Where I come from, we don't show mercy to criminals. Where I come from, if someone like you attacked a little lord? At low tide we'd lay you on your back on the beach,
我们那边的人绝不会对罪犯表现仁慈.在我们那边, 如果你这样的人胆敢袭击领主.你会被扔到海滩...
Your hands and feet chained to four stakes. The sea would come in closer and closer. You'd see death creeping toward you a few inches at a time.
Where is it you come from? The Iron Islands. They far away?
You've never heard of the Iron Islands? Trust me, you've never heard where I'm from neither. "Trust me, My Lord."
你从没听说过铁群岛?听我说, 你也从没听说过我的家乡.你得说: "听我说, 大人."
You're not living in the wilderness1 anymore. In civilized2 lands, you refer to your betters by their proper titles.
现在你已经不再是生活在荒野里了.在文明国度里, 你要用...正确的头衔来称呼上等人.
And what's that? Lord. Why? Why?
那怎么称呼你? 领主大人.为什么?为什么?
What do you mean why? My father is Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands. What's that got to do with you?
为什么你要问 "为什么"?我父亲巴隆葛雷乔伊是铁群岛的领主.那和你有什么关系?
If your father's lord, how can you be lord too? I will be lord after my father-
So you're not lord now? No, you-You having a go at me? Is that it?
那你现在还不是领主.不, 你...你看不起我? 是这意思吗?
I just don't understand how you Southerners do things. I'm not a Southerner. You're from South of the wall. That makes you a Southerner to me.
我只是不明白你们南方人的规矩.我可不是南方人. 你来自长城以南.对我来说你就是南方人.
You're an impudent3 little wench, aren't you? Couldn't say, My Lord. Don't know what "impunent" means.
你真是个放肆无礼的小妞, 是吧?我说不好, 大人.我不明白放肆无礼是什么意思.
Impudent. It means rude, disrespectful. Do you want to lose that chain?
放肆无礼. 就是粗鲁.不尊敬上等人.你想要我松开那条链子吗?
Theon Greyjoy! The lady is our guest. I thought she was our prisoner.
Are the two mutually exclusive in your experience? Chances are I won't be nearby the next time that happens. I'm used to worse than him.

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n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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a.有教养的,文雅的 | |
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adj.鲁莽的,卑鄙的,厚颜无耻的 | |
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