We'll do it this evening, he said. 他说:实行我的计划就在今夜。
I straightened suddenly. I admit that I was less than ready for this announcement. I wanted to reply to the Canadian, but words failed me. 我突然站起来。我但白地承认,我一点也没有料到他会告诉我这个消息。我要回答加拿大人,但又找不出什么话来说。
We agreed to wait for the right circumstances, Ned Land went on. Now we've got those circumstances. This evening we'll be just a few miles off the coast of Spain. 我们曾经约定等待一个好机会,尼德·兰接着说,这个好机会现在在我手中了。今天夜间,我们距离西班牙海岸只有几海里,
It'll be cloudy tonight. The wind's blowing toward shore. You gave me your promise, Professor Aronnax, and I'm counting on you. 夜间很阴暗,海面上吹着风。您既有言在先,阿龙纳斯先生,我完全相信您。
Since I didn't say anything, the Canadian stood up and approached me: 因为我老不作声,加拿大人就站起,走近前来,对我说:
We'll do it this evening at nine o'clock, he said. I've alerted Conseil. 今晚九点。我通知了康塞尔。
By that time Captain Nemo will be locked in his room and probably in bed. Neither the mechanics or the crewmen will be able to see us. 那时候,尼摩船长关在他房中了,可能睡下来了。机械师、船上人员都不可能看见我们。
Conseil and I will go to the central companionway. 康塞尔和我,我们走到中央楼梯去。
As for you, Professor Aronnax, you'll stay in the library two steps away and wait for my signal. The oars1, mast, and sail are in the skiff. 阿龙纳斯先生,您就留在离我们两步远的图书室中,等待我的信号。桨、桅和帆都在小艇中。并且我还弄到了一些食物。
I've even managed to stow some provisions inside. I've gotten hold of a monkey wrench2 to unscrew the nuts bolting the skiff to the Nautilus's hull3. So everything's ready. 我又得了一把英国螺丝搬头,可以把小艇钉在诺第留斯号船身上的螺丝钉取下来。
I'll see you this evening. 所以一切都准备好了。今天夜里见。
The sea is rough, I said. 海上风浪很大呢。我说。
Admitted, the Canadian replied, but we've got to risk it. Freedom is worth paying for. 我知道风浪大,加拿大人回答,但必须冒险了。自由是值得付出代价的。
Besides, the longboat's solidly built, and a few miles with the wind behind us is no big deal. 而且,小艇很结实,有些风浪,走几海里:算不了什么。
By tomorrow, who knows if this ship won't be 100 leagues out to sea? 推知道明天我们也许就跑到百里外的海面上了呢?
If circumstances are in our favor, between ten and eleven this evening we'll be landing on some piece of solid ground, or we'll be dead. 愿我们一切顺利,十点至十一点间我们可能在陆地的某处登陆了,或者是送了性命,
So we're in God's hands, and I'll see you this evening! 所以,只有依靠上帝的恩典,今天夜里见!

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n.桨,橹( oar的名词复数 );划手v.划(行)( oar的第三人称单数 ) | |
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v.猛拧;挣脱;使扭伤;n.扳手;痛苦,难受 | |
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n.船身;(果、实等的)外壳;vt.去(谷物等)壳 | |
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