Change and Success
He is professional football's all-time 1)winningest coach and the only man to lead an 2)NFL team, his 1972 Miami Dolphins, to an undefeated season. Yet when Don Shula revels1 in perfection today, it's not on the football field, but in the beef 3)biz.
In the Fall of 1996, Shula, persuaded by a family friend, took a prime position in a Miami steak house, something he initially2 did not want to do.
Shula: I'd gone through 33 years of coaching, of spending, you know, all your waking hours involved in what your responsibilities were. And in retirement3, I didn't want to spend all of my waking hours thinking about, you know, what my responsibilities in a restaurant business were.
Fourteen years later, Shula's is the fourth largest 4)upscale steakhouse chain in the country. His twenty-four restaurants spanning from south Florida to Manhattan to Salt Lake City, last year 5)grossed 60 million dollars. "Success", the old coach says, "Comes from teaching the same strategies that worked on the 6)gridiron?
Shula: It's a people business. Coaching is a people business. And, you know, my responsibility through the years as a coach was to make decisions, to motivate people, to have a game plan, to stick to the game plan, be organized, get the most out of every minute of every day, and all of those same principles, you know, are the same things that you teach in the restaurant business.
Shula's steakhouses are 7)shrines to that magical year of seventy-two. At Shula's, waiters and waitresses are called players, managers coaches, top-performing employees are even given game balls. Success is not forever, and failure isn't fatal.
Shula: There's always that next competition. You gotta continue to prove yourself. The important thing is to learn as you continue to be successful, and don't ever feel that you know it all, that you're got all the answers.
8)Taking yourself on may be the hardest part to personal 9)transformation5. Being 10)accountable for mistakes, failures, shameful6 behavior, even cruelties; but that's what leaders do. They say, and 11)psychologists also 12)counsel, that being accountable is the first step towards real change.
Forseema: People really don't understand the power that they have within themselves.
Dennis Forseema is the former CEO of high-tech7 firm, Redback Networks.
Forseema: We all have the power to change ourselves in whatever way we want to change. But first you have to want to change. Something 13)significant has to happen in your life to make you want to change. By the fact that I 14)stuttered, you know, while I was growing up, I was made fun of. I was 15)pudgy when I was growing up as well, so here's this fat little pudgy kid who stuttered, and I used to get made fun of a lot. And so that helped drive me to want to change. So in my case, it wasn't a bad thing. I think that there are things there could be role models, you know, in your life where you see good things happening from that role model, or to that role model, that make you want to try to emulate8 what they're doing. But we all have the power to change within ourselves.
Leslie: I think the most important event in my management development was the failure of my first 16)entrepreneurial company, which was a very, you know, great personal extension of myself.
Before he helped build software powerhouse, Veritas, former CEO Mark Leslie went bust9.
Leslie: I had, you know, enormous psychological investment in it, it failed, and it, you know, was the most difficult thing I had to deal with. At the conclusion of that I said, you know, "I'm gonna be either bitter or better." And I wanted to be better, and so I spent a good deal of time thinking about things and trying to understand why this wasn't successful. And there are many reasons, and it's very easy to find all the reasons that were other people's, which is the bitter part, you know. But I really said, let's look at myself and see what I could learn and much of the way I am today really comes from, 17)stems from that experience.
Journalist: What did you learn that you had to change?
Leslie: Well, I learned that the management style... I come from a company where had a very quite 18)autocratic management style, actually. And that's kinda where I grew up and in leaving that company, I decided10 to do differently the things I didn't like and to do the same the things I did like or the things I thought were successful.
Journalist: Wait a minute. Most people don’t believe that you can succeed by doing what you like.
Leslie: What I found when I did that was that I was a pale reflection of someone else’s management style, leadership style of a company. It wasn’t really something that was my own. It was something that was theirs, kind of once 19)removed, you know once 20)modified.
Journalist: First of all, what you’re saying, one of the things you said is that to be 21)authentic11 was the first step towards being successful.
Leslie: Yes. I think that’s true.
If all of this is a little too “new-age” for you, remember that personal transformation is actually an ancient and 22)recurring12 theme in 23)mythology13, in philosophy, and in literature. And one of the best-known stories of personal transformation is that of Ebenezer Scrooge, Charles Dickens' classic 24)miser14 from A Christmas Carol. Through Scrooge, Dickens asks, how much can we change? And if we change, can we alter our own destinies? With Scrooge's giddy Christmas morning transformation, Dickens' answer is that we can change a lot but that real change comes after we step outside ourselves and face the reality of our actions. In other words, you must become the observer of your own life. Raise this issue of observation of oneself.
Journalist: You, in a way, this 25)inanimate being that animates15 you, you are something else - Do you believe that?
Stephen Covey: I believe that inside this body is a spirit that lives there and that the spirit, I think, 26)inhabits the body, and that you can 27)cultivate and develop it until it can learn to control and to overcome or to master the body.
Journalist: We all know people who don't seem to be that 28)principled---whose principles seem to be 29)ruthlessness, 30)bullying16, arrogance--they think about 31)hierarchy17 more than anything else, who's gonna to help them? I mean, they live their entire lives built around how to get ahead.
Stephen Covey: Right.
Journalist: Why are those people so successful?
Stephen Covey: Study their marriage, study their relationship with their teenagers, study the quality of the relationship with their 32)immediate18 team, they're not successful. They have 33)secondary success --money, prestige, power. Primary success comes from primary greatness: your character. Secondary success -- image, money, prestige, all that --comes from secondary skills, secondary greatness --talent, know how to use talent. We study them all the time. I do it all the time. They're not that happy.
Journalist: One way you describe some of this is that to have more things, to have more satisfaction, to have more people loyal to you --to have, you have to be. That turns things around for a lot of Americans.
Stephen Covey: I think that if you're not courageous19, visionary, disciplinary, how're you gonna accomplish getting things that you want to get, whether they're material things, or, say, a beautiful family culture. So that's why being needs proceeds doing.
1) winning [5winiN] a. 胜利的
2) NFL即National Football League(美国国家足球联盟)的缩写。
3) biz [biz] n. 美国俚语,相当于business。
4) upscale [5QpskeIl] a. 迎合高层次消费者的
5) gross [^rEus] v. (扣除其他开支后)总得
6) gridiron [5^rid7aiEn] n. 烤架
8) take on 承担
9) transformation [7trAnsfE5meiFEn] n. 变化,转换
10) accountable [E5kauntEbl] a. 应负责的
11) psychologist [psaI5kClEdVIst] n. 心理学家
12) counsel [5kaunsEl] v. 劝告
13) significant [si^5nifikEnt] a. 重大的,重要的
14) stutter [5stQtE] v. 口吃
15) pudgy [5pRdVI] a. 矮胖的
16) entrepreneurial [7CntrEprE5nE:riEl] a. 企业的
17) stem [stem] v. 滋生,源于
18) autocratic [7C:tE5krAtik] a. 独裁的,专制的
19) remove [ri5mu:v] v. 移动
20) modify [5mCdifai] v. 更改,修改
21) authentic [C:5Wentik] a. 可信的
22) recurring [ri5kE:riN] a. 复发的,重现的
23) mythology [mi5WClEdVi] n. 神话
24) miser [5maizE] n. 守财奴
25) inanimate [in5Animit] a. 死气沉沉的,没生命的
26) inhabit [in5hAbit] v. 存在于
27) cultivate [5kQltiveit] v. 培养
28) principled [5prinsEpld] a. 原则性强的
29) ruthlessness [5ru:Wlisnis] n. 无情
30) bullying [5buliiN] a. 欺凌人的
31) hierarchy [5haiErB:ki] n. 等级
32) immediate [i5mi:djEt] a. 直接的
33) secondary [5sekEndEri] a. 次等的,二等的

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n.作乐( revel的名词复数 );狂欢;着迷;陶醉v.作乐( revel的第三人称单数 );狂欢;着迷;陶醉 | |
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adv.最初,开始 | |
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n.退休,退职 | |
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n.圣地,神龛,庙;v.将...置于神龛内,把...奉为神圣 | |
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n.变化;改造;转变 | |
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adj.可耻的,不道德的 | |
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adj.高科技的 | |
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v.努力赶上或超越,与…竞争;效仿 | |
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vt.打破;vi.爆裂;n.半身像;胸部 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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adj.往复的,再次发生的 | |
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n.神话,神话学,神话集 | |
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n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 (adj.miserly) | |
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v.使有生气( animate的第三人称单数 );驱动;使栩栩如生地动作;赋予…以生命 | |
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v.恐吓,威逼( bully的现在分词 );豪;跋扈 | |
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n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adj.勇敢的,有胆量的 | |
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