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  • 2015年CRI 克里称伊朗核协议有望本周达成

    US Secretary of State John Kerry says an agreement on Iran's nuclear program is possible this week if Tehran makes the hard choices necessary. At the same time, Kerry is warning the United States remains ready to walk away from the negotiations. Over...

  • 2015年CRI 土司遗址被列为世界文化遗产

    China gained its 48th World Heritage Site on Saturday during the 39th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Bonn, Germany. The three Tusi sites include the ruins of Hailongtun castle in Guizhou; the Tangya Tusi city in Hubei; and the Yong...

  • 2015年CRI 北京和上海正式实施境外旅客离境退税

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  • 2015年CRI 意美森联手乐视生产4D手机

    Chinese video streaming company LeTV has partnered with NASDAQ-listed haptic technology solution provider Immersion Corporation to bring 4D videos to smartphones. Haptic, originally a Greek term is based on the concept of using various types of vibra...

  • 2015年CRI 伦敦爆炸案对10年后英国安全的影响

    Some ten years have passed since four suicide bombers struck the heart of central London during the morning rush hour on July 7th, 2005. A total of 52 people were killed and hundreds more injured. From that day on, Britain's security landscape change...

  • 2015年CRI 上海展览提请关注慰安妇问题

    An exhibition displaying the plight of comfort women during World War II is being held in Shanghai. Among the pictures being shown are those of 20 former comfort women who are still alive in China. Su Zhiliang, head of the Center for Chinese Comfort...

  • 2015年CRI 中国督促日本停止挑拨中国南海紧张局势

    The Chinese government is blasting the outline of a new Japanese report set to be officially released, suggesting the Japanese side is only trying to stoke tensions in the South China Sea. An outline of Japan's forthcoming defense white paper has bee...

  • 2015年CRI 俄罗斯筹备金砖四国首脑会议

    Contact Groups on economic and trade issues, Ministers of Youth Affairs meetings, finance ministers, trade ministers and central bank governors meetings, meetings of the board of governors of the BRICS New Development Bank, financial forums, business...

  • 2015年CRI 中国券商誓言稳定中国股市 周一出资1200亿元救市

    A group of 21 Chinese stock brokerages have announced plans to step in to -quote- firmly stabilize the country's stock market. They're vowing to spend at least 120 billion yuan, or close to 20-billion U.S. dollars, on blue chip stocks in the A-share...

  • 2015年CRI 艺术家李玉双:绘画是光编码

    Reporter: 80 years old Li Yvshuang titled his ongoing exhibition in the Today Art Museum From and For NatureA Discovery of Encoding of Light. The mentioning of encoding sounds largely based on science and technology, which is the approach employed by...

  • 2015年CRI 空客协议提升中国产业合作能力

    The agreement has been signed by leaders from Airbus and China's Aviation Industry Corporation. Under the agreement, China will buy 45 A330 passenger aircraft from Airbus worth over 11 billion US dollars. The deal also has an option for an additional...

  • 2015年CRI 李克强访问图卢兹签署新的空客协议

    Addressing a business summit in Toulouse, Li Keqiang again called for more bilateral cooperation in industry and energy, as well as joint efforts in exploring international markets. We've also decided to setup a mutual fund for international industri...

  • 2015年CRI 新疆昌吉回族自治州找到促进文化多样性新途径

    Operating since January, the over 16-hundred-square-meter Culture and Art center in Changji is the second of its kind in Xinjiang after the establishment of Qifang street in the capital, Urumqi. Around 20 workshops have already been set up by local a...

  • 2015年CRI 李克强称经贸合作、发展仍是中国头等大事

    Premier Li Keqiang has delivered a speech to OECD officials, suggesting that while China's economic situation remains sound, it should also be put into context. China remains the world's biggest developing country. In terms of aggregate the economy,...

  • 2015年CRI 台湾游客往来大陆免签政策开始实行

    The new electronic pass cards will be issued in Fujian as of this coming Monday. Zhang Dongli, head of the province's Entry and Exit Bureau, says the new cards will eventually replace the current travel passes still required for people from Taiwan to...
