Human evolution
You look familiar
Another piece of humanity’s family tree is fitted into place
THE opening scene of Mel Brooks’s film “History of the World: Part One” dispenses2 with human origins in one line: “And the ape stood, and became man.” Would that it were that easy for palaeontologists to sort out. The transition to humanity is generally agreed to have occurred between Australopithecus, a genus of small-brained, bipedal primates3 whose most famous member is a fossil nicknamed “Lucy”, and the big-brained species Homo erectus. But pinning down when precisely4 this took place, and which of the various australopithecine species were involved, has been challenging. Now the most human-like australopithecine found to date is clarifying things—and staking a claim to be the species from which early humans evolved.
梅尔布鲁克斯的电影“世界历史:第一部”一开场就用一句台词概括了人类的起源:“猿猴站立起来了,然后变成了人”。对古生物学家来说,(人类的起源)要是真能如此解释,那也未免太容易了。人们普遍认为,人类是在南猿(Australopithecus),(一种脑量小,靠两脚行走的灵长类动物。其最有名的成员是一个外号叫“露西”的化石)和直立猿人(Homo erectus)(一种脑量大的物种)之间完成人类进化过渡的。但至于这段过渡期确切发生在什么时候,又属于众多南猿物种的哪一分支,人们众说纷纭。而目前发现的与人类长得最像的南猿,让一切变得清晰起来,同时,它也被确定是后来进化为早期人类的物种。
Fossils of the new species, Australopithecus sediba, were discovered in 2008 in a cave in South Africa. Initial research, led by Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, concluded that the species came too late in the fossil record to be the ancestor of the Homo lineage. This week, however, a range of new research into sediba, again led by Dr Berger, has been published in Science. These studies conclude that sediba did in fact predate Homo erectus and, moreover, that parts of its anatomy5 are surprisingly similar to modern man.
新发现的物种化石---南猿源泉种(Australopithecus sediba)于2008年在南非一个山洞中被发现。约翰内斯堡的威特沃特斯兰德大学教授Lee Berger,带领的研究团队经初步研究发现,新物种是化石史上最接近猿人谱系(Homo lineage)的祖先。本周,科学杂志发表了 Berger博士对源泉种的一系列新发现,称源泉种实际上要早于直立猿人,并且其结构的某些部分与现代人也极为相似。
The fossils examined in the Science papers are of an adolescent boy and an adult woman. They are well preserved, and encased in sediments6 that allow uncommonly7 precise dating. They lived 1.977m years ago, predating the appearance of Homo erectus by 77,000 years. The period is an especially muddled8 one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus. The sediba fossils, by contrast, have some of the most complete features in the early human record.
The new studies centre on the most telling bits of anatomy in the story of human evolution: the brain, pelvis, hands and feet. The brain itself does not fossilise, but the inside of the cranium retains an impression of its contours. The researchers mapped these with high-powered X-ray beams to create a three-dimensional model of the surface of sediba’s brain. They found that its size was on a par1 with other australopithecines, but its shape was more like that of a human brain. Specifically, the frontal lobes9, which are the seat in modern humans of higher cognitive10 functions such as abstract reasoning, looked more humanlike in sediba’s brain than they do in the brains of other australopithecines. That suggests the neurological changes which gave rise to humanity may have predated the brain’s expansion—an event that had, hitherto, been regarded as crucial to the emergence11 of humans.
The hands, feet and pelvis of sediba indicate that it both climbed trees and walked upright, though with a different gait from that of humans or chimpanzees. The species may have been a toolmaker, as its hand allowed for a human-like grip. Sediba’s pelvis, an upright butterfly shape, is likewise reminiscent of the human one. It therefore sheds light on a longstanding debate: whether it was bipedalism or giving birth to babies with large heads that drove changes in the shape of the human pelvis. Adult sediba (and therefore, presumably, their babies) had small heads, which indicates that walking upright was the advantage brought by the modern pelvis. All of which makes sediba more similar to modern humans than are other australopithecines—and more similar, even, than Homo habilis, until now seen as one of the earliest humans. The consensus12 had been that habilis was a transitional form between Australopithecus and Homo erectus. Dr Berger posits13 that sediba may have evolved directly into Homo erectus, leaving habilis as an evolutionary14 sideline, and not even part of the genus Homo. Slowly, then, the origin of the strange assemblage of characters that makes a human being human is emerging. As the oracle15 said, the beginning of wisdom is: know thyself.
从源泉种的手、脚和骨盆来看,源泉种既能爬树又能直立行走,但步态与人类或是猩猩有点不一样。 这种物种有可能也会制作工具,因为它的手可以像人类一样抓取东西。源泉种的骨盆,呈垂直蝴蝶形,同样让人看到人类骨盘的影子。这也使长期的争论变得清晰起来:是否这种物种是用两只脚行走,或是它所生的后代头比较大,使其骨盆发生了改变,和人类的骨盆形状一样。成年的源泉种头比较小,这也表明,南猿在骨盆进化之后,直立行走才变为可能。所有这些使得源泉种比其它南猿,甚至比能人(Homo habilis)更像现代人类,直到现在有人把源泉种视为最早的人类成员之一。普遍认为,能人是介于南猿与直立猿人之间。Berger博士认为,源泉种有可能直接进化为直立猿人,而能人却是进化过程中的一个分支,甚至和源泉种不属于一个类别。之后,一些奇特的人类特征才开始慢慢出现。如(古希腊)神谕所说:智慧从认识自己开始!

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n.标准,票面价值,平均数量;adj.票面的,平常的,标准的 | |
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v.分配,分与;分配( dispense的第三人称单数 );施与;配(药) | |
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primate的复数 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.解剖学,解剖;功能,结构,组织 | |
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沉淀物( sediment的名词复数 ); 沉积物 | |
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adv. 稀罕(极,非常) | |
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adj.混乱的;糊涂的;头脑昏昏然的v.弄乱,弄糟( muddle的过去式);使糊涂;对付,混日子 | |
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n.耳垂( lobe的名词复数 );(器官的)叶;肺叶;脑叶 | |
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adj.认知的,认识的,有感知的 | |
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n.浮现,显现,出现,(植物)突出体 | |
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n.(意见等的)一致,一致同意,共识 | |
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v.假定,设想,假设( posit的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.进化的;演化的,演变的;[生]进化论的 | |
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n.神谕,神谕处,预言 | |
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