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相关教程: OMG美语
  • omg美语:0611 OMG! 美语 Compliments

    怎么用美语称赞别人? 你去约会时, 想恭维你的约会对象You look really nice tonight. 你今天看起来很帅/你今天看起很美。You're so sweet, thank you for such a fun date你真贴心,谢谢你安排了一个这么好玩的...

  • omg美语:0611 OMG! 美语 Haters Gonna Hate!

    怎么用美语谈航空旅行!? May I see your passport please? 麻烦请给我你的护照Are you flying domestic or international ? 你是飞国内还是国际航班? I prefer the aisle seat 我想要靠走道的座位Have a safe flight ! 旅途...

  • omg美语:0612 OMG! 美语 Text Me

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  • omg美语:0612 OMG! 美语 Go Bananas!

    Go bananas! 一些跟Food有关的美语说法! 1) butter someone up过分恭维 2) couch potato 整天看电视, 懒在家的人 3) big cheese有影响力的人 4) go bananas/go nuts发疯, spill the beans泄露秘密 你们最喜欢吃的东西是什...

  • omg美语:0612 OMG! 美语 Get Pumped!

    我们今天一起来学怎么用美语各种 EXCITED 的说法! Don't go to a basketball game with Bob. He really gets into it and cheers really really loud for his team!别和Bob一起去看篮球比赛。他总是很投入地给球队加油,特别...

  • omg美语:0612 OMG! 美语 Let's Bounce!

    I'm down. Let's bounce!! The last Harry Potter movie was epic! 哈利波特7非常好看的!I'm down with going shopping if you are.如果你想去逛街, 我也想去. I'll facebook you 我会在脸书找你.This party is boring. Let's bounce!这个...

  • omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Get your hair done

    I wanna get my hair done...! I just want to take an inch off the ends.我想把头发剪短约一英寸I'd like to shorten my bangs to touch my eyebrows.我想把我的刘海剪短到眉毛的位置 You're so annoying. Get out of my hair!你很烦啦...

  • omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 I love coffee

    I love 咖啡! I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syrup to go我平常点一杯外带中杯双份浓缩榛果拿铁咖啡A double latte is two shots of espresso shots with hot or cold milk双份拿铁有两份浓缩咖啡加热或冰牛奶...

  • omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 CHUG!!

    大家最喜欢喝什么饮料? I love iced coffee so much I could just CHUG IT!! chug 一口气喝 After a long run on a hot day I can chug an entire bottle of water! 天气很热的时候,我长时间跑步回来,能一口气喝完这瓶水!...

  • omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Face Time

    Gaga's P-P-P-Poker Face! (面无表情) Face 这个次在美语里面有很多说法 Why the long face? 你为什么这么难过呢? 脸上的各个部位也有!比如:Eyes 眼睛Her boyfriend has wandering eyes. 他的男朋友会看看别的女...

  • omg美语:0614 OMG! 美语 Phonte Talk

    Give me a call! 接电话,最平常的说法是Hello?正式一点是 Hello? This is Baijie 或者 Hello? Baijie speaking.如果你想问谁在打电话,你可以这样问Excuse me, who is this? May I ask who's calling, please?...

  • omg美语:0614 OMG! 美语 Thank You

    Thanks. 谢谢 Thank you! 谢谢你! Thank you so much! Thanks a lot! Thank'ya much. 多谢你啦!Aw, you shouldn't have! 你不必 I've had a splendid evening, thanks so much for having me. 我过了一个美好的夜晚, 谢谢您的款待...

  • omg美语:0614 OMG! 美语 Good Goin'!

    我们今天一起来学怎么用美语encourage朋友们! 1) good job 干得好, 做得好 I finally found a new job! 我终于找到了新工作! Good job! I knew you could do it! 好样的!我早就知道你会找到工作啊! 2) good goin'干...

  • omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You want fries with that?

    我们要开始学怎么点菜! I'm hungry 我饿了!I'm starving 我饿死了 I'm feeling a little peckish 我有点饿My stomach is eating itself! 我的肚子正在吃它自己! I'd like the #4 meal. Can I get the#4? May I please order the #4?...

  • omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 Yes Yep Yup

    更多简单美语日常交际! Hello! Hi, Hey, Hi there, Hey there, Howdy。What's up? 的几个回答。Yes/yeah/yep/yup/uh-huh/sure/you bet。No/nope/no way/not a chance/not in this lifetime/uh-uh。还有几个很的美语说法...
