.好的,很高兴你这么说。
  B:Well,I’ve probably taken up enough of your time.我占用你的时间已经够多了
  A: We’ll talk again soon.我们很快会再见的。
  B: I’ve enjoyed talking with you. Thank you very much.我很喜欢跟你谈话,谢谢。
  A: You’re very welcome.不用客气。
  A: Kim, have you made contact with Mr. Lee?金姆,你跟李先生联系上了没有?
  B: Not yet, Mr. Wang. But I’m working on it.还没有,王先生。我正在联系。
  A: What seems to be the problem?是怎么回事?
  B: I just keep getting a busy signal.我打的时候老是占线。
  A: Maybe his phone is out of order. Anyway, keep working on it. I really need an answer about the contract I sent him.也许是他的电话坏了。不管怎么样,继续联系吧。我确实想知道他对那份合同的回应。
  B: All right, I’ll let you know when I get through.好的,接通了我就告诉你。
  A: I’ve been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break.我辛辛苦苦工作了整整一年。我真得歇歇了。
  B: That’s true. You need to take some time off to relax.真的。你需要抽出一些时间放松一下。
  A: You said it. I’m looking forward to my annual vacation.你说得没错。我正期待着年假的到来。
  B: When are you going to take your vacation?你什么时候开始休假?
  A: Later this month. I can’t wait!这个月底。我等不及了!
  B: I really envy you. I’m not taking my vacation until December.我真羡慕你。我要到十二月份才能休假。
  A: Sam, you’ve got to forgive me.山姆,你得原谅我。
  B: Forgive you for what?原谅你什么?
  A: I used your computer. And I’m afraid I’ve erased9 your personal files accidentally10.我用了你的电脑。恐怕我不小心把你的私人文件删掉了。
  B: No! Are you kidding me?不!你跟我开玩笑?
  A: I’m afraid not. I apologize.不是,我很抱歉
  B: I can’t believe it! I have all my important personal documents stored in that computer. It’s no laughing matter.我简直不敢相信!我将所有重要的私人资料都存入电脑了。这可不是闹着玩的。
  A: I told you I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?我都跟你道歉了。我怎样做才能弥补我的过错?
  B: Well, you should be sorry! Don’t ever use my computer again! You can’t do anything now, it’s too late!你应该道歉!再也不许用我的电脑了!现在你做什么都没有用了,已经太迟了!
  A: Jim, how was your weekend?吉姆,你的周末过得怎么样?
  B: I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there.我跟朋友去海滩玩了,还在那儿吃了烧烤。
  A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go swimming, too?那一定很好玩。你们也游泳了吧?
  B: Sure. I think it’s a fantastic place to go.当然。我觉得那是个好去处。
  A: I couldn’t agree more. That’s an ideal11 place for a vacation.我完全同意。那是个理想的度假场所。
  B: It sure is.当然。
  A: I can’t wait to go there myself.我都巴不得亲自到那儿去玩玩。


1 requite 3scyw     
  • The Bible says to requite evil with good.圣经要人们以德报怨。
  • I'll requite you for your help.我想报答你的帮助。
2 industrious a7Axr     
  • If the tiller is industrious,the farmland is productive.人勤地不懒。
  • She was an industrious and willing worker.她是个勤劳肯干的员工。
3 cooperative NZ5yS     
  • The workmen are very cooperative,so the work goes on smoothly.工人们十分合作,所以工作进展顺利。
  • We decided to set up a cooperative.我们决定开办一家合作社。
4 additional rJTyM     
  • It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则。
  • I think we can fit in an additional room.我想我们可以再加建一间房子。
5 examination pn6xJ     
  • Teachers always judge their students on the final examination.老师常根据期末考试来评价他们的学生。
  • He put up a good show in the final examination.他在期末考试中表现得不错。
6 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
7 probation 41zzM     
  • The judge did not jail the young man,but put him on probation for a year.法官没有把那个年轻人关进监狱,而且将他缓刑察看一年。
  • His salary was raised by 800 yuan after his probation.试用期满以后,他的工资增加了800元。
8 privileges 18a4b00c953da00f0589813d41c8865d     
n.特权( privilege的名词复数 );(因财富和社会地位而仅有部分人享有的)权益;免责特权;特殊荣幸
  • They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges. 他们有资格享有许多优惠和特权。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges. 不允许把职权变成特权。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
9 erased f4adee3fff79c6ddad5b2e45f730006a     
v.擦掉( erase的过去式和过去分词 );抹去;清除
  • He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one. 他擦去了错误答案,写上了正确答案。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He removed the dogmatism from politics; he erased the party line. 他根除了政治中的教条主义,消除了政党界限。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 accidentally kJ6yv     
  • Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned.玛丽无意中说出她的母亲来过电话。
  • As I turned around,I accidentally hit him in the face.我转身时不经意撞了他的脸。
11 ideal 2bRxF     
  • The weather at the seaside was ideal—bright and breezy.海边的天气最宜人,风和日丽的。
  • They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。
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