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  • 美国小学英语教材4:第1课 户外 Out-of-Doors 户外 Sometimes, when in the house I stay, 有时候,当我待在房子里的时候, Another house comes in my mind. 另一所房子在我的脑海中浮现。 Its walls are hills far, far away; 它的墙是很远、很远以外的群
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第2课 大自然能告诉我们许多奥秘 Nature Can Tell Us Secrets 大自然能告诉我们许多奥秘 The world of the Out-of-Doors is full of secrets. 户外的世界充满奥秘。 There are so many of the secrets, and they are so interesting, 那么多的奥秘,那么有趣, that
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第3课 小兔哥的一课(1) BUNNYBOY LEARNS A LESSON 小兔哥的一课 CLARENCE HAWKES 克拉伦斯霍克斯 Did you know that even a little rabbit has lessons to learn? 你知道吗?就连一只小兔子也要学习很多事情。 One of these is to listen to his mother, 其中
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第4课 小兔哥的一课(2) The woods were very quiet. Bunnyboy was sure that not one of his enemies was about. 树林里很安静。小兔哥确信周围没有任何敌人。 There is no hawk or owl or fox in the whole woods, he said. 整个树林里没有老鹰、猫头鹰和狐
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第5课 小兔哥的一课(3) At the very first sniff he leaped into the air. 小兔哥刚刚跳起来闻了一下, For the ball was a hornets' nest, and hornets do not like to have rabbits hopping about their nest. 结果那个球是个黄蜂窝,大黄蜂不喜欢兔子在他们
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第6课 小棕熊米舒克(1) MISHOOK,THE BROWN BEAR CUB 小棕熊米舒克 If someone asked you these questions about bears, could you answer them? 如果有人问你关于熊的这些问题,你能回答吗? In what kind of home do bears live? What do they eat? 熊住在什么
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第7课 小棕熊米舒克(2) THE FIRST WALK 第一次散步 Mishook and his little sister grew bigger every day. 米舒克和他的小妹妹一天天长大。 At last they had grown so strong that their mother thought it was time to take them out for a walk. 最终他们长得足够
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第8课 小棕熊米舒克(3) GETTING READY FOR WINTER 为冬天做准备 As the summer passed, the cubs grew bigger and stronger every day. 夏天过去了,小熊们一天天长大,越来越强壮。 They did nothing but eat, and yet the fishes, bugs, nuts, and berries were
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第9课 六只小绵羊 SIX LITTLE SHEEP 六只小绵羊 LEW SARETT 卢萨雷塔 Six little sheep, 六只小绵羊 Bleating in the sun, 太阳下咩咩叫, Don't know which way they should run. 不知道该跑向哪边。 Fence to the left; 左边有栅栏; Fence to the
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第10课 与鹧鸪一家在一起的一天(1) A DAY WITH A PARTRIDGE FAMILY 与鹧鸪一家在一起的一天 ERNEST THOMPSON SETON 欧内斯特汤普森西顿 Perhaps you have thought that the wild creatures of the woods and fields do nothing all day 或许你认为,树林和田野里的野生动
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第11课 与鹧鸪一家在一起的一天(2) Mother Partridge did not wait for the fox to reach the spot where her twelve little ones were hiding. 鹧鸪妈妈没有等狐狸来到12个小宝宝的藏身之地。 This wise mother flew straight toward the beast and dropped a few yards to one sid
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第12课 与鹧鸪一家在一起的一天(3) WHAT MOTHER PARTRIDGE TAUGHT HER BABIES 鹧鸪妈妈教给孩子们的东西 The sun was hot now, and there was an open place to cross on the way to the water. 现在太阳很烈,到水边需要穿过一片空地。 So the mother spread out her tai
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第13课 与鹧鸪一家在一起的一天(4) At once the ants swarmed out. 蚂蚁们立刻蜂拥而出。 Some ran around the hill, while a few of them began to carry away fat, white eggs. 有些蚂蚁绕着蚁丘跑,有些开始搬运胖胖的白蛋。 The old partridge, coming to her childr
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第14课 鸟屋出租(1) A BIRD HOUSE FOR RENT 鸟屋出租 By Russell Gordon Carter 拉塞尔戈登.卡特 Suppose that you love grass and flowers and trees very much, 假如你非常喜欢花草树木, and that you have always lived where you could enjoy them in your own
  • 美国小学英语教材4:第15课 鸟屋出租(2) The next day Frank went out into the yard and looked at the flagpole for a long time. 第二天,弗兰克来到院子里,久久地望着旗杆。 Then without a word, he went down into the cellar. 然后一句话也没说就去了地窖。 All th