I think as master does, Conseil replied, and it's extremely possible that after crossing every sea on the globe, Captain Nemo will bid the three of us a fond farewell. 在这个世界上,有始必定有终。我跟先生的想法一样,康塞尔回答,很可能:
Bid us a fond farewell? the Canadian exclaimed. You mean beat us to a fare-thee-well! 试遍了地球上的所有海洋后,尼摩船长让我们三人全体自由飞走。
Let's not exaggerate, Mr. Land, I went on. We have nothing to fear from the captain, but neither do I share Conseil's views. 飞走!加拿大人喊道,您是说自由飞走吗?兰师傅,我们不用夸张,我立即回答道,我们一点也不用怕尼摩船长,但我也不同意康塞尔的说法。
We're privy1 to the Nautilus's secrets, and I don't expect that its commander, just to set us free, will meekly2 stand by while we spread those secrets all over the world. 我们获得诺第留斯号的秘密,我想,它的主人就是恢复我们的自由,也不能任我们把这些秘密随便在陆地上各处宣传。
But in that case what do you expect? the Canadian asked. 那么,您希望什么呢?加拿大人问。
That we'll encounter advantageous3 conditions for escaping just as readily in six months as now. 希望有一些我们可能利用,并且应该利用,譬如在六个月后,像现在一样的环境。
Great Scott! Ned Land put in. And where, if you please, will we be in six months, Mr. Naturalist4? 唉晴!加拿大人说,生物学专家,请问您,六个月后,我们将在什么地方呢?
Perhaps here, perhaps in China. You know how quickly the Nautilus moves. It crosses oceans like swallows cross the air or express trains continents. 或者在这里,或者在中国。您知道,诺第留斯号是跑得飞快的东西。色跑过海洋,像燕子飞过空中,或快车跑过大陆那样。白并不怕常有船只来往的海洋。
It doesn't fear heavily traveled seas. Who can say it won't hug the coasts of France, England, or America, where an escape attempt could be carried out just as effectively as here. 谁敢告诉我们说,它不走近法国、英国或美洲海岸,在那里跟在这里一样,不可能有一个很好逃走的机会吗?
Professor Aronnax, the Canadian replied, your arguments are rotten to the core. You talk way off in the future: 'We'll be here, we'll be there! 阿龙纳斯先生,加拿大人回答说,您的论证根本就错了。
Me, I'm talking about right now: we are here, and we must take advantage of it! 您总是爱说将来,如我们将在那里或我们将在这里!而我所说的却是现在:我们现在在这里,我们就要利用这个机会。
I was hard pressed by Ned Land's common sense, and I felt myself losing ground. I no longer knew what arguments to put forward on my behalf. 我被尼德·兰的推理紧紧逼住了,我觉得我在这个场合上输了。我实在找不出对我更有利的论证来。
Sir, Ned went on, let's suppose that by some impossibility, Captain Nemo offered your freedom to you this very day. Would you accept? 先生,尼德·兰又说,我们作一个不可能的假定,假定尼摩船长今天就给您自由,您接受吗?
I don't know, I replied. 我不知道。我回答说。
And suppose he adds that this offer he's making you today won't ever be repeated, then would you accept? 如果,他又补充说,他今天给您自由,以后就不再给了,您接受吗?
I did not reply. 我不回答。

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adj.私用的;隐密的 | |
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adv.温顺地,逆来顺受地 | |
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adj.有利的;有帮助的 | |
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n.博物学家(尤指直接观察动植物者) | |
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