I bet I screwed up. 这想我搞砸了它。
He's just not that into you. 他没那么喜欢你。
To tell you the truth , I don't give a shit. 说实话,我完全不在乎。
Drop it! I'm tired out. 打住!我不想听了。
Will you chill out? 能冷静冷静吗?
Save your breath! 别浪费口舌。
Her days are numbered. 她来日无多了。
You totally crossed the line. 你太过分了。
He's two-timing Lily. 他对莉莉不忠。(two-timing 脚踏两只船)
l'll take your word for it. 我相信你的话。
It was meant to be. 这是注定的。
Don't be coy. 别害羞嘛。
Be good. 乖!听话~
You do the math.你自己来算一下
I’m with you 我同意你的观点
I was/will be there for you.我支持(过)你!
I’m all yours!我全听你的
She just drifted from job to job. 她经常转换工作。
That was close! 好险!
I’m totally over her! 我早就忘了她了!
The twins are like two peas in a pod. 双胞胎长得一模一样。
That's cool with me. 我觉得没问题。
Hang in there, the doctor is on the way. 坚持住,医生就要来了。
A bit more flour should do the trick. 再加点面粉就能解决了。(do the trick 表示起作用。)
I didn't really mean she was in outer space, it's just a figure of speech. 我不是真的说她是外星人,我只是打个比方。
They were bootlegging whiskey. 他们走私威士忌。
Wouldn't miss it for the world. 无论如何都不能错过。
I think I'll go for the blue shirt. 我想我要选蓝色衬衫。
My boss may go easy on me. 我的老板会放过我的。

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n.铲子,舀取,独家新闻;v.汲取,舀取,抢先登出 | |
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