I'll confer with him, Ned. “我去问问他,尼德。”
When? the Canadian asked insistently1. “什么时候?”加拿大人固执地问。
When I encounter him. “当我碰到他时。”
Professor Aronnax, would you like me to go find him myself? “阿龙纳斯先生,您是不是想让我自己去找他?”
No, let me do it. Tomorrow? “不,让我来。明天?”
Today, Ned Land said. “今天,”尼德·兰说。
So be it. I'll see him today, I answered the Canadian, who, if he took action himself, would certainly have ruined everything. “好吧。今天,我去看看他。”我回答加拿大人说。要是他自己去做,那肯定会把事情都弄糟了。
I was left to myself. 我一个人呆着。
I like things over and done with. 我宁可速战速决,也不想拖拖拉拉。
I reentered my stateroom. From there I could hear movements inside Captain Nemo's quarters. 我走进我的房间。在房间里,我听到了尼摩船长房间里有脚步声。
I couldn't pass up this chance for an encounter. 不能错过这次找到他的机会。
I knocked on his door. 于是我敲敲他的门。
I received no reply. 但没人应答。
I knocked again, then tried the knob. The door opened. 我又敲了一下,然后转动门把手,门开了。
I entered. The captain was there. 我走进去。船长在里面。
He was bending over his worktable and hadn't heard me. 他趴在他的工作台上,没听到我的敲门声。
Determined3 not to leave without questioning him, I drew closer. 我决定不问清楚就不出去,于是我向他走去。
He looked up sharply, with a frowning brow, and said in a pretty stern tone: 船长突然抬起头来,双眉紧蹙,口气相当粗鲁地对我说:
Oh, it's you! What do you want? “是您在这里!找我干什么?”
To speak with you, captain. “想跟您谈谈,船长。”
But I'm busy, sir, I'm at work. “可我正忙着,先生,我在工作。
I give you the freedom to enjoy your privacy, can't I have the same for myself? 我给了您单独的自由,难道我就不能让我自己单独静一会儿吗?”
This reception was less than encouraging. 这样的待客真令人泄气。
But I was determined to give as good as I got. 但为了等会儿能一吐为快,我决定先洗耳恭听他说的话。

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ad.坚持地 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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