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美国语文第二册 第42期:拉尔夫·维克

时间:2018-05-02 06:06来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 LESSON 46 第四十六课

bid  投标
sore  疮
smile  微笑
Ralph  拉尔夫
forget 忘记
hay  干草
stem  干
shone  闪闪发光
Wick  威克
scream 尖叫
tore  撕毁
point  点
pluck  摘去
thorns  刺
snatched 抢走
Ralph Wick was seven years old.  拉尔夫?维克七岁了。
In most things he was a fine boy, but he was too apt to cry. 大多数情况下他是个好孩子,但他太喜欢哭鼻子了。
When he could not have what he wanted he would cry for it and say, "I will have it." 当他得不到自己想要的东西时,就会哭着说:“我想要。”
If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not have it, he would begin to tease and cry. 如果别人告诉他那个东西会伤着他,所以他才得不到,他就开始又哭又闹。
One day, he went with his mother into the fields.  一天,他和妈妈走进田野。
The sun shone. The grass was cut.  那里阳光明媚,草已经被割过了,
The flowers were in bloom. 花儿正在盛开。
Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy.  拉尔夫觉得他这次要做个好孩子。
A smile was on his face. He wished to do as he was told. 微笑挂在他的脸上,他希望按照自己说的去做。
He said, "Mother, I will be good now.  他说:“妈妈,我现在要做个好孩子。
I will do as you bid me. Please let me toss this hay." 我要按你吩咐的去做,请让我去扔干草吧。”
"That I will," said his mother.  “我和你一起扔。”妈妈说道。
So they threw the hay, as Ralph wished, and he was very happy. 因此,就像拉尔夫希望的那样,他们一起扔干草,他也非常高兴。
"Now you must be tired," said his mother.  “现在你必须休息一下了。”妈妈说,
"Sit down here, and I will get a nice red rose for you." “坐在这儿,我要给你摘一朵漂亮的红玫瑰。”
"I would like to have one," said Ralph.  “我想要一朵。”拉尔夫说。
So his mother brought the red rose to him. 于是妈妈给他摘了一朵红玫瑰。
"Thank you, mother," he said.  “谢谢你,妈妈。”他说,
"But you have a white one, also. Please give me that." “但你还有一朵白的。请把那个也给我。”
"No, my dear," said his mother.  “不,亲爱的。”妈妈说,
"See how many thorns it has on its stem. You must not touch it.  “看看它的茎上有多少刺,一定不要碰它们。
If you should try to pluck a rose like this, you would be sure to hurt your hand." 如果你打算像这样摘一朵玫瑰,肯定会弄破你的手。”
When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he began to scream, and snatched it.  当拉尔夫发现他得不到那朵白玫瑰时,便开始大吵大闹,之后一把夺了过去。
But he was soon very sorry. The thorns tore his hand.  但他很快就觉得难过。花上的刺弄破了他的手,
It was so sore he could not use it for some time. 疼得他很长时间不能再用了。
Ralph did not soon forget this.  拉尔夫没有很快把这件事忘掉。
When he wanted what he should not have, his mother would point to his sore hand.  当他想得到自己不该得到的东西时,妈妈就会指一指他受伤的手。
He at last learned to do as he was told. 最后,他开始学会按照自己说过的话去做了。
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