The One With The Tea Leaves
Teleplay by: Steven Rosenhaus
Story by: R. Lee Fleming
Transcribed1 by: Jean Liew
[Scene: The hall. Rachel knocks on Joey抯 door.]
Rachel: Joey, are you in there?
(Cut to Chandler and Monica抯. Joey is in there, having breakfast with them. He gets up.)
Joey: It抯 Rachel.
Monica: You have to talk to her.
Joey: No, no, I can抰, I can抰. After the other night, it抯 just too weird2. Don抰 tell her I抦 here. (he drops his bagel and wants to go back to get it, but decides to go hide) Don抰 eat that!
(Rachel enters.)
Rachel: Hey.
Monica: Hey Rachel.
Rachel: Is Joey here?
Chandler: I haven3抰 seen him, have you seen him?
Monica: I haven抰 seen him. Maybe he抯 in the sugar bowl. (uncovers it) Joey? Nope.
Rachel: Well, at least you make each other laugh.
Monica: What抯 up?
Rachel: Well, I haven抰 seen him since the other night, when he told me... Y択now, he keeps avoiding me. (points) Why is that bagel over there?
Monica: We were playing a game.
Rachel: Ew, was Chandler naked? Sort of like a, like a ring toss situation?
(Monica nods.)
Chandler: What? No! No!!
Rachel: Well, listen, if you see Joey, could you just tell him, tell him that, uh, that I miss him!
(She leaves and Joey comes back out.)
Monica: Hey. Did you hear that?
Joey: Yeah. A naked bagel game? (picks it up) Dude, I don抰 know. That抯 a pretty small hole.
Monica: Look, you抳e got to talk to her.
Joey: No, I can抰. You guys don抰 know what it抯 like to put yourself out there like that and just get shot down.
Chandler: I don抰 know what it抯 like? Until I was 25, I thought the only response to 揑 love you?was 揙h crap!?
Monica: And hello, no rejection4? I got rejected at fat camp. Kids are mean when they抮e hungry.
Joey: All right, so, so what do I do ?
Monica: This is Rachel. What are you going to do, never talk to her again? I know it抯 weird and it抯 awkward, but you gotta at least try.
Joey: Yeah. All right. (he抯 about to bite into the bagel) Whoop5! I almost forgot that this was on your -
Chandler: We didn抰 play it!!!
Opening Credits
[Scene: Central Perk6. Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel are there.]
Phoebe: Ok, when you抮e done with your tea, I抣l look at your leaves and tell you your fortune.
Chandler: Ok. You read tea leaves?
Phoebe: Oh yeah, I抳e done it for years. I actually stopped because I was so accurate. And y択now, one of the great joys of life is its, y択now, great unpredictability. And also, tea tends to give me the trots7 (?).
Monica: Ok, I抦 done. Read mine.
(Phoebe looks through her book.)
Phoebe: Ooh, I see a ladder. Which can either mean a promotion8 or a violent death.
Monica: I, I抦 the head chef. I can抰 get promoted.
Phoebe: Uh huh. Who抯 next?
Rachel: Ok, I抦 done. Do mine!
(Phoebe takes her cup.)
Phoebe: Ok. Um, Oh! Ok. I see a circle.
Rachel: Ok.
Phoebe: Which can either mean you抮e having a baby, or, you抮e going to make a scientific discovery!
Rachel: Ok, I have been spending a lot of time in the lab.
Chandler: What does yours say, Pheebs?
Phoebe: Um, ok, all right. (checks) Wow! Yay!! Ooh, I抦 going to meet a guy! And really soon. And he抯 going to be the man of my dreams. Probably not the guy I dreamed about last night.
(She points at Chandler. Ross enters.)
Ross: Hey. Has anyone seen my shirt? Button down, like a, like a faded salmon9 color?
Monica: A pink shirt?
Ross: A faded salmon color?
Monica: Well, I haven抰 seen your pink shirt.
Ross: Oh, that抯 great. I left it at Mona抯. That抯 great.
Chandler: Well, I抦 sure they can knit you another one at Ann Taylor抯.
Ross: That抯 my favorite shirt, ok? I love that shirt.
Rachel: Ask Mona to give it back.
Ross: I guess I could. I, I, I dunno. We didn抰 end things in such good terms. And, if I went over there, I抎 be ignoring the one thing she told me to do when we broke up: jump up my own ass10 and die.
(He goes to get coffee.)
Phoebe: Oh, wait a second, you guys. (turns to look at a guy) For the last couple of weeks, I抳e been seeing that guy everywhere I go. We take the same bus, go to the same bookstore, the same dry cleaners. It抯 the tea guy!
(The guy looks at her before leaving.)
Chandler: Pheebs, did you see that? He totally checked you out and he is so cute!!...Mine has a picture of the Village People, what does that mean?
(Joey enters and he sees Rachel.)
Rachel: Hi!
Joey: Hey.
(He goes to sit down. Silence.)
Rachel: Hi.
Joey: Hi.
Monica: Tea gives Phoebe the trots!
[Scene: Chandler and Monica抯. Rachel抯 in the kitchen with Chandler.]
Rachel: I thought Joey and I would be ok once we hung out, but it抯 like we don抰 even want to be with each other!
Chandler: I know it抯 tough now, but things will get better.
Rachel: How do you know that?! It gets worse and worse and worse, until we can抰 even be in the same room with each other.
Chandler: I抦 not so great at the advice. Can I interest you with a sarcastic12 comment? Some cheese?
(He offers it to her.)
Monica: Honey, why is the Bruce Springsteen cd in the Cat Stevens case?
Chandler: If I can抰 find the right cd case, I just put it in the nearest one.
Monica: Where抯 the Cat Stevens cd?
Chandler: In the James Taylor case.
Monica: Where抯 the James Taylor cd?
Chandler: Honey, I抦 going to save you some time. Two hundred cds, not one of them in the right case.
Monica: Ok, no need to panic. Deep breaths, everyone. We抣l, we抣l just have to spend some time and put the cds in the right cases.
Chandler: If we抮e going to do that, then we抮e going to have to come up with some kind of order. Y択now, alphabetically13, or, or by genre14.
Monica: I don抰 know, I think we抮e going to have to talk this through.
Rachel: Oh my God!!! You guys have such problems! I feel so terrible for you!!
Monica: Ok, I抦 sorry. You and Joey, you抮e both focusing on this uncomfortable thing. Change the subject. Next time you see him, try to get him talking about something else.
Rachel: Ohhh... It makes sense.
Monica: I dunno, you could have a work problem that you could need advice on.
Rachel: I can do that! Ok.
Monica: Honey, the Miami Vice11 soundtrack? Really?
(She holds it up.)
Chandler: They were just giving those away at the store...in exchange for money.
(Joey enters.)
Joey: Hey.
Rachel: Hey.
Monica: I really don抰 know what to tell you, Rach. I really don抰. Maybe, maybe Joey can help you out with your, with your work problem.
Rachel: What?
Monica: Yeah. Joey, she抯, Rachel抯 got this really big work problem. And it is a head scratcher. Wow, if we抮e going to make dinner, we抮e going to have to leave!
(She and Chandler leave.)
Joey: So, you have a big work problem?
Rachel: Yeah, it抯, uh...yeah, it抯 uh...yeah, it抯 nothing. Y択now, it抯 nothing.
Joey: Ok. So, uh, I think I抦 going to take off.
Rachel: Yeah, no, wait, Joey, it is, it憇 something. It is...um...it抯 my boss.
Joey: Yeah?
Rachel: Yeah. And um...and my baby.
Joey: Yeah?
Rachel: My boss wants to buy my baby!
Joey: What?! Oh my, oh my God!!
Rachel: I told you it was a really big problem.
Joey: He wants to buy your baby?!
Rachel: Can you believe that?
Joey: That抯 crazy!!
Rachel: That抯 what I told him!
Joey: How did this even happen?
Rachel: Yeah, I抣l tell you... (thinks) See, well, my, my boss and his wife, they can抰 have children. Um, and we were at the Christmas party and he got drunk, and he said to me, 揜achel, I want to buy your baby!?
Joey: Man. When you said it was something about your boss and your baby, I figured it was something about maternity15 leave!
Rachel: Oh, yeah... (thinks) Yeah, that, that would have been a much simpler problem.
[Scene: The street. Phoebe抯 at a magazine stand. The 搕ea guy?picks up a paper.]
Phoebe: Hello.
Tea guy: Oh, hi. I see you everywhere. I抦 Jim, Jim Nelson.
Phoebe: Well, hello, Jim, Jim Nelson. I抦 Phoebe, Phoebe Buffay. We certainly have been seeing a lot of each other lately.
Jim: Maybe we抣l be seeing each other at dinner tomorrow night. Eight o抍lock?
Phoebe: Well, maybe we will. (She抯 about to walk off) Oh!
(They exchange numbers.)
[Scene: The hallway outside Mona抯 apartment. Ross knocks.]
Ross: Mona? (He gets no reply and is about to leave. He remembers something and gets a key off the light...and immediately drops it) Ow!!!!
(He picks it up, protecting his hand with his jacket sleeve and opens the door.)
(Cut to inside Mona抯 apartment.)
Ross: Ok, if I were a salmon shirt, where would I be?
(He hears Mona opening the door and drops behind the couch. Mona enters with her boyfriend.)
Mona: I am so sorry I spilled wine all over your shirt.
Boyfriend: It抯 ok.
Mona: Oh, it抯 still wet. Let me get it out before it sets. Oh, I抳e got something you could wear. (gets the salmon shirt from her closet) Here.
Boyfriend: Oh, I don抰 wanna wear a woman抯 shirt.
(Ross makes a face.)
Mona: No, no, that抯 a man抯 shirt.
Boyfriend: It抯 awfully16 pink.
(Ross mouths 揑t抯 salmon!!?
[Scene: Chandler and Monica抯. They抮e organizing the cds.]
Chandler; Oh my God, honey, we are so meant to be together. Look, we both have copies of the Annie soundtrack.
(He holds them up.)
Monica: Honey, both yours.
(Rachel enters.)
Rachel: Hey, great advice on that Joey thing!
Monica: Oh, the work problem?
Rachel: It was perfect! Oh, it really felt like he was my friend again.
Chandler: What problem did you tell him you had?
Rachel: Oh, that抯 not important. The point is, I really, I think everything抯 going to be ok.
(Cut to Mr. Zelner抯 office. He抯 looking over something with two people.)
Mr. Zelner: May I help you?
Joey: You think you could just BUY my friend抯 baby?!!!!!!
Commercial Break
[Scene: The restaurant where Phoebe and Jim are having dinner.]
Phoebe: Isn抰 it funny how we kept running into each other? Someone really wants us to be together.
Jim: Someone does. Me.
Phoebe: Witty17 banter18? Well done.
Jim: So, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Phoebe: Well, I抦 a masseuse. I used to work at this place...
Jim: Do you like to party?
Phoebe: I, I, I like, I like parties.
Jim: You抮e wild, aren抰 ya?
Phoebe: Yeah, I guess, a little.
Jim: I抦 wild too.
Phoebe: So, um, anyway, I抳e, I抳e lived in New York somewhat wildly. Um, mostly since I was fourteen.
Jim: I抦 sorry. I抦 staring. It抯 just that you have the most beautiful eyes.
Phoebe: Stop.
Jim: And you抮e breasts!! Mmm!!!
Phoebe: Um, uh, look. You抮e coming on a little strong. I抦 giving you a benefit of a doubt, because it seems the universe really wants us to be together. So, why don抰 you start over and tell me about yourself?
Jim: I write erotic novels for children.
Phoebe: What?!
Jim: They抮e wildly unpopular.
Phoebe: Ok...
Jim: And you might be interested to know that I抳e got a Ph. D.
Phoebe: You do?
Jim: Yep. A pretty huge -
Phoebe: All right!!
(She leaves.)
[Scene: Chandler and Monica抯. They抮e still organizing the cds. Rachel抯 helping19.]
Chandler: (singing) The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow... (they抮e staring) (macho voice) There抣l be sun!
(Joey enters.)
Joey: Hey.
Monica: Hey.
Rachel: Oh, Joey, thank you for talking to me about that thing about my boss. That really meant a lot.
Joey: Oh, and just so you know, that guy is not going to be bothering you about that baby thing anymore.
Rachel: What?
Joey: Let抯 just say I took care of it.
(Rachel runs up to him.)
Rachel: Oh, oh, oh, oh, let there be more.
Joey: Don抰 worry. Don抰 worry. I just told him very nicely, that, (angrily) you don抰 go buying people抯 babies, so back off!!!
Rachel: What?!
Chandler / Monica: What?!
Rachel: Oh, no, no, no, Joey, he doesn抰 want to buy my baby. I just made that up!!
Joey: What?! Why?!
Rachel: Just so we could have something to talk about, so it wouldn抰 be awkward!!
Joey: And you couldn抰 think of anything else?!!!
Monica: You said your boss wants to buy your baby?!
Rachel: I can抰 believe you yelled at my boss! I抦 going to lose my job! What am I going to do?!!!
Chandler: You could sell your baby.
Rachel: Oh, Joey. I can抰 believe you brought my boss into this, I抦 going to get fired!
Joey: You lied to me!!
Rachel: Well, she told me to!!
Monica: Chandler has two copies of Annie!!
(Joey gives him a questioning look.)
[Scene: Mona抯. She is making out with her boyfriend on the couch. Ross is still behind the couch, looking through a catalog. The salmon shirt is on the rug, so he tugs20 on it. The coffee table hits Mona and she sees him.]
Mona: Oh my God!!! (they jump up) Ross!!!!!
Ross: Hello!
Mona: Ross, what are you doing?!
Ross: Not touching21 myself, if that makes anyone less uncomfortable.
[Scene: Mr. Zelner抯 office. Rachel knocks and enters.]
Rachel: Good morning. You wanted to see me?
Mr. Zelner: Please. Come in. Have a seat.
(She does.)
Rachel: Ok, look, Mr. Zelner -
Mr. Zelner: Oh, it抯 best that I speak first.
Rachel: Yeah.
Mr. Zelner: I抳e asked Lee from Human Resources to be here as witness to our conversation. If I, in any way implied that I wanted to buy your baby, I am sorry. Last week, when I was asking you when your due date was, I certainly wasn抰 asking when I was due your baby. And I want to be very clear that I understand it is your baby, and it is not mine to purchase.
Rachel: Well, as long as we are clear about that.
(She leaves.)
[Scene: The street. Monica and Phoebe are going to the dry cleaners.]
Phoebe: Oh, there it is.
Monica: That抯 not your regular dry cleaners.
Phoebe: I know, but that creepy guy I went on a date with goes there, so I had to find a new one. I had to find a new video store, a new bank, a new adult bookstore, a new grocery store.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: (louder) A new grocery store. The universe said I would meet a nice guy and that抯 what they gave me? (to the universe) When I get up there, I抦 going to kick some ass!!
Monica: It抯 all right, Phoebe, you抣l meet someone. If I can meet a great guy, so can you.
Phoebe: We both can. And we both will!
(Cut to inside the Bleeker Street Dry Cleaners.)
Phoebe: Why are you coming in with me?
Monica: Are you kidding, this is where they get out stains! This is like Disney Land for me. I抦 going to be over here, watching The Dance of the Clean Shirts.
(A guy enters.)
Guy: Oh, excuse me. I think you dropped - wow! I抦 sorry. It抯 just that you抮e so incredibly beautiful.
Phoebe: I抦 sorry about that too, but what are you going to do?
Guy: I hope you don抰 think I抦 crazy, but I feel like I抦 meant to pink this up. Do you believe in that kind of thing?
Phoebe: A little. (to the universe) Now you抮e talking.
Guy: Would you like to go out for a cup of coffee?
Phoebe: I, I, I would love to. Let me just tell my friend.
Monica: An ink stain. Hey, can I watch how you get this out?
Phoebe: She must have left.
[Scene: Chandler and Monica抯. Joey抯 pacing. Rachel enters.]
Rachel: Hi.
Joey: So, what, what happened?
Rachel: I抦 going to be ok. They抮e just happy that I抦 not suing them, that they gave me one month extra, paid maternity leave. So long as I understand that this money is not to be construed22 as payment for this, or any other child that I may bear.
Chandler: Wow, Ralph Lauren is really going out of the way to show that they抮e not in the baby buying business.
Rachel: Chandler, can you give us a minute?
Chandler: Oh, I抦 sorry. Are you kicking me out of my own living room? ...I抣l be in there.
(He goes into his room.)
Rachel: Joey, I抦 really sorry that I lied to you. I was just trying to -
Joey: Oh, it抯 ok. I know. I know.
Rachel: It kinda worked. I mean, I don抰 know about you, but I haven抰 thought about our thing since all this.
Joey: Oh, you抮e right. Yeah. It抯 kinda been like 搖s?again, a little bit.
Rachel: Y択now what, I抳e missed that.
Joey: Me too. I haven抰 thought at all how I put myself out there and said all that stuff, and how you didn抰 feel the same way about me, and...how it was really awkward...
Rachel: My gynecologist tried to kill me!!
Closing Credits
[Scene: Ross抯 place. He抯 on the phone, ordering some clothes.]
Ross: Item J4378. Color, winterberry. (Knock, knock. He opens the door to Mona) Hi. Um, listen, come in, come in. I抦 so, so sorry about that. I抦 really, really sorry. It抯 just I -
Mona: Listen, Ross, don抰 apologize. I, I understand why you were there.
Ross: You do?
Mona: Yeah. You still have feelings for me. To be honest, I, I still have feelings for you too and I wish we could work it out. But we can抰. It抯 too complicated, with you and Rachel and the baby. It just wasn抰 meant to be.
Ross: Oh, God, you抮e right.
Mona: Ross, we, we have to be strong. Ok, I, I抦 gonna go. (takes the shirt) Can I? To remember you?
Ross: ...No!
(He takes it back.)

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(用不同的录音手段)转录( transcribe的过去式和过去分词 ); 改编(乐曲)(以适应他种乐器或声部); 抄写; 用音标标出(声音) | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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n.安全的地方,避难所,庇护所 | |
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n.拒绝,被拒,抛弃,被弃 | |
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n.大叫,呐喊,喘息声;v.叫喊,喘息 | |
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n.额外津贴;赏钱;小费; | |
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小跑,急走( trot的名词复数 ); 匆匆忙忙地走 | |
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n.提升,晋级;促销,宣传 | |
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n.鲑,大马哈鱼,橙红色的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.坏事;恶习;[pl.]台钳,老虎钳;adj.副的 | |
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adj.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的 | |
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adv.照字母顺序排列地 | |
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n.(文学、艺术等的)类型,体裁,风格 | |
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n.母性,母道,妇产科病房;adj.孕妇的,母性的 | |
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adv.可怕地,非常地,极端地 | |
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adj.机智的,风趣的 | |
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n.嘲弄,戏谑;v.取笑,逗弄,开玩笑 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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n.猛拉( tug的名词复数 );猛拖;拖船v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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v.解释(陈述、行为等)( construe的过去式和过去分词 );翻译,作句法分析 | |
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