Asia 亚洲
North Korea and Malaysia: A Death Spot Takes Hostages 朝鲜与马来西亚:人质僵局
Governments often expel foreigners who enrage2 them. North Korea offers a worse fate: not being allowed to leave. 一般情况下,那些激怒了政府的外国人都会被驱逐出境,但是朝鲜却不这样做,他们会将这些外国人扣留在朝鲜。
On March 7th authorities in Pyongyang, the capital, said that 11 Malaysian citizens living in North Korea would be prevented from flying home 3月7日,位于首都平壤的朝鲜当局表示,朝鲜释放这11名马来西亚公民的条件是
until the two countries had resolved their differences over the murder of Kim Jong Nam—the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, the North's dictator. 除非两国就金正男(朝鲜的独裁者金正恩同父异母的哥哥)刺杀案件消除分歧。
Kim Jong Nam was assassinated3 last month at Kuala Lumpur's main airport using VX, a nerve agent renounced4 by nearly all governments except North Korea's. 金正男在上月于吉隆坡机场被人用一种叫VX的神经毒剂谋杀,该毒剂在除了朝鲜之外几乎所有的国家都被禁止使用。
The North later released two of the hostages, but continued to hold the other nine. 朝鲜早前释放了两名人质,但是拒绝释放剩下的九人。
Najib Razak, Malaysia's prime minister, condemned5 North Korea's decision to detain its citizens as “abhorrent”. 马来西亚首相纳吉职责朝鲜扣押人质的行为是“非常可恶的”。
He announced that North Koreans in Malaysia—of whom there are perhaps as many as 1,000, many doing dirty jobs such as mining—would in turn be prevented from leaving until the regime backed down. 他是说道在马来西亚的朝鲜人(大概有一千多人),尤其是那些从事像挖矿这些脏活累活的人,在朝鲜扣押人质结束前,也不准离开。
Malaysian authorities are watching who enters and leaves North Korea's embassy in Kuala Lumpur. 马来西亚政权正在严密观察进出于朝鲜驻吉隆坡使馆的人。
The chief of police believes that at least two North Koreans wanted for questioning about Kim Jong Nam's murder are hiding inside; 警察局长认为至少有两名涉嫌金正男谋杀案的人藏匿于此,
he has said that his men will stand guard for “five years” if it takes that long for them to come out. 他说他的队伍将会在这里一直看守直到涉案人出现。

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n.杀人者,杀人犯,杀手,屠杀者 | |
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v.触怒,激怒 | |
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v.暗杀( assassinate的过去式和过去分词 );中伤;诋毁;破坏 | |
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v.声明放弃( renounce的过去式和过去分词 );宣布放弃;宣布与…决裂;宣布摒弃 | |
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adj. 被责难的, 被宣告有罪的 动词condemn的过去式和过去分词 | |
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