So very seldom do we really pay attention to the fact that life does have rules if you look for them
我们很少真正去注意这个事实 那就是如果你仔细去找 生活中是存在规则的
My wife and I recently went to a basketball game in Stanford University of Colorado vs. Stanford
我妻子和我最近去斯坦福看了一场篮球赛 科罗拉多大学对斯坦福大学
And we were sitting in the Colorado seats up in the nosebleed section I got recognized
我们本来坐在高处的科罗拉多队的座位上 我被认出来了
他们把我安排在下面前排斯坦福体育主管的包厢里 我们就坐在那儿
My wife and I wearing Cal colors, rooting for Colorado
我妻子和我穿着加州大学的衣服 为科罗拉多大学加油
And from early on in life we learn just to be loyal2 to our school my school, right or wrong; my team, right or wrong
我们从早年就学到要忠于我们的学校 忠于我的学校 无论对错 忠于我的队伍 无论对错
Am I just be, what city I happen to live in, does that make me a better person because I'm in a city that has a better team?
我生活的城市就代表了我吗 如果我生活在一座有更棒球队的城市 会不会让我成为一个更好的人呢
Not really We have to understand it's still lighthearted It's a game It's a fun ritual3 that sort of thing
不是这样的 我们要理解这仍然是轻松愉快的 是一场游戏 一个有趣的仪式之类的事情
Because eventually in life we start saying "my country, right or wrong" rather than asking questions and
因为最后我们在生活中会开始说"忠于我的国家 无论对错" 而不会提出疑问
I was brought up taught that there are people that are strong and use their muscles6 and their power and they are forced to get somewhere
在我的成长历程中我被教导 有些强壮的人会使用他们的肌肉和力量 逼迫别人来达到自己的目的
这叫"恶霸牵着你的鼻子走" 我想站在另一边 理智的那边
The brain was really important for the future of a person and for the future of all of us
理智对一个人的未来 对我们所有人的未来都非常重要
So that's where I stand I want always to be on the brain side
所以我站在这一边 我希望自己一直站在理智的一边
Berkeley. I wanted to attend Berkeley because it was a symbol of intellectual thought
说到伯克利 我想来伯克利上学是因为它是智慧思想的象征
Back in those counterculture times when people were talking about it being OK to live life different ways that life could be different
在那段反主流文化的时代 人们谈起不同的生活方式会觉得没什么不好 生活可以不同
The intellectuals were the universities They were challenging a lot of the accepted wisdom and ways that we lived our life
知识分子在大学里 他们向许多已被公认的智慧和我们曾经的生活方式发起挑战

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adj.擅长运动的,强健的;活跃的,体格健壮的 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠心的 | |
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adj.例行的,老规矩的,惯常的 | |
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adj.大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的);n.复杂(有前途,大胆,挑战) | |
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n.暴力,暴虐,暴行,猛烈,强烈,强暴 | |
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n.肌肉( muscle的名词复数 );(操纵他人的)力量;权力;肌肉组织 | |
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n.欺凌弱小者, 开球 vt.恐吓, 威胁, 欺负 | |
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