School Crisis: Girls Dominate
Remember when girls became nurses and not doctors, 1)stenographers not C.E.O.s, teachers not 2)principals? Well, that’s not the way it is anymore. Today, school 3)districts report that boys are 4)withdrawing from the life of schools and girls are taking over, and we wanted to find out why.
Girls don’t necessary get 5)teased as much if they do well.
I think that boys are more, you know, expected to be the star athletes, you know, to bring home the football title.
I think maybe girls are a little more 6)goal-orientated where guys in general are more apt to go with the flow. Like, well, if I do well in high school, that’s great; if I don’t, OK, that’s fine.
I mean, I do think there will be a problem if it continues this way, ‘cause the boys just keep 7)sliding further and further back.
All the 8)rhetoric2 in the 9)gender3 10)equity4 movement is about how schools 11)short-changed girls. There was almost nothing about how we could reach out to boys. In order to advance girls, they 12)exaggerated how 13)vulnerable girls were and they 14)understated the needs of boys. They 15)depicted boys as usual privileged 16)beneficiaries of a 17)patriarchal society.
I can’t say that boys are more short-changed. I can say that boys and girls are being short-changed in our schools today. I am not in favor of saying that girls are to get anything over boys. Most people understand that gender equity is about making sure that both boys and girls have equal 18)access to educational 19)opportunities. I think, yes, you can say that both boys and girls still have a way to go.
I do not think that 20)feminism has ruined the lives of boys. Where are the men? Why aren’t men 21)advocating for boys? Boys are 22)demigods, but not for their 23)academic work.
Girls Are Taking Over!
A: Girls are 1)taking over? Well, I think that this news will make many of our Crazy English female fans very happy...
B: I agree. But also, this has been happening for a while. Girl students are 2)outshining the boys: learning faster, studying harder. This is true even in the math and sciences.
A: Maybe girls are studying harder, yes. But learning faster? I don’t know... However, to study harder does mean that someone will remember more and will likely get higher scores on examination. Studying is just so important.
B: Yes, I know. 3)No pain, no gain. These girls know -- as do many boys -- that their hard work and efforts now will 4)pay off in the future... For example, good job, more money...
A: But, people are different. Life is more important than school...
B: ...
A: ...
B: ...
1) stenographer1 [ste5nR^rEfE(r)] n. 速记员
2) principal [5prinsEp(E)l] n. 校长
3) district [5distrikt] n. 区域,地方
4) withdraw [wiT5drC:] v. 撤退,离开
5) tease [ti:z] v. 取笑,奚落
6) goal-orientated [^Eul 5C:rienteitid] a. 目标定向
7) slide [slaid] v. 滑动,滑行
8) rhetoric [5retErik] n. 言语,巧辩
9) gender [5dVendE] n. 性,性别
10) equity [5ekwiti] n. 公平,公正
11) short-change [FC:t-tFeindV] v. 忽略,忽视
12) exaggerate [i^5zAdVEreit] v. 夸张,夸大
13) vulnerable [5vQlnErEb(E)l] a. 脆弱的,易受伤害的
14) understate [5QndE5steit] v. 打着折扣地说,有意轻描淡写
15) depict5 [di5pikt] v. 描写,描绘
16) beneficiary [beni5fiFEri] n. 受惠者,受益人
17) patriarchal [7peitri5B:kEl] a. 男人统治下的
18) access [5Akses] n. 通路,进入之路径或权利
19) opportunity [7CpE5tju:niti] n. 机会,时机
20) feminism [5feminizEm] n. 男女平等主义,女权运动
21) advocate [5AdvEkeit] v. 主张,提倡
22) demigod [5demi^Cd] n. 受崇拜的人,小神
Girls are talking over!
1) take over 取而代之,取得主导地位
2) outshine [aut5Fain] v. 比……更亮,胜过
3) No pain, no gain. 一份耕耘,一份收获。(谚语)
4) pay off 得到好结果,取得成功

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n.速记员 | |
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n.修辞学,浮夸之言语 | |
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n.(生理上的)性,(名词、代词等的)性 | |
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n.公正,公平,(无固定利息的)股票 | |
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vt.描画,描绘;描写,描述 | |
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