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相关教程: CRI英语 英语新闻
  • 2015年CRI 法国返还中国被盗黄金文物

    China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage revealed on Tuesday that France returned the 32 solid gold antiquities earlier this year. The ornaments include four solid gold bird's heads. They had been stolen by tomb robbers in a small county of...

  • 2015年CRI 抗日战争新研究成果公布 习近平邀请安倍参加抗日纪念活动

    The research results were unveiled at a press conference on Tuesday. According to the released figures, Chinese forces killed, wounded and captured over 1.5 million Japanese troops during its War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Meanwhile,...

  • 2015年CRI 李克强总理督促出台更多有效措施维护经济稳定

    Premier Li Keqiang voiced his full confidence in the overall development of China's economy. China's economy still boasts remarkable tenacity, potential and flexibility. There is little doubt that China's potential for medium-high growth remains unde...

  • 2015年CRI 乡村旅游有望帮助中国农村脱贫

    China is expecting tourism to play a bigger role in its anti-poverty efforts in rural areas during the 13th Five-year Plan period. As CRI's Tu Yun reports, around 12 million people are likely to benefit. The National Tourism Administration and the po...

  • 2015年CRI 中国计划在京津冀地区发展高科技产业

    Many Beijing-based hi-tech companies specializing in energy efficiency and environmental protection have set up their manufacturing plants in Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province. They are said to be eyeing sufficient bio-fuels and low-cost transp...

  • 2015年CRI 美国投资移民吸引中国人

    Chinese investment immigration has become an important financing method for more than half of the developers in New York. Many high-end residential communities in the U.S. are being built with investment largely from Chinese investment immigration ap...

  • 2015年CRI 中国规划通州附属行政中心

    Li Shixiang, executive vice mayor of Beijing, says the subsidiary administrative center will be based in Tongzhou, a suburban district in the city's southeast. The district is adjacent to the commercial-heavy urban district of Chaoyang and has advant...

  • 2015年CRI 中国发布高温黄色预警

    The National Meteorological Center (NMC) has issued a yellow alert for high temperatures as China is entering the height of summer. A heat wave will hit central, eastern and northern China today with temperatures in some regions rising to around 40 d...

  • 2015年CRI 中国国际动漫游戏博览会在沪召开

    中国国际动漫游戏博览会在沪召开 At 9 am on opening day, cartoon and video game fans flocked into Shanghai's World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center to enjoy the fandom as soon as it kicked off. More than 300 exhibitors participated...

  • 2015年CRI 欧盟财长就希腊问题继续会面

    A number of officials arriving for the Eurogroup meeting, such as Eurogroup chair Jeroen Dijsselbloem, spoke of a fundamental lack of trust after years of broken Greek promises and a snap referendum called by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. We a...

  • 2015年CRI 俄罗斯分析家称上合组织取得丰硕成果

    The SCO Development Strategy until 2025 was approved at the summit. It charts out the course of future cooperation between the bloc's member states in terms of politics, security, trade and people-to-people exchanges. It also encourages the member st...

  • 2015年CRI 泰国遣返一百名多维族偷渡者

    China has said that Thailand's repatriation of over 100 Uygurs to China is normal cooperation between countries as well as an international obligation. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says the repatriated Chinese minority citizens are ille...

  • 2015年CRI 分析师对希腊债务表示乐观

    The Greek government sent a package of reform proposals on Thursday to its euro zone creditors to avert bankruptcy. Athens is now proposing a new set of tax hikes, pension cuts and economic reforms in exchange of a 53.2-billion-euro third bailout pro...

  • 2015年CRI 俄罗斯工业展览会中国馆开馆

    Models of China's high-speed trains are on display from China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation, one of the participants of this year's trade fair. Zhou Li, head of the science and technology department of China Railway says the trains can bear extre...

  • 2015年CRI 上海合作组织共同发表联合禁毒宣言

    Many SCO countries border the second largest drug production base in the world the Golden Crescent which encompasses Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq. Knowing how to effectively tackle drug trafficking is becoming increasingly important for the SCO member...
