密歇根新闻广播 气候变化 连鸟儿都不得不出来赶个早春
New research shows that in order for some early birds to catch the worm, they have to breed sooner in the spring. Luke DeGroote is the avian research coordinator at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and he runs the bird banding program at the museu
密歇根新闻广播 跑步有助于解决精神健康问题
Mental health therapy can take many forms. But what about running? Sasha Wolff founded a group called Still I Run. The group's goal is to encourage people struggling with mental health issues to get out and run. She spoke to Stateside about running f
密歇根新闻广播 请照顾好我们的宠物
Tommy Brann, a freshman state representative from Wyoming, a West Michigan town near Grand Rapids, isn't someone who puts on airs. He's passionate about public service and proud to be part of the legislature, but still thinks of himself as Tommy the
密歇根新闻广播 学生贷款债务仅次于房贷 成为银行重灾区
What do you think is the biggest category of consumer debt in this nation, apart from home mortgage loans? Car loans? Medical bills? Not even close. It is student loan debt, now nearly $1.5 trillion dollars, and getting bigger by the day. The average
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The game of disc golf is on the rise in Michigan. The relatively young sport, which began in California, follows the rules of traditional golf, but there's a twist. Instead of striving to smack dimpled balls into 4-inch holes, players hurl hard, flat
密歇根新闻广播 新法案规定开车时不能玩手机
Nothing like having your car totaled by a driver who was probably playing Pokemon Go to sharpen your focus on distracted driving. That's what happened to state Rep. Martin Howrylak (R-Troy), ironically, while the he was writing House Bill 4466. That
密歇根新闻广播 底特律最受欢迎的饮料出炉啦!
The Bullshot just might be the most popular drink to ever come out of Detroit. In the 1950s, it was even more popular than the Last Word from the Detroit Athletic Club or the Hummer from the Bayview Yacht Club. It was known as a freak drink, Tammy Co
密歇根新闻广播 高科技让学生在教室里扮演国际空间站上的角色
School kids in the 1960s thought it was super cool if they could watch a space shuttle launch on one a TV rolled into their classroom on a cart. But today, school kids do a lot more than just watch a shuttle launch. They can play an actual role in re
密歇根新闻广播 场自由和政府调控能否推广可再生能源?
A new survey finds a majority of Americans (54%) lean toward regulations as the best way to increase our use of renewable energy versus relying on economic markets alone. Cary Funk is the associate director of research at the Pew Research Center. She
密歇根新闻广播 看美国各界对特朗普的预算草案有何意见
Lawmakers across the United States, both Republicans and Democrats have been reacting to President Trumps White House budget proposal released Tuesday. U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D- Royal Oak, has served in the House since 1983. He calls the cuts extrem
密歇根新闻广播 看难民如何从索马里逃往美国躲避恐怖主义
Ali Warsame's journey to become a permanent, legal resident of Michigan was long and difficult. He fled the war in his homeland of Somalia, which is one of the six majority-Muslim countries included in President Trump's revised travel ban. Before eve
密歇根新闻广播 过去15年美国秃鹰的数量翻了一倍
After nearly going extinct, the bald eagle population across the United States has been recovering. In Michigan, the number of nesting pairs of bald eagles in Michigan has doubled in the past 15 years. Heather Good is the executive director of the Mi
密歇根新闻广播 特朗普削减保护濒危物种的预算
The Trump administrations detailed budget proposal leaves fewer resources for protecting endangered species. Under the proposed plan, the budget for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be trimmed to $1.3 billion for 2018. Brett Hartl, Government
密歇根新闻广播 同性恋双性恋的权利应当得到保护
Democrats in Lansing are taking another run at expanding the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Democratic State Rep. Jon Hoadley of Kalamazoo and Senator Rebekah Warren of Ann Arbor have introduced bil
密歇根新闻广播 在五大湖地区建设更多绿色基础设施
Green infrastructure is the focus of a conference at Detroits Cobo Center this week. The people behind it say its time to start thinking differently about how we handle storm water throughout the Great Lakes; but make sure we do it right. You can thi