Carmela:Today we’re looking at business socialising. And as usual I’m joined by business English expert, David Evans. David - how would you describe business socialising?
David: Well I suppose business socialising really means any kind of communication between business people which doesn’t relate specifically1 to the job that they are doing at that time. So it could be some colleagues socialising after work, or it could be people entertaining their customers maybe over a meal or over drinks.
It could be the kind of conversation that happens at a conference or at some kind of party or social event at which business people are meeting one another. In fact socialising is often one of the hardest things for business people to do.
In a meeting or in a presentation there is a clear purpose to the business communication but when you are socialising there are just no rules.
Carmela:But having said there are no rules there are certain expressions that you’ll often hear and we’ll be looking at those throughout today’s programme. Let’s join our first scenario(情节,剧本). We’re going to a breakfast meeting of Business Network International - a group of people from all professions who regularly get together to make business contacts.
Louise:Oh Hello, you must be Darren Johnston.
Darren:Yeah, hi there. Nice to meet you. You are ...?
Louise:I’m Louise Moore. I think we met last time in Birmingham.
Daren:Right. Yes of course. Sorry I forgot all about it. That’s right, that was a couple of years ago wasn’t it.
Louise:Actually Darren, I think there would be somebody that would be really useful for you to meet. Let me introduce you to Kevin Hann later. He’s a financial advisor2.
Carmela:A very typical start to a conversation there. David, can you talk us through
some of the phrases those two people used.
David:Yes, they used a lot of very good expressions for introducing people or meeting people. Right at the beginning we heard her say you must be Darren. She’s
using that phrase because she thinks she knows his name, she’s not certain of it but she thinks she does, so she says you must be. Then they remember the previous time that they met and if you think you’ve met someone before you might well say I think we met last time in…in Birmingham, in this case. And then finally when she wants to introduce the man to somebody else she uses again a standard phrase - let me introduce you to Kevin, she says.
Carmela:Now let’s hear another conversation. This next one is the kind you might have during a coffee break at a conference.
Callum:Hi I’m Callum. I don’t think we’ve met before.
John:No, hello I’m John. C: Pleased to meet you
J:So what line of work are you in?
C:I work in new media … mainly online projects, web design, that kind of thing.
And what about you?
J:Well quite similar to you really. I’m in new media too ... but more on the broadband technology side.
C:Oh broadband, do you know Alison Weaver3? She’s also here at the conference. She’s in broadband too.
J:No, I don’t think I’ve met her.
Carmela:So some similar expressions to the ones we heard earlier. David, can you pick
some of them out?
David:There was a very good way of introducing yourself to someone you don’t know there. The phrase was I don’t think we’ve met before, to which the reply here was pleased to meet you, a very standard way of greeting someone. I think in the previous conversation we had the phrase nice to meet you, which again has exactly the same function. They then move the conversation on when the person asks, What line of work are you in? It’s a very common, a very friendly way of asking, what’s your job? The other one replied I’m in new media, meaning I work in the new media industry. He could have said I’m in sales / I’m in insurance. And he then returns the question by simply saying What about you….?
Carmela:Now let’s go beyond simple introductions and move on to some phrases that are useful for asking more detailed4 questions about people’s jobs.
Male 1:So…. how long have you been in business?
Male 2:I’ve been in this business for about four or five years now, providing IT
solutions for companies.
Male 1:So what exactly do you do? I mean I know you’ve mentioned IT solutions but what exactly do you do?
Male 2:I used to only provide computer training and now I’m also providing database(数据库) solutions and internet solutions by way of web development and setting5 up networks.
C:Everyone’s talking about it. Broadband is a very interesting area at the moment. How did you get into it?
J:Well to be honest it happened by accident. I was involved in a project with a strong broadband element(成分,要素,元素) and I just sort of fell into it, really. What about you? How long have you been in web design?
C:Well not very long at all, actually. Only about a year. Before that I was a teacher.
Carmela:Now in both conversations people are going into a lot more detail about their
professions and there were lots of questions. Could you isolate6 some of the questions we heard there?
David:Well yes, to ask someone to tell you in a little more detail about their job you can use the question what exactly do you do? This will mean they won’t just say, I’m a teacher, I’m a web designer or I’m a policeman, they will tell you the way that they spend their working day.
Carmela:And once you’ve actually got a few details about their duties, about the kind of things that they do at work, what would be the next logical7 question to ask them?
David:Well there we heard the person ask How long have you been in web design?
How long have you….. been in something, again is a good way of moving the conversation on. And the other question that they used to move the
conversation on was how did you get into it? In other words how did you start in this particular profession or this particular career?
Carmela:And again we heard someone ask the same question back with that phrase What about you? Of course, often the whole point of business socialising is to network and make useful contacts for future possible business. So knowing how to get people’s contact details is extremely important.
Female: So what line of work are you in?
Male:I’m actually a VAT8 consultant9 for a firm of chartered10 accountants.
Female:Oh really? Do you have a business card I could take?
Male:Yes sure, hold on.
Female:Oh thanks ever so much. Are you on email?
Male:Yes, yeah, I do have email. In fact, I do most of my work via email now. So
it’s actually on the bottom of the card.
Female: Oh sorry. So I’ll be in touch.
Male: OK, that would be great.
Female: Thanks…
Male Bye.
J: Well it was a pleasure to meet you. Your work sounds very interesting. Maybe
we could swap11 some ideas at some point in the future. Can I take your business card?
C:Yep by all means. There you go. J: And are you on email?
C:Yes, sorry, that’s, that’s an old one. So the email address is on the back.
J:Well I must go and say hello to a former colleague of mine. Enjoy the rest of the conference. I’m sure I’ll see you around, and I’ve got your contact details so I’ll be in touch.
Carmela: Lots of giving out of the all-important business card there and David, there
were lots of useful expressions too. Can you pick out some for us?
David:Yes if you want to maintain12 contact with (与。。。保持联系)somebody I suppose the three key phrases you need to remember are Can I take your business card?, Are you on email?, and just to show that you are going to maintain the contact remember the phrase I’ll be in touch.
Carmela: Plus we heard an extremely useful expression there that’s a great way of ending a conversation, that phrase I must go and….
David: Yes, that’s a very good way of ending a conversation. You can use all sorts of different reasons for ending it. I must go and talk to my colleagues, i must go
and speak to my boss, I must go and introduce myself to a customer. Any phrase like that will do and it’s a good, polite way of showing that the conversation is over.
Carmela: Many thanks to David Evans for talking us through the expressions used every day in the workplace. I hope Business Language To Go has equipped you with some quick phrases for those different situations that occur during your working day.
David: Well I suppose business socialising really means any kind of communication between business people which doesn’t relate specifically1 to the job that they are doing at that time. So it could be some colleagues socialising after work, or it could be people entertaining their customers maybe over a meal or over drinks.
It could be the kind of conversation that happens at a conference or at some kind of party or social event at which business people are meeting one another. In fact socialising is often one of the hardest things for business people to do.
In a meeting or in a presentation there is a clear purpose to the business communication but when you are socialising there are just no rules.
Carmela:But having said there are no rules there are certain expressions that you’ll often hear and we’ll be looking at those throughout today’s programme. Let’s join our first scenario(情节,剧本). We’re going to a breakfast meeting of Business Network International - a group of people from all professions who regularly get together to make business contacts.
Louise:Oh Hello, you must be Darren Johnston.
Darren:Yeah, hi there. Nice to meet you. You are ...?
Louise:I’m Louise Moore. I think we met last time in Birmingham.
Daren:Right. Yes of course. Sorry I forgot all about it. That’s right, that was a couple of years ago wasn’t it.
Louise:Actually Darren, I think there would be somebody that would be really useful for you to meet. Let me introduce you to Kevin Hann later. He’s a financial advisor2.
Carmela:A very typical start to a conversation there. David, can you talk us through
some of the phrases those two people used.
David:Yes, they used a lot of very good expressions for introducing people or meeting people. Right at the beginning we heard her say you must be Darren. She’s
using that phrase because she thinks she knows his name, she’s not certain of it but she thinks she does, so she says you must be. Then they remember the previous time that they met and if you think you’ve met someone before you might well say I think we met last time in…in Birmingham, in this case. And then finally when she wants to introduce the man to somebody else she uses again a standard phrase - let me introduce you to Kevin, she says.
Carmela:Now let’s hear another conversation. This next one is the kind you might have during a coffee break at a conference.
Callum:Hi I’m Callum. I don’t think we’ve met before.
John:No, hello I’m John. C: Pleased to meet you
J:So what line of work are you in?
C:I work in new media … mainly online projects, web design, that kind of thing.
And what about you?
J:Well quite similar to you really. I’m in new media too ... but more on the broadband technology side.
C:Oh broadband, do you know Alison Weaver3? She’s also here at the conference. She’s in broadband too.
J:No, I don’t think I’ve met her.
Carmela:So some similar expressions to the ones we heard earlier. David, can you pick
some of them out?
David:There was a very good way of introducing yourself to someone you don’t know there. The phrase was I don’t think we’ve met before, to which the reply here was pleased to meet you, a very standard way of greeting someone. I think in the previous conversation we had the phrase nice to meet you, which again has exactly the same function. They then move the conversation on when the person asks, What line of work are you in? It’s a very common, a very friendly way of asking, what’s your job? The other one replied I’m in new media, meaning I work in the new media industry. He could have said I’m in sales / I’m in insurance. And he then returns the question by simply saying What about you….?
Carmela:Now let’s go beyond simple introductions and move on to some phrases that are useful for asking more detailed4 questions about people’s jobs.
Male 1:So…. how long have you been in business?
Male 2:I’ve been in this business for about four or five years now, providing IT
solutions for companies.
Male 1:So what exactly do you do? I mean I know you’ve mentioned IT solutions but what exactly do you do?
Male 2:I used to only provide computer training and now I’m also providing database(数据库) solutions and internet solutions by way of web development and setting5 up networks.
C:Everyone’s talking about it. Broadband is a very interesting area at the moment. How did you get into it?
J:Well to be honest it happened by accident. I was involved in a project with a strong broadband element(成分,要素,元素) and I just sort of fell into it, really. What about you? How long have you been in web design?
C:Well not very long at all, actually. Only about a year. Before that I was a teacher.
Carmela:Now in both conversations people are going into a lot more detail about their
professions and there were lots of questions. Could you isolate6 some of the questions we heard there?
David:Well yes, to ask someone to tell you in a little more detail about their job you can use the question what exactly do you do? This will mean they won’t just say, I’m a teacher, I’m a web designer or I’m a policeman, they will tell you the way that they spend their working day.
Carmela:And once you’ve actually got a few details about their duties, about the kind of things that they do at work, what would be the next logical7 question to ask them?
David:Well there we heard the person ask How long have you been in web design?
How long have you….. been in something, again is a good way of moving the conversation on. And the other question that they used to move the
conversation on was how did you get into it? In other words how did you start in this particular profession or this particular career?
Carmela:And again we heard someone ask the same question back with that phrase What about you? Of course, often the whole point of business socialising is to network and make useful contacts for future possible business. So knowing how to get people’s contact details is extremely important.
Female: So what line of work are you in?
Male:I’m actually a VAT8 consultant9 for a firm of chartered10 accountants.
Female:Oh really? Do you have a business card I could take?
Male:Yes sure, hold on.
Female:Oh thanks ever so much. Are you on email?
Male:Yes, yeah, I do have email. In fact, I do most of my work via email now. So
it’s actually on the bottom of the card.
Female: Oh sorry. So I’ll be in touch.
Male: OK, that would be great.
Female: Thanks…
Male Bye.
J: Well it was a pleasure to meet you. Your work sounds very interesting. Maybe
we could swap11 some ideas at some point in the future. Can I take your business card?
C:Yep by all means. There you go. J: And are you on email?
C:Yes, sorry, that’s, that’s an old one. So the email address is on the back.
J:Well I must go and say hello to a former colleague of mine. Enjoy the rest of the conference. I’m sure I’ll see you around, and I’ve got your contact details so I’ll be in touch.
Carmela: Lots of giving out of the all-important business card there and David, there
were lots of useful expressions too. Can you pick out some for us?
David:Yes if you want to maintain12 contact with (与。。。保持联系)somebody I suppose the three key phrases you need to remember are Can I take your business card?, Are you on email?, and just to show that you are going to maintain the contact remember the phrase I’ll be in touch.
Carmela: Plus we heard an extremely useful expression there that’s a great way of ending a conversation, that phrase I must go and….
David: Yes, that’s a very good way of ending a conversation. You can use all sorts of different reasons for ending it. I must go and talk to my colleagues, i must go
and speak to my boss, I must go and introduce myself to a customer. Any phrase like that will do and it’s a good, polite way of showing that the conversation is over.
Carmela: Many thanks to David Evans for talking us through the expressions used every day in the workplace. I hope Business Language To Go has equipped you with some quick phrases for those different situations that occur during your working day.

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adv.明确地,具体地;特别地,特意 | |
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n.顾问,指导老师,劝告者 | |
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n.织布工;编织者 | |
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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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n.背景 | |
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vt.使孤立,隔离 | |
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adj.逻辑(上)的,符合逻辑的;合乎常理的 | |
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n.(=value added tax)增值税,大桶 | |
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n.顾问;会诊医师,专科医生 | |
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a.特许的,持有特许证的 | |
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n.交换;vt.交换,用...作交易 | |
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vt.支撑;赡养,抚养;维持,保有 | |
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