What are you drawing over there? 你在画什么呢
A hypothetical containment1 field for a frisbeesized wormhole that could serve as a portal to a parallel universe. 设计能为通往平行宇宙的飞盘大小的虫洞做为防护措施的安全禁锢场
Oh, you silly doodlebug. 你个小笨蛋呆瓜
You know, a lot of scientists believe that making contact with other lifeforms would probably not end well for us. 许多科学家认为与其他生命体有接触可能对人类造成巨大灾难
It's a frisbeesized wormhole, Leonard. 莱纳德 飞盘大小的虫洞而已
Do you expect me to build this? 你是想我帮你造出来吗
I expect you to wipe the pudding off your chin. Gentlemen. 我是想你擦擦嘴角的布丁。大家再见
Have you guys ever noticed that Sheldon always disappears every day at 2:45? Really? 你们有注意到谢尔顿每天都会准时在2点45分不知去向吗?是吗?
He probably just goes to the bathroom. 他可能只是去拉大号吧
Actually, no, he goes to the bathroom at 8:00 A.M. 他拉大号的时间是早上8点
With optional followups at 1:45 and 7:10 on highfiber Fridays. 没拉干净,则下午1点45再一趟周五吃高纤维.晚上7点10分还拉
It's sad that you know that. 你居然都能记得了,真悲哀
I'm looking at his public calendar. 我在看他公布的行程表
2:45 to 3:05, nothing. Yesterday, 2:45 to 3:05, nothing. Last week, nothing. 2点45到3点05,没行程。昨天同一时间,没行程。上周,也没行程
Last month, nothing. He never has anything booked during that time. 上个月这时间也没行程。他总是把这段时间给空出来
20 minutes a day, completely unaccounted for. 每天都有着不为人知的20分钟
We should figure out where he goes. Ooh, this is exciting. 我们应该查查他到底上哪了。好兴奋刺激哦
Like one of my classic murder mystery dinner parties. 跟我举办的神秘谋杀游戏晚餐派对一样
Right, the case of who murdered three Saturday nights of my life? 是啊,那派对谋杀了我三个美好的周六夜晚
Colonel Koothrapali in the kitchen with the olive spread. 库萨帕里上校在厨房中用橄榄渣杀的人(谋杀推理桌游中大家要猜出凶手凶器以及行凶地点)
It was tapenade and you guys suck. 是高档橄榄酱你们俩去死吧
So, how was work today? 今天工作如何
Well, I spent most of the afternoon growing isotopically4 pure crystals for neutrino detection. 我整个下午都忙着在生成同位素纯水晶来探测微中子
That sounds like fun. Yeah, it was. 听起来很有意思啊。是啊,没错。
Oh, good, I guessed right. Who you talking to? 那就好,我猜对了。在跟谁发消息呢?
Oh, just this guy I met at school. 就学校的一个同学啦
Oh, great. We're still dating, right? 行 我们还是情侣 对吧
Relax. He's just a friend. 别乱想 只是朋友而已
We're doing an oral report together. He's really nice. 我们要一起做口头报告,他人很好啦。
I'm sorry, what was that? I had a little stroke after "oral." Would you stop? 抱歉,你刚说什么?我刚听到"口"字,微中风了一下。你别乱想了
Look, he just moved here from London, okay? 人家只是刚从伦敦搬来啦
He doesn't really know anybody. 他还没什么其他朋友
Oh, good, an English accent, the sexiest accent you can have. No. 爽了,有英国腔的史上最性感的腔了,才没有
That's not true. There's French, there's Italian. 才不是这样呢。还有法国腔,意大利腔
No, you're right, it's the best. 好啦 你说得对 英国腔最棒
Did you tell him you have a boyfriend? 跟他说你有男朋友了吗?
It didn't come up. Well, maybe you should tell him. 没谈到这话题。你跟他说嘛
What am I supposed to say? Say, "can't talk right now. hanging with my boyfriend. 你要我怎么突然开口啊?就说,"现在没空聊跟我男人在一起
England sucks, you suck, USA number one." Fine. 英国去死,你去死,美国第一"行
"Hanging with my boyfriend. "跟我男人在一起
Talk to you later."Happy? Yes. Thank you. 之后聊"满意了吗?满意,谢谢。
What did he say?Nothing. What? 他回了什么?没什么。说啊
"Did your boyfriend make you type that?" I hate this guy. Don't be like that. "是你男人逼你打出那段话的吗"?我讨厌这臭家伙。别这样嘛
Come on, trust me, he's hitting on you. 拜托 相信我 他肯定是在泡你
No, he's not. We're just friends. 他才没泡我 我们只是朋友
Look, is this gonna be a problem? 跟他搭档你会不开心吗
Because he's supposed to come over tomorrow to work. Really? Here? 约好了他明天过来弄报告呢?不是吧,来你家啊?
If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll switch partners, even though the thing's due next week 如果你会心里不舒坦 我可以换搭档虽然下周就得上台报告
and everyone already has a partner and I'll probably end up failing the class. 而且大家都选好了固定搭档了但为了你,挂科就挂科吧
That'd be great. Thank you. 2:44, right on schedule. Hey, Sheldon. Oh, hello. 太好了,谢谢你啊。2点44分,分秒不差。谢尔顿。你们好啊
Raj and I are heading over to the genetics lab to pet the glowinthedark bunny. 拉杰跟我要去基因实验室摸摸夜光小兔子
Want to come with us?No, thank you. 想跟我们一起去吗 不用了 谢谢
Are you sure? They turn off the lights, and it's like a cute little laser show 你确定吗?关上实验室灯光那就是小型激光秀呢
that poops all over the place. 差别只是它们会到处拉屎
I'm quite sure. Good day. 我确定 先走啦
Well, where are you going? 你要去哪啊
Where are you going?We just told you. 你们要去哪呢?才刚告诉你啊
I just told you.No, you didn't. 我也才刚告诉你们。你压根没说
Well, it's your word against mine; see you in court. 公说公有理 婆说婆有理 法庭见吧
Should we follow him? I don't know, I'm torn. 我们该跟踪他吗?不知道啊,我好纠结啊
I want to know where he's going, but now I kind of want to play with the bunny. 既想知道他都上哪去可又好想去摸摸小兔兔
Hi, guys. Hey, Alex, do you know where your boss just went? No. 你们好啊。艾利克斯,你知道你老板上哪去了吗?不知道
Don't you know his schedule? 你应该知道他的行程吧
All I know is corduroy makes too much noise and I have to go find "quieter pants." 他只交代灯芯裤摩擦声太吵让我去换件"安静点的裤子"
Come on. Boy, what I wouldn't give to get her out of those pants... and into something a little more stylish5. 来吧。我愿意付出一切只求她能脱下裤子换上一件更潮的裤子
This is where he goes? What's in there? 他就是来这里啊?里面有什么啊?
I think it's an old storage room. 这是旧储藏间吧
What could he be doing in there every day for 20 minutes? 什么事能让他每天躲在里面弄20分钟啊
Well, he's not doing 20minute abs, because if he were, he would have way better abs. 肯定不是"20分钟练腹肌运动",他要是有做的话,腹肌绝对好很多
Can you hear anything? Not yet. What are you doing? I'm listening. 能听到什么吗?没呢。你干嘛呢?我也听啊
Can't you face the other way and listen? 你不能脸朝另一边听吗
I can't do anything right for you, can I? What the hell is he up to? 我做什么你都看不顺眼,是吧?他到底躲里面干啥呢?
He is kind of a weirdo. Maybe he's got Leonard Nimoy chained up in there. Or Bill Gates. Or Stephen Hawking6. 他是个怪人。说不定把伦纳德·尼莫伊五花大绑在里面(伦纳德·尼莫伊星际迷航中的主要演员)或比尔·盖茨。甚至是史提芬·霍金呢
Why would he chain up Stephen Hawking? 史提芬·霍金有什么好五花大绑啊
Howard, please, you can't treat the man differently just because he's disabled. That's not okay. 霍华德,你不能因为人家是残疾人就差别待遇啊。歧视是不对的
If you're wondering why I've been staring through the peephole, I'm trying to get a look at this guy who's coming over to Penny's. 你要是对于我为何要直盯着窥视孔外有疑惑,我是要看看那个要来佩妮家的男人
To be honest, I didn't know you were here. It's not a big deal. 老实说,我都没注意到你在那边。不是什么大事啦。
He's just in her history class. They're working on a project together. 他只是她历史课的同学。他们要一起弄报告
I don't even know why I care. You know what, I don't care. 我干嘛这么紧张兮兮啊。好吧,我不管了。
You think you don't care. This is silly. 自欺欺人而已。这样太蠢了。
I have nothing to worry about. Oh, I don't know. 我没什么好担心的。这可说不准
Statistically8 speaking, I'm sure you have something to worry about. 从数据上来看我肯定你的确有要担心的事
What do you mean? 什么意思
Well, if we assume your looks are average, right off the bat, 50% of men on Earth are more attractive than you. 假设你的外貌是算中等随便一算地球上有一半的男人比你还有魅力
That's 1.5 billion handsome lads standing9 by, waiting to rain on your parade. 代表着有15亿帅气男子在等着浇熄你们的爱火呢
Well, yeah, but this isn't just about looks. 但爱情不是只看外貌啊
I'm way above average in a lot of other things. 我也有很多部分是高于平均值啊
Not height, vision, athleticism10, or ability to digest dairy products. 绝非在身高,视力,运动能力或消化乳制品这几个领域吧
You were just spying on your girlfriend through a peephole. 你刚还从那小孔想探查你女友
I liked it better when you thought I wasn't here. 我还是比较喜欢你以为我不在那会
I'm not saying you don't have attractive qualities. 我也不是说你就没有吸引人的优点
And last but not least, you buy the grapes I like. 再提一点你懂得买我喜欢的那种葡萄
You're a real catch compared to some snoring guy with a fridge full of lousy grapes. 你也算是乘龙佳婿了大胜那些睡觉打鼾满冰箱垃圾葡萄的人了
None of this matters. 无所谓啦
I trust that Penny cares about me, and nothing's gonna happen with this guy. 我相信佩妮在乎我她也不会跟这男的有什么
Well, unless of course he's a skilled hypnotist. What? 如果他是催眠大师那可说不准。什么?
While unlikely, it's still a statistical7 possibility. 虽然很难碰上,但也不是不可能啊
She might be performing sexual acts with him and not even know it. 她现在可能正无意识的与他发生性行为呢
Now you're just being ridiculous. Am I? 你扯过头了吧。你确定吗?
The mind's a mysterious thing, Leonard. 人的意识是很神奇的 莱纳德
He could be having the time of his life while she thinks she's a chicken pecking for corn. 那男的可能正一边"爽歪歪"而佩妮只以为自己是吃玉米的鸡呢?
Look at us, sneaking13 around in the middle of the night like a couple of cat burglars. 瞧咱俩 大半夜鬼鬼祟祟的来这里像是一对飞贼一样
I think we're more like ninjas. 我们比较像忍者吧
I don't want to be a ninja; I want to be a cat burglar. 我不想当忍者 人家想当飞贼
Fine, I'll be a ninja, you be a cat burglar. 行,我当忍者 你当飞贼
No, we both have to be the same thing. Okay, we're ninjas. Thank you. 不行,咱俩得一样。好吧,我们都是忍者。谢谢
But next time, we'll be cat burglars. It's locked.Are you sure? 但下次我们要一起当飞贼哦。上锁了,你确定吗?
Yes, I'm sure. Now, you stand guard, I'm going to... It's locked. 我当然确定。你去把风,我来...锁上了
Just keep an eye out. I'll have this open in a minute. 去把风就行了。我很快就能弄开了
When did you learn how to pick locks? 你什么时候学的开锁啊
When I was starting to do magic in junior high, I thought I could be an escape artist like Harry14 Houdini. 我中学那会开始学的魔术嘛当时我想当个逃脱魔术师像逃脱大师胡迪尼一样
How did that work out? Pretty good. 后来如何了?挺不错啊。
I managed to escape friends, popularity, and every party thrown in a 12mile radius15. There. Ready? 朋友,人缘,以及我家方圆12英里内所办的任何派对 都"逃脱"我而去了。开了,准备好进去了吗?
Hold on, hold on. What? 慢着慢着,干嘛
Sheldon is a very smart man, and he obviously wants to keep this a secret. Yeah, so? What if it's boobytrapped? 谢尔顿是个非常聪明的人而且显然他想守住这个秘密。是啊,那又怎样?万一有机关陷阱怎么办?

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n.阻止,遏制;容量 | |
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n.飞盘(塑料玩具) | |
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n.冰山,流冰,冷冰冰的人 | |
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adv.同位素地(isotopic的变形) | |
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adj.流行的,时髦的;漂亮的,气派的 | |
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利用鹰行猎 | |
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adj.统计的,统计学的 | |
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ad.根据统计数据来看,从统计学的观点来看 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.运动竞赛,崇尚运动,竞技热 | |
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n.成熟;完成;(支票、债券等)到期 | |
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n.睡眠者,卧车,卧铺 | |
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a.秘密的,不公开的 | |
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vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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n.半径,半径范围;有效航程,范围,界限 | |
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