I went back to reading Sirr's book, but I leafed through it mechanically. Between the lines I kept seeing fearsome, wide-open jaws1. 我又拿西尔的书来读,但我只是无心地翻一翻。我在书中的字里行间,看见那大大张开的怕人的牙床。
Just then Conseil and the Canadian entered with a calm, even gleeful air. Little did they know what was waiting for them. 这时候,康塞尔和尼德·兰,神气安静,并且快活地走进来。他们不知道有什么等待着他们。
Ye gods, sir! Ned Land told me. Your Captain Nemo--the devil take him--has just made us a very pleasant proposition! 好哇,尼德·兰对我说,先生,您那尼摩船长一个鬼物!—向我们作了一个很客气的提议。
Oh! I said You know about-- 啊!我说,你们知道……
With all due respect to master, Conseil replied, the Nautilus's commander has invited us, together with master, for a visit tomorrow to Ceylon's magnificent pearl fisheries. 对不起先生,康塞尔回答,诺第留斯号船长请我们明天跟先生一齐去参观锡兰岛很好看的采珠常他说的话很漂亮,
He did so in the most cordial terms and conducted himself like a true gentleman. 简直是一位地道的绅士。
He didn't tell you anything else? 他对你们没有说别的吗?
Nothing, sir, the Canadian replied. He said you'd already discussed this little stroll. 先生,加拿大人回答,除了他已经给您讲过的这次散步外,什么也没有说。
Indeed, I said. But didn't he give you any details on-- 是的,我说,他没有对你们介绍详细的情形,关于。
Not a one, Mr. Naturalist2. You will be going with us, right? 没有,生物学家。您跟我们一同去,是吗?
Me? Why yes, certainly, of course! I can see that you like the idea, Mr. Land. 我…当然!兰师傅,我觉得您对这事很有兴趣。

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n.口部;嘴 | |
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n.博物学家(尤指直接观察动植物者) | |
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