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  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 391、感受空气的存在

    What is Air? 空气 D: Strictly speaking, air is mostly nitrogenabout seventy-eight percent, and about twenty-one percent oxygen, which leaves about one percent of other stuff, like water vapor and carbon dioxide. Y: So air is mostly empty space? D:...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 390、干旱知识ABC

    Drought For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought . A drought occurs when for a variety of reasons, usually including a lack of rainfall and warm temperatures. Soil moisture...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 389、好心情是良药

    Emotions and the Common Cold 好心情是一剂良药 Yal: Youve probably heard it said that ones attitude affects ones health. Don: Yeah! Yeah! If you maintain a positive attitude or mood, then youre less likely to get sick than if youre angry or de...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 388、目光交流很重要

    Are You Looking at Me? 你在看我吗? You know how eye contact is a pretty important component of interacting with people,right? So scientists recently tested this by measuring peoples brain activity as they responded to pictures of angry people...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 387、小心蚂蚁!

    Ant Attack! Imagine this. Youre coming home to your gated community after a long day of work. As you stop to show the guard your ID, a mugger jumps out from behind a bush and grab s you by the mouth. Okay, that last part sounded a little weird, but t...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 386、南极有苍蝇?

    Whats a Fly Doing in Antarctica ? 南极有苍蝇? Sometimes the biggest finds are the smallest finds. Researchers examining a segment of siltstone taken from ground along the Beardmore glacier in Antarctica found something unexpected. They found a...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 385、音乐可以帮助记忆

    Music and Verbal Memory 音乐和非文字记忆 Even if you havent touched a piano in years, if you suffered through music lessons as a kid you may have benefited from those lessons in ways you wouldnt expect. When you train on a musical instrument...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 384、自助餐助肥胖?

    Variety in Diet D: Oh! Good to have buffet , I love buffet s . I like to get a taste of lot of different things. I like to nibble a little of this, and a little of that. Who wants to eat a mass of potatoes when you can also have chicken, corn and gra...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 383、手势有助记忆

    Hand Gestures 手势 You know, radio is a great thing. Here I am! Flying high above the earth, but my voice is coming across just as if I were sitting in front of you. Communicating by voice alone has its drawback s , though. For example, I cant use...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 382、真的有大脚怪吗?

    The Real Bigfoot 真的有大脚怪吗? Everybody has heard of Bigfoot, the gigantic ape-like creature that supposedly haunts the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isnt any evidence that w...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 381、毛虫自卫战

    Tapping Caterpillar s By Don Glass Y: I could have sworn that I heard a strange tapping sound in my house last night. It was faint but chilling . I think there must be a ghost in my house. D: Do you happen to keep caterpillar s , perhaps the hook-tip...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 380、登月照片是造假吗?

    Waving a Flag on the Moon 月球上飘扬的国旗 Don: Yal, Im not a conspiracy theorist or anything, butI must admit that those photographs of the moon landing make me suspicious . I mean,the flag in those pictures of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstro...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 379、“神奇”的巨石阵

    Surprise at Stonehenge 神奇的巨石阵 Wizard s and aliens aside, actual scientists dont have much to say about Stonehenge. That is, until now. Just recently, a four-thousand-year old gravesite was found within three miles of Stonehenge. The tomb...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 378、胎教是真的吗?

    Fetus Learning 胎教是真的吗? Y:Did you know that infants prefer their mothers voices to that of other females? And that they will change their behavior in order to solicit her voice? D: Sounds reasonable to me. Y: Ok, but did you know that a...

  • 英语听力文摘 English Digest 377、人兔大战——生生不息

    Rabbits Down Under In 1859, an unassuming Australian landowner named Thomas Austin got the hunting bug. Eager for something to shoot, he released twenty-four wild rabbits onto his property and had a jolly time tracking them down. Unfortunately, some...
