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相关教程: OMG美语
  • omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You're Such a Schmoozer!

    o you know any SUCK-UPs?? 我们今天一起来学怎么用美语谈巴结别人的话题! My brother wants a new video game. He's sucking up to Mom so that she'll buy the game for him.我弟弟想要一个新电子游戏。他一直在讨好妈妈...

  • omg美语:0618 OMG! 美语 Fashionista

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  • omg美语:0618 OMG! 美语 Bargain shopping

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  • omg美语:0618 OMG! 美语 Shake Your Booty!

    ROCK OUT with 白洁! 1) mellow out 放松一下 2) chill 轻松的 I had such a rough day. I just want to mellow out to something chill like Bon Iver and fall asleep. 今天累死了。我只想放松一下,听轻轻松松的音乐,比如 Bon...

  • omg美语:0619 OMG! 美语 Date Night Romance

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  • omg美语:0619 OMG! 美语 I Love Shoes!

    I LOVE SHOES!! Fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位 If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的,就承认吧 In someone else's shoes 从别人的角度来看Wouldn't want to be in his shoes 我不想处于他的境地...

  • omg美语:0619 OMG! 美语 Nothing Better

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  • omg美语:0619 OMG! 美语 Let's Go To A Concert!

    我们今天一起去看看演唱会吧! My favorite Dave Mathews Band song? That's tough. Maybe recently, Satellite 我最喜欢的Dave Mathew's Band歌曲? 那可不容易选!可能是最近那首 Satellite吧。 - Andy (他是不是很帅啊? 哈...

  • omg美语:0620 OMG! 美语 Hot Hot Hot!

    今天的节目很热! 全身冒汗, 另外一个意思:为某事而焦急或紧张;I am sweating like a pig全身冒汗;Hot as heck非常热;He is so hot他很帅;Hot new song流行歌曲;Have the hots对某人有感觉,喜欢他;Red hot非常...

  • omg美语:0620 OMG! 美语 Pop-up Storm

    我们今天一起来学 天气!Weather!! 1) weird weather 天气很反常 We've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常!2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨 In the summer, it seems like D.C. is hit by pop-up storm every day! 夏天的...

  • omg美语:0621 OMG! 美语 Flip Flop!

    我们今天也一起来看看怎么用美语FLIP和FLOP的说法! Are you a flip-flopper?? Do you like to wear flip flops?? 1) flip flop临时变卦 2) flip flops人字拖鞋 3) flip 翻过来 4) flop垂下来...

  • omg美语:0621 OMG! 美语 Nerds!!

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  • omg美语:0621 OMG! 美语 白洁's Fav Snacks!

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  • omg美语:0622 OMG! 美语 My Fav TV Show...

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  • omg美语:0622 OMG! 美语 Not My Fault...

    I'm so sorry about that! I didn't mean to! 1) I didn't mean to 我不是故意的 2) It's not my fault 不是我的错 3) I can't help it 我没办法 4) Sorry about that 对不起...
