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相关教程: 英语口语
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    经常看到国人翻译的警示牌被歪果仁笑掉了大牙,今天就来看看如何警告别人小心,千万不要再让同胞们小心地摔倒了,pia! 在步入正题前,让我们先来看看同胞们惨痛的摔倒经历!出自维基百...

  • 15条经典的英语绕口令

    1. Canners can can what they can can but can not can things cant be canned. 2. Bills big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks. 3.Please, Paul, pause for applause. 4.Shall I show you the shop for shoes and shirts? Shir...

  • 萌翻天的小动物 你学会与他们有关的俚语?

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  • 趣味俚语猜猜猜 forty winks40次眨眼?

    1. forty winks 1. 白天小睡;尤指打盹儿,午睡(非正式用语) If you have forty winks, you have a short sleep, or a nap. 如果你have forty winks,那表示你小睡,小憩一会儿。 E.g. If I have a late night I sometimes catch fort...

  • 和动物有关的英语俚语

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  • 实用口语:踏青英语怎么表达?

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  • 英语口语:与白色white有关的英文习语

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  • 英语口语学习:关于“零”的三个英语习语

    1. zero in on Meaning: If you zero in on something, you focus your attention on it. 中文解析:瞄准,对准..对集中火力、注意力 If you're reporting on an issue rather than an event, first get the reader interested by zeroing in on the...

  • 英语口语:生活中常见的8个习俗精讲

    Youre talking to your native English-speaking friend about your recent breakup and how depressed you are when suddenly he turns toward you and says Dont worry about it man, girls like that are a dime a dozen! You then stare at your friend in confusio...

  • 如何地道的表示“繁忙”

    We all lead busy lives and sometimes it feels like were never going to get off that treadmill. In English, there are many idiomatic expressions to express this busyness. 我们都过着繁忙的生活,有时感觉仿佛永远无法停下来。英语中...

  • 趣味学英语口语:这样学英语绝对妥妥的!

    Students love to learn English idioms, I think, because it is an advanced form of the language and if you can use an idiom correctly then it can make you feel like 'an insider' and more like a native English speaker.So, for this article, have a look...

  • 英语口语:吸引眼球 英文怎么表达?

    Buzzworthy由buzz(嗡嗡声;骚动;传闻)和worthy(值得的)组合而成,英文释义为:Likely to arouse the interest andattention of the public, either by media coverage or word ofmouth(通过媒体报道或口口相传的形式,有可能引发...

  • 你只会用Money?10个地道金钱英语口语

    Money idioms are everywhere and apply to so much more than just money! So get your cold hard cash ready as we dive into some money idioms! 关于金钱的成语到处都是,而且已经发展到不仅限于指金钱!所以准备好你手上冰冷坚硬...

  • 看不下去了,你该如何表达不爽

    小伙伴说错了话,做错了事儿,让你着实看不下去了。心中的不爽到底该如何表达?英文你可以这样提示TA 1. That wasn't very clever. 那样做可不怎么明智。 2. I can't take it anymore. 我可再也受不了了...

  • 生活口语-逛超市必备英语

    假设你不是一个人住,你可能先要问问室友、爸妈、partner I'm going to Walmart. Do you need anything? 我要去沃尔玛。你有什么东东要带吗? I'm going to Tesco. Do you want to go? 我要去乐购。你想一起去吗?...
