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英语听力—环球英语 595 Listener Mail 108

时间:2011-11-21 06:37来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1's listener2 mail program. I'm Joshua Leo.
Voice 2
And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Spotlight listeners3 write emails to us from around the world.
Voice 1
They leave comments on our website, and discuss many issues4 on the discussion5 board.
They join us on Facebook for the word of the day, and country week.
Voice 2
In today's program, we will join these conversations!
We start today with comments from listeners on our website. These listeners visit a program page. There, they can write a comment for other listeners to see. This month, listeners responded6 to many different programs.
Voice 1
One of those programs was "Physical Activity". This program looked at the importance of physical activity for health.
On the website, Iu wrote:
Voice 3
"I think physical activities are good for your health!
Everybody should do exercises, especially young people!
Young people often spend a lot of time working with computers, so they walk or do exercise little. This can affect their health."
Voice 2
Reno shared his favourite activities to stay healthy. And user8 Reflexivo added9:
Voice 4
"This program is a big motivation to have so much exercise in our lives."
Voice 1
Thanks for these interesting comments, and good ideas. We encourage all of you to exercise. If you would like to share your favourite exercise, visit our website: http://www.radio.english.net.
Voice 2
In a recent Spotlight program, we talked about an unusual place in Singapore. Most people on this island live in the city. But a small group of families live in a village - the last village on the island. We asked, is it better to live in a city or a village?
Voice 1
Listeners had many answers to this question.
Adem wrote:
Voice 5
"I lived in a small village when I was child. But I am living in a big city now. For me there are huge differences between living in a village and in a city. Which one is better? Of course the traditional is better. Living in the village is simple, friendly and healthy.
"You can find more time for yourself and for your friends, family, neighbours. That can help you feel better. As humans we can be happy if we help other people. Village life gives you more opportunity in that."
Voice 2
But another listener seemed to disagree. He wrote:
Voice 6
"I do not have a wife and I do not have children. Now I live in a big city. I live with my friend on the tenement10. I can have more time for my friends and family, everybody. Live great!"
Voice 2
So listeners, what do you think? Do you like living in cities, or villages? It sounds like there are many ways to live a good life!
Voice 1
Listeners also left comments about this program on our Facebook page. In fact, listener Lina Hong visited the village! She posted a picture too. To see it, go to facebook.com/spotlightradio.
Voice 2
There have also been many interesting discussions11 on the discussion boards on our website. There, listeners talk about the programs. They also discuss many issues of language and learning12.
Voice 1
One recent discussion started with a question about talking to foreigners. Jenny Nguyen asked about talking to foreigners and native English speakers. In these situations, how do you create confidence13? How do you trust your own ability?
Dat wrote:
Voice 7
"I used to be fearful14 when I talked to foreigners. But now, that is better, I feel more confident. Maybe, I will not have enough words to talk. In these situations, I use my body language. It is powerful15 and very useful."
Voice 2
Using body language is an excellent way to communicate - for example, by using your hands. This method communicates across languages.
Julia wrote:
Voice 8
"What I noticed is that people get more confident when they face their fears. They improve if they just keep talking, no matter what happens.
"You cannot be confident when you just start something new. But you can believe everything is going to work out just fine! There is a saying: "Practice makes perfect"!
"So just speak. Do not think about shyness, age or whatever you are afraid of."
Voice 1
This is a great attitude! Robert had one more idea:
Voice 9
"There is a big difference when I talk with native speakers and people who use English as a second language. I am much more confident when I am talking with other learners. I have noticed that they make the same or similar mistakes as me. Pronunciation is sometimes very similar to mine. And they sometimes do not know meanings of some words. I am more calm and our talk is easier for me."
Voice 2
This is a good idea. Using English successfully16 can help you to trust your ability. Starting with other learners can build that confidence!
Voice 1
Do you have an idea to share? Visit the discussion boards and read other listeners ideas. Then, write your own idea!
Finally, Myriam wrote an email to us from Colombia:
Voice 10
"I wanted to say many thanks for this page. This kind of method is very good for me. I would like to know if you have material related17 to business English. Specially7, are there readings that I can use to listen? This is my main
weakness in English."
Voice 2
Thank you for writing to us Myriam! Spotlight does not teach English. But many listeners like to listen to Spotlight to practice English. And business English is an important area for many people. We have many programs about business and business people. You can search for "business" in our search box. These are a few of the programs you might find:
Voice 11
Lijjat: Women in Business Together. In this program, we look at a group of women who started a food business together.
World Business Leaders. This series18 tells the stories of important business leaders and their work, including Guler Sabanci, Jamsetji Tata, Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie.
Big Ideas and Small Businesses. We look at the World Challenge19 Competition, and the small businesses who have won.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 listener J0Ixc     
  • I'm a regular listener to her show.我经常收听她的节目。
  • She became an attentive listener.她变成了一个专心致志的聆听者。
3 listeners 9f99697c78e088cb04e67afd7a9d1068     
n.倾听者,收听者( listener的名词复数 );听众
  • the demographics of radio listeners 电台听众统计数据
  • The singer's high notes jarred on the ears of her listeners. 那位歌手的高音让听众们觉得刺耳。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 issues fe5fe0415fc3e0ff4942d8454f363d2c     
(水等的)流出( issue的名词复数 ); 出口; 放出; (特别重要或大众关注的)问题
  • Let's start with the more easily addressable issues. 我们先从较容易处理的问题着手。
  • Employment and taxation are the bread-and-butter issues of politics. 就业和征税是很重要的政治问题。
5 discussion 2PBzj     
  • It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
  • After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
6 responded c73f9961000ace6c1fad4bf49de0e2b0     
回答,回报,响应( respond的过去式和过去分词 ); 有反应; 有效果; 有影响
  • Most of the staff who responded to the questionnaire were supportive. 回答了问卷的职员大多数表示支持。
  • She responded to the news by bursting into tears. 她听到那个消息后眼泪夺眶而出。
7 specially Hviwq     
  • They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.它们经过特别包装以便于堆放。
  • The machine was designed specially for demolishing old buildings.这种机器是专为拆毁旧楼房而设计的。
8 user vjVwX     
  • The company is the biggest user of oil.该公司是最大的石油用户。
  • The umbrella keeps the rains off the user.雨伞使撑伞人免受雨淋。
9 added mzJzm0     
  • They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。
  • The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
10 tenement Egqzd5     
  • They live in a tenement.他们住在廉价公寓里。
  • She felt very smug in a tenement yard like this.就是在个这样的杂院里,她觉得很得意。
11 discussions 48ee344d9a540894650ce4af27e169dd     
n.讨论( discussion的名词复数 );商讨;详述;论述
  • Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. 讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。
  • Her specialist input to the discussions has been very useful. 她在这些讨论中提供的专家建议很有助益。
12 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
13 confidence FObz0     
  • We have full confidence in our victory.我们有必胜的把握。
  • I should like to exchange a few words with you in confidence.我想私下和你交换点意见。
14 fearful tksxs     
  • What a fearful waste of time!简直太浪费时间了!
  • They are fearful of another business depression.他们担心会再次发生商业萧条。
15 powerful E1Zzi     
  • The UN began to get more and more powerful.联合国开始变得越来越强大了。
  • Such are the most powerful voices of our times!这些就是我们时代的最有力的声音!
16 successfully jsrwd     
  • The meeting passed off successfully.会议开得很成功。
  • At last we successfully put through the business deal.最终我们成功地完成了这桩交易。
17 related vkGzSv     
  • I am not related to him in any way.我和他无任何关系。
  • We spent days going through all related reference material.我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料。
18 series 1zzw1     
  • The students have put forward a series of questions.学生们提出了一系列问题。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
19 challenge 3rozD     
  • The job doesn't really challenge him.这项工作不能真正地考验他。
  • She looked at me with challenge.她带着挑战的目光看着我。
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