语言是表达自我,交流十分重要的途径。一个人的语言能传达很多信息,包括一个人的性格,思维,态度,生活环境,经历,职业等等。很多时候,我们作为旁观者,可以通过语言的交流去了解一个人。但很多时候,我们却往往容易忽视自己所使用的语言,意识到自己的思维方式和逻辑。今天要分享的这篇美文,摘自《高效能人士的七个习惯》,其中提到了一个核心的单词,就是“proactivity”而它对应的反义词则是“Reactivity”,这两个单词的意思分别是 “主动性”和“被动性”。我所摘选的段落中,会明显的说明这种两种思维模式下,人们不同的表现,以及在人们常用使用的语言中,是如何无意识的使用“主动”或是“被动”的语言的。
语言,是我们思维和想法的输出,但是反过来,也会影响我们的思维。而很多时候,我们是根本无法意识到这一点的。我坚信“Positive Language,Positive Mind,Positive Life”,就算不能一时改变自己的生活状态,但是反复用积极主动的语言提示和激励自己,让你开始相信,你的梦想就真的会触手可得。
New Words:
proactivity n.积极主动性
subordinate vt. 使服从; 使从属;
underlying2 adj. 潜在的,表面下的;
The word proactivity is now fairly common in management literature, it is a word you won't find in most dictionaries. It means more than merely taking initiative. It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We can subordinate feelings to values. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.
Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us. In making such a choice, we become reactive. Reactive people are often affected3 by their physical environment. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn't, it affects their attitude and their performance. Proactive people can carry their own weather with them. Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to them. They are value driven; and if their value is to produce good quality work, it isn't a function of whether the weather is conducive4 to it or not.
积极主动是人类的天性,即使生活受到了外界条件的制约,那也是因为我们有意或无意地选择了被外界条件控制,这种选择称为消极被动( Reactive)。被动的人很容易受外在环境的影响。若是风和日丽,他们便心情舒畅,若是阴云密布,便直接影响到他们做事的态度已经整体的表现。而积极主动的人则心中自有一片天地,无论天气是阴雨绵绵还是晴空万里,都不会对他们产生影响。他们是价值驱动型的人,如果他们的价值就是产生高质量的产品,那么天气的好坏与否对他们并不能产生影响和作用。
Listening to our Language
Because our attitudes and behaviors flow out of our paradigms5, if we use our self-awareness to examine them, we can often see in them the nature of our underlying maps. Our language, for example, is a very real indicator6 of the degree to which we see ourselves as proactive people. The language of reactive people absolves7 them of responsibility.
Reactive Language:
There's nothing I can do. 我已无能为力。
That's just the way I am. 我就是这样。
He makes me so mad. 他把我气疯了!
They won't allow that. 他们不会答应的。
I have to do that. 我只能这样做。
I can't. 我不能
I must. 我必须…
If only. 要是…就好了…
Proactive Language:
Let's look at our alternatives. 试试看有没有其他可能性。
I can choose a different approach. 我可以选择不同的方式。
I control my own feelings. 我可以控制自己的情绪。
I can create an effective presentation. 我可以想出有效的表达方式。
I will choose an appropriate response. 我能选择恰当的回应。
I choose. 我选择....
I prefer. 我更愿意
I will. 我打算…

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n.例子,模范,词形变化表 | |
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adj.在下面的,含蓄的,潜在的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adj.有益的,有助的 | |
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n.(一词的)词形变化表( paradigm的名词复数 );范例;样式;模范 | |
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n.指标;指示物,指示者;指示器 | |
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宣告…无罪,赦免…的罪行,宽恕…的罪行( absolve的第三人称单数 ); 不受责难,免除责任 [义务] ,开脱(罪责) | |
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