Hey, so I saw a movie trailer the other day. How could Batman possibly fight Superman? I mean, isn't that dumb? 我之前看了一部电影预告,蝙蝠侠怎么可能打得过超人呢,真是瞎透了
Maybe he uses Kryptonite. 或许他用了氪气石
Well, Batman's got a lot of money. Maybe he builds a suit that can do everything Superman can do. 蝙蝠侠超有钱,或许他用钱打造出具有类似超人能力的装甲
No, no, no, no, no. I've seen that movie. It's called Iron Man. What is happening? 不不不不不,这样的电影我看过,叫《钢铁侠》,怎么回事
I don't know. But it's beautiful. And now Ben Affleck is Batman? 我不知道,但这画面太美了,而且蝙蝠侠换本·阿弗莱克演了
Oh, he was great in Shakespeare in Love. 他在《恋爱中的莎士比亚》那部里演得很棒
Ooh, we should watch that next girls' night. We could do a double feature with the Leonardo DiCaprio Romeo+Juliet. 我们下次闺蜜之夜应该来看这部,我们可以再配上莱昂纳多的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》啊
Oh, I love me some Leo. And it's gone. 我可乐意看小李子了,美景消失了
Oh, hello, everyone. I am happy to report I'm feeling much better. Good for you. 大家安安,很开心跟大家宣布本皇龙体已有好转,"恭喜"
My fever is gone, my sinuses are pressurefree, and my mucus is as clear as a Yosemite waterfall. Glad to hear it. 发烧已退,鼻子也通,痰也清澈得像国家公园里的瀑布水一样,"棒呆了"
I'll be able to return to work tomorrow. Yay. 明日我就能回归工作岗位了,"赞"
Well, why isn't everyone happy? Your little ray of sunshine is ready to beam again. 大家怎么都不开心呢,你们的小太阳准备重新发光发热啦
You really don't know why? No. But I knew that his "yay" was sarcastic1. 你真的不知道为什么吗,不知道,但我听出他那声"赞"是在讽刺
Not bad for a guy whose last bowel2 movement sounded like rain on a roof. 上次出恭时,声响犹如雨打芭蕉的这位居然还有体力讽刺,不赖嘛
Let me refresh your memory. 让我帮忙你回忆一下
Penny, rub Vicks on my chest. 佩妮,帮我在胸口抹清凉油
Sheldon, I cooked you breakfast. I made your bed. 谢尔顿,我给你做了早饭,铺了床
I checked your mouth for thrush. You can rub your own chest. 检查你嘴里有没有鹅口疮,清凉油你可以自己抹
Oh, sure, grope every other male on the planet, but draw the line with me. 行行行,世上的男人,你都没少摸过,到我这儿就装清纯
I brought you a little care package from work. It's our latest antiviral and the best decongestant we make. 我从公司给你准备了这个康复小袋袋,里面有我们最新的抗病毒药,还有我们最好的抗鼻塞药
I hope laughter is the best medicine, 'cause this care package is a joke. 那我希望笑是最好的药物,因为这包东西根本就是在搞笑
Hey, she came all the way here... 她大老远特意跑来...
You're gonna want to take these with food. 你记得饭后再吃啊
Sheldon, stop being a baby and let Emily take a look at you. 谢尔顿,别孩子气了,让艾米丽给你看看嘛
She's a dermatologist3. 她是皮肤科医生
I went to medical school. 我上过医学院啊
Well, in that case, try removing the irritating patch of brown skin standing4 next to you. 这样的话,那请你把位于你旁边的那坨烦人棕色皮肤给去除掉
Here you go. Leonard, I'm dying. 来,吃吧,莱纳德,我要死了
You're not dying. It's just the flu. 你才不会死,只是流感而已
I asked for chicken noodle. This is chicken and stars. It's killing5 me. I never did get that chicken noodle, did I? 我要的是鸡汤面,这个是鸡与星星状的面,我要气死了,我最终还是没吃到鸡汤面不是吗
Hi, Sheldon. Hello. Are you feeling any better? 谢尔顿,你好啊,你身体好点了吗
Physically6, yes, but I'm upset because everyone's mad at me for no good reason. 生理上好点了,但心里不太好,因为大家莫名其妙就不爽我
Why don't you tell me what happened, and in a gentle, loving way, I'll explain to you why you're wrong. 你跟我说说发生了什么吧,然后我会用温和,慈爱的方式来跟你解释你为什么错了
You know how, when you're sick, you're allowed to be cranky and say whatever you want and other people's feelings don't matter? 你知道当人生病的时候是有权对身旁或任何人耍脾气,而且完全不用鸟他们感受的吧
I had a 101 fever. If that's not a time to verbally abuse my loved ones, when is? 我都烧到38.3度了,此时不尖酸刻薄对亲朋好友,更待何时
Sheldon, when you're sick, you can be...unbearable8. 谢尔顿,当你生病的时候,你会有点...让人受不了
That's why your friends have been known to work late or sneak9 out to the movies or stay at a neurobiology conference three days after it's ended. 所以你的小伙伴们要么加班,要么溜去看电影,或者多留在神经生物学大会,哪怕大会三天前就结束了
You stayed in Michigan all week to avoid being around me? 你多留在密歇根就是为了要躲我吗
No, no, not just that. I mean...Detroit is beautiful when it's sleeting10. 不是不是,不止如此,还有...底特律下雨夹雪的时候特美呢
You know, I'm not the only one who's unpleasant when they're sick. 又不是只有我一个人生病时才这么讨人厌
When Penny got food poisoning, she threw up so loudly I could barely hear the television. 像佩妮食物中毒的那次,她呕吐声大到我都听不到电视的声音了
Ooh, I just heard something. Might be hail, might be gunfire. 我好像听到了什么声音,不知道是冰雹声还是枪声
Either way, I'm gonna go take pictures. Bye. 反正我都要去拍照围观啦,再见
Hey, Stuart. Hey. Where's Sheldon? Still sick? No, he's fine. 斯图尔特,谢尔顿呢,还病着呢,没,已经好了
We just needed a little break. 我们只是需要喘口气
Yeah, I get that.When I brought him his comics the other day, he said, "Oh, great, Death is literally11 at my door." 我理解,我那天送漫画去给他的时候,他说"靠,索命鬼真的来了"
He was being a jerk to everyone. Don't take it personally. 他对每个人都是这么贱,你别往心里去
Oh, I'm on so many antidepressants, I couldn't if I wanted to. 我吃着无数种抗抑郁药,我就是想难过都没办法
I wish we could do more stuff without Sheldon. 真希望我们能甩开谢尔顿做更多事
I wish that all the time. 我一直这么真心希望
Usually before I blow out birthday candles. You know, Amy took some time off from him. Really improved their relationship. 通常都是在我吹熄生日蛋糕之前,艾米就甩开他休息了一阵子啊,感情还因此提升了不少
Okay. As long as it doesn't end with us having coitus with him, I'm in. 行,只要最后我们不需要跟他滚床单,我就加入
We should all take a trip or something. 我们应该一起去旅游之类的
You know, Penny and I have been talking about taking a weekend in Vegas. 我跟佩妮谈过找个周末去赌城玩
Maybe we should all go. Bernie would love that. Maybe we could get one of those party buses to take us there. 或许我们大伙应该一起去,妮妮肯定想去,或许我们可以叫台派对巴士载我们去
That sounds really fun. Yeah, that sounds fun. 听起来就很有意思,绝对有意思
A partybus party don't stop. When I say "party," you say "bus." No. No. No. No! 派对巴,派对趴,我说"派对" 你说"巴",不,不,不,不
So, the guys and I were talking about renting a party bus and everyone going to Vegas. 今天我们几个男的在讨论租一台派对巴士,大家一起去赌城玩
Oh, that could be fun. But just to be clear, you mean a party bus with booze and music, right, not, like, juice boxes and video games? 感觉应该挺有意思,但我先问清楚,你说派对巴士是指有酒跟音乐的那种吧,不是盒装果汁搭配游戏机
Yes. And Howard's birthday was a dropoff party. 是啦,上次霍华德的生日趴是送孩子去玩的那种
You didn't have to stay. Well, I'm in. 你这"家长"明明不用留下的,那我加入
When are we going? This weekend. 我们什么时候出发,这周末
Oh, where are we going? 我们要去哪里玩啊
Well, Vegas, but...Ugh, Atlantic City without the taffy? No, thank you. 赌城,但是...没有特产太妃糖的大西洋城(也是赌城)吗,我可不想去
That's fine, 'cause actually you're not invited. 没关系,其实也没有要邀请你
Well, now... well, that's hurtful. 真的假的,太伤人了
Oh, Sheldon, you don't even like it there. 谢尔顿,你根本不喜欢那地方
I can consider a place America's urinal cake and still enjoy the occasional visit. Not this time. 我能把一个地方看做小便池里的芳香剂,但我去的时候也还是尿得享受啊,这次不行
Oh, fine. Then I'll just hang out with Wolowitz. He's coming, too. 算了,那我跟沃罗威茨玩吧,他也去
Well, then Raj and I will... Nope. 那我和拉杰... 他也去
Very well. Stuart. Oh, great. Do that. 很好,那我找斯图尔特,好呀,去吧
Ugh. Stuart. Hi, Sheldon. What's new? 恶,斯图尔特,谢尔顿,有啥新鲜事吗
Our friends are jerks, and I'm mad at all of them. 我们的朋友是混蛋,我气他们所有人
I said, "What's new?" but sure. 我是问"有啥新鲜事" ,不过算了
Can you believe they planned a trip to Las Vegas and didn't invite me? 你能相信他们打算组团去赌城玩却不邀请我吗
Did you refuse to apologize and act like they were stupid for being mad? 你是不是拒绝道歉还表现得他们生气是愚蠢的表现呀
You know, I liked it better when there was still a little mystery left in our relationship. 我更喜欢我们之前的感情,.留有一丝丝神秘感
Everyone tried to take care of you, and you were nothing but mean to them. 大家都努力去照顾你,而你只会对他们毒舌嫌弃
I can't believe you're not on my side. 真不敢相信你居然不站我这边
I was on your side when someone stole your car radio. Who else's side could you have been on? 有人偷了你的汽车音响时,我可是站你这边,你不站我这边,你还能站谁那边啊
I don't know. A musicloving hobo with a heart of gold? 难说啊,说不定窃贼是个热爱音乐的高尚流浪汉
Sheldon, I understand that you're upset because you feel left out, but I don't know why we're even talking about this. Just apologize to them. 谢尔顿,我理解你不高兴,因为觉得自己被孤立,但我不明白这事有啥好浪费时间讨论,去跟他们道歉就对了
Fine, if that's what it takes to go on their dumb trip. 如果要这样才能加入他们的白痴之旅,那行吧
Maybe you could try apologizing because you actually feel bad. It's called empathy. It's something you could work on. 或许你可以试着,真的因为觉得内疚而道歉,这叫同理心,这方面你可以提升一下
I have empathy. Watch. Leonard made me soup, and I was mean to him. Great. 我有同理心啊,请看莱纳德为我煮汤,我却嫌东嫌西,非常好
Now try it as if this isn't your first day as a person. 现在试试像个正常人一样讲话
Fine. Leonard made me soup, and I was mean to him. Hey, I felt a little something. Let me try again. 行,莱纳德为我煮汤,我却嫌东嫌西,哎哟,我有点感觉了,我再试试
Leonard made me soup, and I was mean to him. I was mean to him. He must have felt terrible. Oh, now I feel terrible. Neat! 莱纳德为我煮汤,我却嫌东嫌西,我的确嫌东嫌西了,他肯定不好受,现在我也觉得不好受了,真是妙啊
Glad I could help. 很高兴能帮上忙
Now let me see you feel bad for lying and staying in Detroit longer than you needed to. 现在让我看看你因为撒谎故意在底特律待着不走而内疚的样子
I feel so, so bad. 我觉得非常非常内疚
Hey, we're both great at this. 看来咱俩很擅长这个嘛

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adj.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的 | |
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n.肠(尤指人肠);内部,深处 | |
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n.皮肤科医师 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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adj.物质上,体格上,身体上,按自然规律 | |
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adj.狡猾的,奸诈的;(工作等)棘手的,微妙的 | |
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adj.不能容忍的;忍受不住的 | |
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vt.潜行(隐藏,填石缝);偷偷摸摸做;n.潜行;adj.暗中进行 | |
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下雨夹雪,下冻雨( sleet的现在分词 ) | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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