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  • 2015年CRI 中国抗战大阅兵顺利预演

    More than 10,000 soldiers from the Chinese armed forces, WWII veterans, 500 military vehicles and about 200 aircraft participated in the rehearsal that started on Saturday night. The parade will commemorates the 70th anniversary of the victory of the...

  • 2015年CRI 世界田径锦标赛在北京开幕

    Chinese President Xi Jinping declared the World Athletics Championships open at a ceremony held at Beijing's iconic 'Bird's Nest', the National Stadium. I now declare the 2015 IAAF World Championships in Beijing open! This year's world athletics cham...

  • 2015年CRI 中国对二战贡献的图片展在波兰举行

    The exhibition shows Japan's crimes in the Asia-Pacific region, how the Chinese people helped Jews escape the holocaust, and the lives of Jews who sheltered in China. Chinese ambassador to Poland Xu Jian says though peace and development is the main...

  • 2015年CRI 中国发布抗战胜利日大阅兵细节

    These 50 formations will include 11 foot formations, two mounted formations of veterans, 27 armament formations, and 10 air echelons. 12,000 troops, 500 pieces of equipment, and nearly 200 aircraft will be demonstrated. One of the highlights during t...

  • 2015年CRI 中国投资者购买纽约房地产

    Anchor: This year has seen a sharp increase in Chinese investor demand for real estate in New York, with the cash put down this year already exceeding last year's totals. Our William Denselow has more from New York. Reporter: Another building under c...

  • 2015年CRI 专家谈中美关系

    Ruan Zongze with the China Institute of International Studies says the timing of the Chinese President's visit to Washington comes at an important time. President Xi Jinping's trip comes as the US prepares for next year's election, while at the same...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸后医疗援助和救助工作继续开展

    Windows at Tianjin TEDA Hospital, located about 2 kilometers from the blast site, were broken during the explosions, but medical staff still had to respond immediately to the needs of the many injured who arrived for emergency treatment. Wang Xiaojie...

  • 2015年CRI 泰国当局进一步调查爆炸案

    Viroj Lappaibonwong, communication officer from the Police General Hospital, says as of Thursday, there are still bodies of victims awaiting transfers back home. There are five Chinese mainlanders and two from Hong Kong, with one of them holding a Br...

  • 2015年CRI 天津市长对爆炸主动揽责

    Two days after a deadly explosion, the Erawan shrine in Bangkok reopened to the public today. Speaking to reporters at a news conference in the city, Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo has offered his official condolences to the victims. He also says, as th...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸仓库的合法性遭受质疑

    天津爆炸仓库的合法性遭受质疑 Many doubts have surrounded how well equipped Ruihai Logistics was in handling hazmat issues, as well as how it passed environmental and safety evaluations. Zong Guoying with the Tianjin Municipal government...

  • 2015年CRI 台湾农民采用高科技种植农作物

    Meet Chang Chen-kai, one of a new generation of high-tech farmers in Taiwan. Rather than toiling in the fields, Chang works in an air-conditioned room at a plant factory operated by Taiwanese biotechnology company, ARWIN. It's one of a growing number...

  • 2015年CRI 中国海军做好中俄演习准备

    The drills are scheduled to last for 9 days. They'll be taking place in the waters off the east coast of Russia. Simulations of anti-submarine warfare, air defense and joint beach landings are set to take place. The drills come around a decade after...

  • 2015年CRI 香港发布曼谷旅游红色警报

    Two Hong Kong women, aged 19 and 24, have been killed in the bombing, while six other Hong Kong residents are among the dozens of people injured. Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung has expressed his condolences to the victims' families. On behalf of...

  • 2015年CRI 天津爆炸遇难人数上升至114人

    Tianjin deputy mayor He Shushan gave an update on the latest developments on the chemical blast in the city during a news conference on Monday morning. Currently, a total of 698 people remain in hospital, of which 57 are still in a critical condition...

  • 2015年CRI 巴布亚偏远地区发现印尼客机残骸

    Indonesian Aviation officials say the Trigana Air flight lost contact with ground control at 2:55 PM local time on Sunday as it flew from the regional capital Jayapura to the town of Oksibil in Papua, in the easterm part of Indonesia. Director Genera...
