Pretty cool about Howard, huh? 霍华德还挺有能耐的 对吧
Don't talk to me as if nothing's happened between us.And yes, it sure is, buddy1. 别装作咱俩之间好像没事一样 不过没错 他是挺有能耐的 兄弟
For God's sake, will you stop with the Schrodinger stuff. 老天啊 你能不能别再玩薛定谔那一套了
Would you prefer a simpler application of Heisenberg's uncertainty2 principle,in which I could either know where you are or whether I like you, but not both. 你想要像海森堡不确定性原理 一个粒子的位置和它的动量不可被同时确定 那样更简单的程序吗 我现在不能同时确定 你到底是哪方的或我是否喜欢你 不过现在两者都不确定
You never stop talking, do you? 你是从不知道住嘴的 是吧
I don't understand.What differences does it make if Leonard goes to Wil Wheaton's party? 我不明白 莱纳德去不去威尔·惠顿的派对 有什么区别
Wil Wheaton is Sheldon's mortal enemy. 威尔·惠顿是谢尔顿的死敌
Mortal enemy? 死敌
Sheldon, I know you're a bit of a left handed monkey wrench3, but...you really have a mortal enemy? 谢尔顿 我知道你是个十分别扭的人 但是你真的有个死敌吗
In fact, I have 61 of them.Would you like to see the list? 其实我有61个 你想看看我的黑名单吗
Oh, say no, say no, say no, say no. 说不要 说不要 说不要
You just got off the list.Would you like back on it? 刚刚才把你从名单上剔除 是不是又想回去了
A floppy disk? 你还用软盘啊
Well, I started the list when I was nine. 我九岁就开始列这个名单了
How did Wil Wheaton get on the list? 威尔·惠顿为啥被列入名单了
Oh, God! Oh! Come on! 老天 别问啊
As a child, I loved Wesley Crusher,Wil Wheaton's character on Star Trek5.So, 我小的时候非常喜欢卫斯理·柯洛夏 即威尔·惠顿在《星际迷航》里的角色
I drove for hours by bus to a Star Trek convention at which Wil Wheaton was scheduled to appear,so that I could get my Wesley Crusher action figure signed. 我坐了几小时巴士 去参加一个星际迷航大会 威尔·惠顿本来是要出席的 我要找他给我的卫斯理·柯洛夏玩具签名
But he never showed, because apparently6, it was cooler for him to be the lower left corner on (Hollywood Squares.) 可他压根就没出现 因为他去玩"好莱坞框框"了 (好莱坞框框:著名游戏节目)他觉得坐左下角那框框里更酷 (嘉宾坐在九个特制的框框里回答问题)
Oh, damn!The floppy failed. 该死 软盘挂了
Well, whoever was in charge of quality control at the Verbatim Corporation in 1989, congratulations, you just made the list. 好吧 不管是谁在1989年 负责威宝公司的质量控制 恭喜他 他进了我的黑名单
Howard? Change your mind about sex? 霍华德 改变主意要滚床单了吗
I'm still mad, but I'll do it. 虽然还生气 但我会委曲求全
No, I've just been thinking. 不是 我刚刚一直在想
It doesn't matter if I'm afraid for your safety. 我担心你的安危并不重要
I don't want to be the person who stands between you and your dreams. 重要的是 我不想成为那个 阻碍你追逐梦想的人
Really? 真的吗
Really. 真的
If going into space means that much to you,I will never say another word about it. 如果去太空真的对你很重要 我不会再说一句反对的话
Thank you. 谢谢
I love you. 我爱你
I love you, too. 我也爱你
So, sex now? 那现在开滚(床单)了吗
Okay. I just forgot to brush my teeth.I'll be right back. 好 不过我刚忘了刷牙 我马上回来
Oh, baby I'm I'm not in love with you... 哦 宝贝 我... 我爱的不是你
Over my dead body my son goes into outer space! 除非我死 否则我儿子休想去太空
I'm ready. 我准备好了
Wait, let me see if I got this right.You actually asked Bernadette to leave your house in the middle of the night? 等等 先看看我理解得对不对 你真的半夜 把伯纳黛特赶出了家门?
What choice did I have? She went behind my back and turned my own mother against me. 我有得选吗 她背着我 告发我妈来反我
Wow. You're not only our first astronaut. You're also the first one of us to kick a girl out of bed. 哇 你不仅是我们中的第一个宇航员 还是我们中第一个把女孩子赶下床的人
You're like a rock star. 你简直就是个巨星啊
Little bit. 有点吧
I hate to say it, but she did kind of betray you. 我不想这么说 但她确实背叛了你
Interesting.You see betrayal in others, but not yourself. 真有意思 你能看出别人的背叛行为 却看不出你自己的
Going to Wheaton's party is not betraying you. 去惠顿的派对不是背叛你
Oh, of course you would have to believe that.Evil always thinks it's doing right. 你当然会这么认为 邪恶的人永远认为自己是对的
Excuse me, Stormtrooper. These are the droids you're looking for. 喂 突击兵(引自《星球大战》)这些才是你要找的机器人
I'm going to a party.I'm not turning R2 D2 and C 3PO over to the empire! 我是去参加派对 又不是叫R2 D2和C 3PO机器人反帝国
Not yet. 时候未到而已
So, what's gonna happen next? Are you and Bernadette going to break up? 那接下来怎样 你和伯纳黛特会分手吗
I don't know. If we're going to get back together,she's going to have to apologize and accept that I'm a grown man who can make his own decisions. 我不知道 就算我们要复合 她也要先道歉 并且接受 我是个大男人 我能自己拿主意
Then she's going to have to convince your mother to let you go into space.Obviously. 然后她还要说服你妈 让你去太空 必须的
I had no choice.I had to tell his mother.He can't go to space.He's like a baby bird. 我没有别的办法 我必须告诉他妈 他不能去太空 他还是只小雏鸟呢
You're kidding. 开玩笑的吧
No, I was there that day. 真的 我那天还在场呢
Sheldon threw his back out handing him that book. 谢尔顿递那本书给他时 还闪到腰了
I don't know what I'm going to do.I don't want to break up over this. 我不知道自己该怎么办 我不想因此和他分手
Okay, why don't you just tell him you made a mistake? 好吧 那你直接跟他说你错了
Do you guys think it was a mistake?Am I the bad guy in this? 你们觉得我做错了吗 我这样是不是太小人了
It's not for us to judge.We're just here to provide comfort and support while you come to grips with what a despicable thing you've done. 这事轮不到我们来评论 我们只是来支持你 安慰你 你要自己面对你的小人之举
Oh, God, you're right.I took our love and threw it under his bus sized mother.I need to apologize. 天啊 你说得对 我把我们的爱扔到了他那肥婆老妈脚下 我得去道歉
Well, that that's good. I'm glad you came to that.But before you do, let me just ask you a big picture question. 那也对 我很高兴你想通了 不过在此之前 我想问你一个重点问题
What? 什么问题
Are you 100% positive you love and want to marry Howard Wolowitz? 你确定一定以及肯定 你爱霍华德·沃罗威茨而且想嫁给他吗
I do, with all my heart. 当然 发自肺腑地想
Got it. Just had to check. 明白了 就是确认一下
He's great. 他是好男人哦
Alright. We're going to Wil's.This is your last chance. 我们要去威尔家了 这是你最后的机会
No, Leonard, this is ‘your’ last chance. 不对 莱纳德 这是你最后的机会
One day a historian is going to come to you and say,Is it true you were friends with Dr. Sheldon Cooper? 会有一位历史学家来问你 你真的曾是谢尔顿·库珀博士的朋友吗
And you're going to have to choke back a hot sob8 of regret and humiliation9 as you mumble10, "I was, but I chose to go to a party thrown by the one kid from Stand By Me that no one remembers." 然后你就会一边 饱含悔恨与耻辱地呜咽着 一边说 没错 但是 我当初选择去了一个由威尔·惠顿出演的少年成长题材的电影 1986年出品 (由不知名电影《伴我同行》里某人办的派对)
You want to drive? Sure. 你想开车吗 好啊
Hey, Sheldon? Oh, good.You picked me, you picked me. 喂 谢尔顿 太好了 你选了我 你最后还是选了我
No, I just got a text from Stuart. Brent Spiner is at the party. 不 我就是刚收到斯图尔特的一条短信 布伦特·斯派尔也在派对上(著名演员兼编剧 代表作有《星际迷航之复仇女神》)
Brent Spiner? 布伦特·斯派尔
Yes. 对
I don't care. 我没兴趣
Really?Brent Spiner,Mr. Data himself. You love him. 真的吗 布伦特·斯派尔 数据先生的扮演者 你可喜欢他了
You know, stock characters,ludicrous plots, "Beam me up."What a load of hooey. 你看啊 角色又老套 情节又离谱 "传送我吧" (《星际迷航》里的经典台词) 真是满嘴荒唐言啊
Yeah, even that. You look like a dork. 嗯啊 随你怎么样 看着真傻
Howard, Bernadette's here! 霍华德 伯纳黛特来了
Tell her I'm not home! 跟她说我不在家
What kind of a schmuck play is that?! She can hear you shouting! 你怎么可以装得这么蹩脚 她听得见你大声嚷嚷
Can we talk? 能说句话吗
You can. I have nothing to say. 你说啊 我没什么可说的
All right. 好吧
I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry I said something to your mother. 我就是想告诉你 我不该给你妈妈打小报告的 我很抱歉
I was gonna tell her eventually, but you went behind my back. 我本来是打算最后告诉她的 可你居然背着我
I know. I'm sorry.I got scared. 我知道 我错了 我当时害怕啊
If you're gonna love me,you're gonna have to love the whole package:the tenderhearted poet and the crazy daredevil. 如果你要爱我 你就得爱我的全部 温柔诗人和疯狂泼皮都是我啊
I know. 我知道
Well, don't say it if you're not gonna mean it,'cause I'm not just gonna stop with the space station. 如果你不是真心的就别这么说 因为我不止要去空间站
Yeah, I want to go to the Moon, I want to go to Mars.I want to take a one man sub to the lowest depths of the ocean. 我还想去月球 想去火星 想乘坐单人潜艇到大洋的最深处
Well, those big kids were rocking it. 那几个胖小子非要摇来摇去
I just did what I did because I love you so much,and the thought of losing you is more than I can handle. 我之前那么做只是因为我太爱你了 我抑制不住害怕失去你的担心
Really? 真的吗
You're my soul mate. 你是我的灵魂伴侣
This is where you kiss me. 你现在该吻我了
Right, right. 对对
Make up all you want!Your tuchis is not leaving this planet! 你想干嘛都随你 但你休想离开地球半步
Hey, you know that beautiful actress who plays the Borg Queen in First Contact? 你知道那个在《星际迷航之第一次接触》里扮演博格女王的漂亮女演员吗
Yeah. Well, I just met her gynecologist! 知道啊 我刚刚碰到她的妇科医生了
What are you doing here? 你来这儿干嘛
Fighting for our friendship. 为我们的友谊奋斗
I'm not going to let that end here tonight.Now put down that drink, let's meet Brent Spiner and go home. 今晚我不能让我们的友谊在这里毁掉 赶紧把杯子放下 咱见完布伦特·斯派尔就走人
Hey, Sheldon, I'm so glad you made it.I found something I think you might like. 嗨 谢尔顿 很高兴你也来了有样东西我想你可能会喜欢
What I'd like is for him to have a more depressing home.This is quite lovely. 他要是有个更无趣的家我就更高兴了 可这地儿真不赖
This is for you. 这是给你的
An original mint in package Wesley Crusher action figure. 原版未拆封的卫斯理·柯洛夏活动人偶
I remembered your story about the time you went to a convention when you were a kid to get one signed, and I didn't show up.Look at what I wrote. 我记得你说过有一次 你小时候去动漫大会 想拿到一个签名版的 但我没去 看看我都写了啥
To Sheldon, sorry this took so long. Your friend, Wil Wheaton. 谢尔顿 很抱歉东西来得这么迟 你的朋友 威尔·威顿
It's my last one. 这是我的最后一个
I want you to have it. 我想把它送给你
Look, everyone. Wil Wheaton is my friend! 看啊 各位 威尔·威顿现在是我朋友了
I haven't seen one of these in years. 我好多年没见过这东西了
Remember how we used to make these things look like they were masturbating? 还记得我们以前怎么把他们摆的看起来像在打手枪吗
Brent Spiner, what have you done?! 布伦特·斯派尔 你都干了些什么
That was an original mint in package Wesley Crusher action figure signed by my close personal friend, Wil Wheaton. 这可是原版未拆封全新的 卫斯理·柯洛夏活动人偶上面有我的铁哥们儿威尔·威顿签名的
Sorry, Slim.I've got some Mr. Data dolls in the trunk of my car.You want me to sign one for you? 抱歉了 竹竿男 我的车后备箱还有几个数据先生的玩偶 你想要我也给你签一个吗
You've already signed something, Brent Spiner. 您已经签了 布伦特·斯派尔
Your name on my list. 在我的黑名单上
From this moment on, you are my mortal enemy. 从现在起 你就是我的死敌
Don't worry. It doesn't take up a whole lot of your time. 别担心 你当不了太久
Come on, buddy.Let's not waste another second on this loser. 来吧 伙计别再这个懦夫这儿浪费时间了
Love your house. 好喜欢你家房子啊
Can we get autographed dolls? 能给我们签名玩偶吗
10 十块
18 十八块
Well,16. Two for $30.And you come to my birthday party. 十六块 三十块拿俩 外加来参加我的生日派对
Done. 成交

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n.(美口)密友,伙伴 | |
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n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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v.猛拧;挣脱;使扭伤;n.扳手;痛苦,难受 | |
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adj.松软的,衰弱的 | |
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vi.作长途艰辛的旅行;n.长途艰苦的旅行 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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n.气喘病,哮喘病 | |
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n.空间轨道的轰炸机;呜咽,哭泣 | |
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n.羞辱 | |
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n./v.喃喃而语,咕哝 | |
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长[发展] 得超过(某物)的范围( outgrow的过去分词 ); 长[发展]得不能再要(某物); 长得比…快; 生长速度超过 | |
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v.成功,兴隆,昌盛;使成功,使昌隆,繁荣 | |
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adj.晕船的 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃 | |
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