Finance and Economics;Age and happiness;Pay, peers and pride;
How older workers can find happiness;
Knowing that you are paid less than your peers has two effects on happiness. The well-known one is negative: a thinner pay packet harms self-esteem. The lesser-known one is called the “tunnel” effect: high incomes for peers are seen as improving your own chances of similar riches, especially if growth, inequality and mobility1 are high.
A paper co-authored by Felix FitzRoy of the University of St Andrews and presented this week at the Royal Economic Society in Cambridge separates the two effects using data from household surveys in Germany. Previous work showed that the income of others can have a small, or even positive, overall effect on people's satisfaction in individual firms in Denmark or in very dynamic economies in transition, such as post-communist eastern Europe. But Mr FitzRoy's team theorised that older workers, who largely know their lifetime incomes already, will enjoy a much smaller tunnel effect.
圣安德鲁斯大学的菲茨·罗伊斯(Felix FitzRoy)与人合著了一篇论文,通过研究对德国家庭调查获得的数据以区分这两种效应。这篇论文于这周在剑桥举办的皇家经济学会上首次亮相。先前的研究表明,在丹麦或者转型中的新兴的经济体国家(如后共产主义的东欧国家)的个体企业,其他同事的收入能使人们对所在公司的满意度产生较少甚至正面的效应。但是菲茨·罗伊斯研究团队的理论认为,对于那些已经基本上知道自己终身收入的老员工,隧道效应则要小很多。
The data confirm this hypothesis. The negative effect on reported levels of happiness of being paid less than your peers is not visible for people aged2 under 45. In western Germany, seeing peers' incomes rising actually makes young people happier (even more than a rise in their own incomes, remarkably). It is only those people over 45, when careers have “reached a stable position”, whose happiness is harmed by the success of others.
The prospect3 of 20-plus years of bitterness might make retirement4 seem more appealing. But the real gains in happiness from retirement go not to the outshone, but to the out-of-work. Unemployment is known to damage happiness because not working falls short of social expectations. This loss of identity cannot be compensated5 for by unemployment benefits or increased leisure time. A paper presented at the same conference by a team represented by Clemens Hetschko of Freie Universit?t Berlin uses the same German household data to show that the spirits of the long-term unemployed6 rise when they stop looking for work, go into retirement and no longer clash with social norms.
与摆在面前的20多年的辛苦工作相比,退休显得更吸引人。但是退休带来的真正幸福感在于停止工作而不在于优胜。没有工作的人未能达到社会的期望,使得失业将有损幸福感。这种身份的损失不是失业补助或更多的闲暇时间能够弥补的。Freie大学的Clemens Hetschko 与其研究团队在同样的会议上也发表了一篇论文。他们通过对同样的德国家庭数据进行研究表明,当长期失业的人们停止寻找工作步入退休后,将不再与社会规范冲突,他们的精神状态有所提高。[注]
Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already line up with social expectations. Indeed, retiring early from work can have nasty side-effects. Another paper, co-authored by Andreas Kuhn of the University of Zurich, investigates the effect of a change in Austrian employment-insurance rules that allowed blue-collar workers earlier retirement in some regions than others. Men retiring a year early lower their odds7 of surviving to age 67 by 13%. Almost a third of this higher mortality rate, which seemed to be concentrated among those who were forced into retirement by job loss, was caused by smoking and alcohol consumption. If you're in a job, even an underpaid one, hang on in there.
那些有工作的人退休后并没有更快乐,可能是因为他们的生活已经和社会期望一致。实际上,过早的退休会产生令人讨厌的副作用。另一篇论文,由苏黎世大学的Andreas Kuhn与人合著,研究了奥地利的就业保障法的变更带来的效应,这一法律允许某些地区的蓝领工人可以更早退休。与其他的人相比,过早退休的人存活到67岁的几率降低了13%。更高的死亡率中大约有1/3的因素是由于吸烟和酗酒导致,集中在那些因为失业而被迫退休的人。如果你在工作中,即使薪水较低,也要坚持下去不要过早退休。
A person's utility does not only depend on individualistic consumption of material goods and leisure but is also influenced by how well a person conforms to the norms and ideals of the social category she belongs to. Applying identity theory to the relationship between unemployment and life satisfaction implies that unemployed people are not only dissatisfied with their life because they have lower incomes, but also because they deviate8 from the norms of their social category under which they are expected to work. This explains the inability of the long-term unemployed to adapt to unemployment: they do not give up regarding employment as part of the social norm they strive to fulfill9. Since they continuously deviate from this norm, the long-term unemployed get low recognition from others, often become negatively stereotyped10, and experience social isolation11 and stigmatization12, which can be interpreted as sanctions to fulfill the norm to work.

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n.可动性,变动性,情感不定 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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n.退休,退职 | |
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补偿,报酬( compensate的过去式和过去分词 ); 给(某人)赔偿(或赔款) | |
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adj.失业的,没有工作的;未动用的,闲置的 | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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v.(from)背离,偏离 | |
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vt.履行,实现,完成;满足,使满意 | |
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adj.(指形象、思想、人物等)模式化的 | |
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n.隔离,孤立,分解,分离 | |
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n.描绘,陈述 | |
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