BBC Learning EnglishLondon LifeKylie Minogue’s costumesAmber: Hello, I'm Amber1, and you’re listening tobbclearningenglish.com.
In London Life today, we visit a big exhibition which hasjust opened in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. It’sentirely dedicated3 to Kylie Minogue, the Australian popsinger and international icon4. And the crowds are flockingin. So what’s on show? Well, her costumes – rememberthose gold hot pants?!
And who better to show us around the exhibition thanWilliam Baker5, who has been Kylie’s stylist for the past10 years? A stylist is a person who gives advice on style– how you look, what to wear and so on. He talks to BBCreporter Liz Pearson about looking after Kylie’s image.
And the first thing he told her isthat Kylie is his muse2. A muse is somebody who inspires anartist.
Now here is William Baker talking about why Kylie is sopopular. He says that because she starred in the TV soapopera ‘Neighbours’, most young people in Britain feel asif they grew up with Kylie! A soap opera is a serial6 thatdeals with the lives of a group of characters, especiallyin a melodramatic or sentimental7 way. As you listen, try tocatch the word William uses to describe what people feltabout Kylie. He says they felt a real kind of ….?
William Baker‘I grew up with Kylie as much as anyone in my generation.
(You’re in your 30s?) I’m 33. You know, ‘Neighbours’
was on when I came home from school and stuff, so she’svery much part of everyone’s life I think. It was thefirst time a soap opera had been on every dayof the week so you felt this kind of real intimacy8. And Ithink this is the main reason why people have stayed withher so long is because everyone grew up with her.’
Amber: So William says people who are aged9 about 30 inBritain remember Kylie as a soap opera star. They feel areal kind of intimacy with her because she was on TVeveryday! Intimacy means a close relationship.
Listen again.
William Baker‘I grew up with Kylie as much as anyone in my generation.
(You’re in your 30s?) I’m 33. You know, ‘Neighbours’
was on when I came home from school and stuff, so she’svery much part of everyone’s life I think. It was thefirst time a soap opera had been on every day of the weekso you felt this kind of real intimacy. And I think this isthe main reason why people have stayed with her so long isbecause everyone grew up with her.’
Amber: Next William talks about how the idea, or concept,of having a stylist is rather strange or odd – it’s kindof quite weird10, he says. He says that Kylie has a lot ofstyle – she’s a stylish11 person. Try to catch the Frenchword William uses to describe Kylie at the end of this nextpart of the interview.
William Baker‘You know I think it’s kind of quite weird, the conceptof a stylist is quite weird because it kind of implies thatthe person has no style and that’s completely not true!
She has a very inherent sense of chic12 really; I think she’
s very chic.’
Amber: Did you catch it? William says Kylie is chic, verychic! She’s fashionable and elegant. Listen again.
William Baker‘You know I think it’s kind of quite weird, the conceptof a stylist is quite weird because it kind of implies thatthe person has no style and that’s completely not true!
She has a very inherent sense of chic really; I think she’
s very chic.’
Amber: Finally, Liz talks about Kylie’s dresses. She saysthey’re amazing, they’re wonderful. They have a lot ofglitz – that’s glamour13. They also have a lot of pizzazz– a lot of energy and style! But according to William,what’s missing?
Liz Pearson and William Baker‘The dresses look amazing. There’s a lot of glitz, there’s a lot of pizzazz but some of them don’t really lookthat special and then you see the photo of Kylie in it andit looks incredible. I think that the missing element fromthe exhibition is the performance because that’s what theywere all designed for.’
Amber: Did you catch it? William says the exhibitionobviously doesn’t have the element of performance – youcan’t see Kylie in action on stage! Listen again.
Liz Pearson and William Baker‘The dresses look amazing. There’s a lot of glitz, there’s a lot of pizzazz but some of them don’t really lookthat special and then you see the photo of Kylie in it andit looks incredible. I think that the missing element fromthe exhibition is the performance because that’s what theywere all designed for.’
Amber: Now here again is some of the language from today’
s programme:
stylist musesoap opera intimacy chic concept weird amazing glitzpizzazzMore news stories and language explanations next time atbbclearningenglish.com
In London Life today, we visit a big exhibition which hasjust opened in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. It’sentirely dedicated3 to Kylie Minogue, the Australian popsinger and international icon4. And the crowds are flockingin. So what’s on show? Well, her costumes – rememberthose gold hot pants?!
And who better to show us around the exhibition thanWilliam Baker5, who has been Kylie’s stylist for the past10 years? A stylist is a person who gives advice on style– how you look, what to wear and so on. He talks to BBCreporter Liz Pearson about looking after Kylie’s image.
And the first thing he told her isthat Kylie is his muse2. A muse is somebody who inspires anartist.
Now here is William Baker talking about why Kylie is sopopular. He says that because she starred in the TV soapopera ‘Neighbours’, most young people in Britain feel asif they grew up with Kylie! A soap opera is a serial6 thatdeals with the lives of a group of characters, especiallyin a melodramatic or sentimental7 way. As you listen, try tocatch the word William uses to describe what people feltabout Kylie. He says they felt a real kind of ….?
William Baker‘I grew up with Kylie as much as anyone in my generation.
(You’re in your 30s?) I’m 33. You know, ‘Neighbours’
was on when I came home from school and stuff, so she’svery much part of everyone’s life I think. It was thefirst time a soap opera had been on every dayof the week so you felt this kind of real intimacy8. And Ithink this is the main reason why people have stayed withher so long is because everyone grew up with her.’
Amber: So William says people who are aged9 about 30 inBritain remember Kylie as a soap opera star. They feel areal kind of intimacy with her because she was on TVeveryday! Intimacy means a close relationship.
Listen again.
William Baker‘I grew up with Kylie as much as anyone in my generation.
(You’re in your 30s?) I’m 33. You know, ‘Neighbours’
was on when I came home from school and stuff, so she’svery much part of everyone’s life I think. It was thefirst time a soap opera had been on every day of the weekso you felt this kind of real intimacy. And I think this isthe main reason why people have stayed with her so long isbecause everyone grew up with her.’
Amber: Next William talks about how the idea, or concept,of having a stylist is rather strange or odd – it’s kindof quite weird10, he says. He says that Kylie has a lot ofstyle – she’s a stylish11 person. Try to catch the Frenchword William uses to describe Kylie at the end of this nextpart of the interview.
William Baker‘You know I think it’s kind of quite weird, the conceptof a stylist is quite weird because it kind of implies thatthe person has no style and that’s completely not true!
She has a very inherent sense of chic12 really; I think she’
s very chic.’
Amber: Did you catch it? William says Kylie is chic, verychic! She’s fashionable and elegant. Listen again.
William Baker‘You know I think it’s kind of quite weird, the conceptof a stylist is quite weird because it kind of implies thatthe person has no style and that’s completely not true!
She has a very inherent sense of chic really; I think she’
s very chic.’
Amber: Finally, Liz talks about Kylie’s dresses. She saysthey’re amazing, they’re wonderful. They have a lot ofglitz – that’s glamour13. They also have a lot of pizzazz– a lot of energy and style! But according to William,what’s missing?
Liz Pearson and William Baker‘The dresses look amazing. There’s a lot of glitz, there’s a lot of pizzazz but some of them don’t really lookthat special and then you see the photo of Kylie in it andit looks incredible. I think that the missing element fromthe exhibition is the performance because that’s what theywere all designed for.’
Amber: Did you catch it? William says the exhibitionobviously doesn’t have the element of performance – youcan’t see Kylie in action on stage! Listen again.
Liz Pearson and William Baker‘The dresses look amazing. There’s a lot of glitz, there’s a lot of pizzazz but some of them don’t really lookthat special and then you see the photo of Kylie in it andit looks incredible. I think that the missing element fromthe exhibition is the performance because that’s what theywere all designed for.’
Amber: Now here again is some of the language from today’
s programme:
stylist musesoap opera intimacy chic concept weird amazing glitzpizzazzMore news stories and language explanations next time atbbclearningenglish.com

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n.琥珀;琥珀色;adj.琥珀制的 | |
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n.缪斯(希腊神话中的女神),创作灵感 | |
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adj.一心一意的;献身的;热诚的 | |
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n.偶像,崇拜的对象,画像 | |
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n.面包师 | |
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n.连本影片,连本电视节目;adj.连续的 | |
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adj.多愁善感的,感伤的 | |
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n.熟悉,亲密,密切关系,亲昵的言行 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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adj.流行的,时髦的;漂亮的,气派的 | |
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n./adj.别致(的),时髦(的),讲究的 | |
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n.魔力,魅力;vt.迷住 | |
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