It's my pleasure and honor to introduce to you, Class of 2013, the Woz and only Mr. Steve Wozniak
2013届毕业生们 我非常荣幸地为你们介绍 独一无二的史蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克先生
Thank you. Thank you very much
谢谢你们 非常感谢
You've really got it, made it in life when you can be refered to by one name like Steve or something like that
当你能被人们用一个名字提起 比如史蒂夫什么的 你的生活就真的很成功了
My proudest moment of my life, I get asked that all the time, and I think back to pictures I've seen at my diploma,
我经常被问到我人生中最引以为豪的时刻 想想我的毕业证书上的照片
It was my graduation day right here in this campus
就会回答 是我在这个校园里毕业的那一天
So hear that I've never said otherwise
听我说 我从没有过其他的答案
Now my wife and I are both a little bit mathematical
I'm not gonna make a real profound speech because the ideas you get in your own head are where the real profound comes from
我不准备做一篇非常深奥的演讲 因为真正深奥的东西来自于你们自己脑中的想法
My wife and I are mathematical
So when we go to a hotel, we judge the room by the room number
所以当我们到达一个旅馆的时候 我们会根据房间号来评判房间
And so this time my wife determinedly1 said 4 or 9, that's 2 squared or 3 squared We got a good room
这回我妻子坚定地说 要4或者9号吧 那是2和3的平方 我们选了一个好房间
Along those lines I'll give you a little homework episode which is is there a full moon on the same day everywhere on earth?
在演讲当中我会给你们布置一点小小的作业 地球上的所有地方会不会在同一天迎来满月
Think about that on your own time
Another thing that I always get in my mind is the tassel2 was on the right when I graduated from Berkeley
另外一件让我挥之不去的事情是 我从伯克利毕业的时候 流苏在右边
And when we graduated we move the tassel to the left
I assumed this must be a standard rule of universities
When the internet came along I looked it up
And I found that some did the opposite way
Some had it on all four corners depending on different things
And in Davis, half of the people had it on the left to start with half on the right
在戴维斯分校 一半的人开始的时候放在左边 一半放在右边
I finally figured out it was to keep the tassel out of the way of your face when your pictures being taken
我终于弄明白了 这是为了在拍照的时候 不让流苏挡住你的脸

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adv.决意地;坚决地,坚定地 | |
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n.流苏,穗;v.抽穗, (玉米)长穗须 | |
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